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Conflict With Flynn by Storm

It was late in August and I had settled in rather well. It was the annual Miss World beauty pageant and I was going to enter into the Miss France pageant. Steven had made and maintained a very strong alliance of people and the Purple Hell Fire Court was invincible. Flynn's court was a shamble. Everything was destroyed. Flynn made desperate attempts to redevelop his club but everyone did not want to know. By now Flynn had made an extremely bad reputation for himself, he was thought as nasty, cruel, vindictive and always very blasé. The girls and I were becoming closer and closer. Shockwave who was my best friend told me her deepest kept secrets and visa versa. A prince had just been introduced to the Club, Shadow. Shadow and I had become very good friends; he had been here a long while and had more authority than I did. I was by now very well known as was told by many people that I was very pretty. At the beginning of September I had to have a clear out. My room was an absolute mess. I tried over and over to try and clean it but failed, as it kept getting messier and messier. As it was September I needed a winter wardrobe so I placed a note in my diary telling me that I must go shopping and I placed it on the seventh of September. I was determined to make my room look recognisable. I told Alfred (my Head Butler) to have some cleaners employed into my staff. By now I had formed a Girl Gang so to speak. I called it the HFC Queens. It was a brilliant success, after all the men had a Males Only Bar.
The next day three cleaners arrived, Samantha, Christina and Sarah. They arrived in a company van. And it was like a stampede; I was on my bed writing a letter. And they barged in telling me that I must go and return in eight hours. Eight Hours!!! I thought to myself what on Earth am I going to do. Shockwave who was in the library told me that she was doing something really important, I went to Scarlett Mistress and thankfully she was not doing anything. We both decided to go shopping today. But before we did I had one thing to do, I had to speak to Steven. I ran to his office. His secretary told me he was engaged. I was outraged and went inside barging furiously past the old horrible looking woman. As I barged threw the door there was a man standing over Steven who was in his chair. It was Flynn, I immediately, because I was in shock placed a wind bubble around him. Flynn, who was now unable to move, was stood like a block of frozen ice. I ran to Steven who looked shocked, I pulled him from the somewhat very windy situation the room was encountering. When guards got him and placed him in the prison cell, (Dungeon!). I asked Steven what happened. He went on telling me who he was what he was and what had happened. Then he said he threatened to kill Steven because he destroyed his life. After that I was so angry and upset that this man actually got to Steven that I ran down to the Dungeon.
When I got there he was continuously knocking his head against the wall. I pulled him away from the rock-based wall. I threw him to the ground, in fear for his life he begged me to stop, Screaming 'I'm Sorry'. I was starting to calm down and I sat on the plank of wood that was almost set to charcoal. Flynn went on to tell me that he was sick of Steven and the whole Fu*king Purple Court and they think they can beat me no one can beat me he said. I then sarcastically pointed out to him that he was the one in the Dungeon not the Purple court. He seemed very upset by what he had done, and was crying. I said he was sorry but that when he got out of here he would eliminate the Purple Court and all who are dealt with it. I was very angry now and whipped him with my hand across the face. As soon as I did, he rose from the ground from where he was, he pulled his fist back and very quickly he thrust it forward hitting me on the cheek. I was furious and I was not going to take it, I set his hair on fire, and I placed his body under freezing conditions so he could only feel heat as the freeze tried to overrun the heat. He fell to his knees begging me to stop and I was about to leave when I thought to myself 'no I will let Steven deal with this' I ended the scenario and went back up to the castle.
A while later Steven came into my room. He had a desperate look on his face and I could tell that this was serious. He told me that Flynn wanted to fight the Purple Court he had been released because the remaining people in his court would do there best to capture him. He sent this letter. He showed it to me and it read.

'Purple Court,
I have decided that considering what you did to me I am going to rebel and fight against you troops and I will try my hardest to conquer your court. Nobody messes with Flynn no one!'

Steven looked at me desperate for a solution. I told him that I could kill him. He was so weak. Steven urgently notified me that he was only weak because the Castle had a spell cast upon it and no one who is not invited by the King to use there powers can use there powers. If it wasn't for that spell Storm you would have foundered. I was taken aback by his remark. And became very scared as Steven was warning me of his powers, he then told me that we Kings are not called Kings for nothing.
I then in a nervous voice started thinking of ways we could beat him. I pointed out that the Purple court had many more people in and the red only had few. He then said that was correct but only me and the queen have enough power to withstand his power, I then told him that his powers are weakening due to the disaster of his court. The Castle then went into frenzy as the intruder alarms went off. Everyone was rushing to his or her posts. I was at the centre of the house. I was female and weaker than the males so I was placed inside to avoid any harm coming to me. I then froze all the trees around the ground so that they could not climb into them and hide. I then flooded the area outside the perimeter malls so that no one could escape. This was it the castle was under siege. I could hear the trembling of powers outside. And then I felt this tap upon my shoulder, I turned around and it was Flynn. Suddenly before I could do anything he grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me to the ground with such force that it broke the marble. He lay over me as though he was about to rape me. But he whispered in my ear that I should never have hurt him. I was so angry yet hurt by the hit that I generated a pulse of wind so great it could kill. As he was arising I thudded him with the pulse of wind, which, sent him flying across the room. He retaliated and tried hitting me with electronic outbursts. I did my best to withstand them. Steven then came flying down stairwell he told me to get back. As I drew away Flynn sarcastically blew me a kiss, I was disgusted, how could he do that? Then the noise outside was silent. Steven and Flynn were circling around the room. And all the team congregated behind me except the queen who stood next to me, and Pren Xuis who also stood next to the queen.
What are we going to do? A hellion asked, well I have an idea I said, if we all combine our powers into a huge force on all parts, the we could blast him away killing him at the same time. It was very hectic around the castle. I was very anxious to see Flynn dead. After ten or so minutes circling Flynn made the first move he tried to bolt Steven with electricity but missed, Steven retaliated and used his Hypnotic powers to freeze him for a moment, so he could move out of the way of his next shoot. This hustle and bustle went on for about three minutes and everyone was looking for an ending to this situation. I decided to participate I told everyone to walk round into a circle around Flynn, I then told them to use there strongest force, and place it upon Flynn's body, I then warned them to step back as soon as they had done this. After the briefing we all did as I had said, when all of our powers were upon him all the king had to do was to blast him, when he did this it would activate our powers killing him almost instantly, I made the lake take it's original form and unfroze the tree's so that I had the most amount of energy. We were waiting for Steven just to blast him that was all. And he did with such force that Flynn went threw the ceiling and was blasted miles away. After there was a sigh of relief after all we had beaten these people, or had we. The question, 'was he dead?' stayed upon our minds. Flynn had an amazing resilience ability so it was very unlikely he would have died, but there was a fifty, fifty chance. Later that same day. I went to shockwave who had not one scratch upon her face. I asked her what she thought of the battle; she was shocked because it was extremely difficult. But all the remaining hellions and inner circle members of the red court had been eliminated well almost everyone. At the dinner afterwards there was much talk happening, I was telling Shadow that he had blew me a kiss. He was discussed. From that day forth I did as much training as possible to become more powerful and stronger. IHFCQueen was a success almost all the females in the purple court were in it, I had to fly to France to audition for the Miss France beauty pageant. The battle was a success I received a call from the red courts spokesperson saying that Flynn had been badly hurt and that he may not retrieve his memory. Everyone was overjoyed by the news and there was a huge party to celebrate.

Story written by Storm
'Elle Freebush'