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Dominance Written by the then Red Knight, but now Blue King, Steven Booth

He stood there in silence, engrossed in his own thoughts. And three rather frustrated people watched this man. They waited, careful not to disturb him. As if, one word from his firm lips, might bring the ceiling down. Sebastian was finally jolted out of his thoughts by the gentle cough of a radiant woman.
“Thank you Emma,” said Sebastian. The woman, in white leather clothes and a white silken cape trimmed with the most beautiful fur, only smiled an innocent schoolgirl smile. There was a silence as these two faces met.
But this was short lived as a very stern, demonic voice tore in, “ Why did you call us here Shaw. To watch you and Emma ogle each other or to address the leaders of the Hellfire Club with one of your speeches, o fearless Black King?” That voice could only belong to one woman. The External Selene. It had a certain morbid ness about it Selene’s voice. As if one word could strike you stone dead.
“Why thank you Selene for your interruption,” the Black king uttered. The man sat in the corner just laughed.
“Something funny?” questioned Selene, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. But the man kept on laughing until tears he shed from his eyes.
“ Well here we are. Me, Eric Lennershaw, the mighty Magneto and fearless White King. Sebastian Shaw the ruthless Black King and the two equally gorgeous, equally dangerous Black and White Queens. And it’s like an episode of Beverley Hills. There’s Emma and Sebastian playing puddydog eyes and Selene being the parent. What a bunch of humans!” The triad looked directly at then. If looks could kill Magneto would be dead. And Magneto looked directly back. His expression was one of embarrassment. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting the Black King began talking.
“I called us all here for a purpose. Our Hellfire Club has some pitiful rivals. There has been an uprising in the Hellfire Club at Las Vegas has made itself known to the Inner Circle. Although I doubt they pose any threat to us, I think we should be on our guard. Spread what you have heard this night amongst the Inner Circle. Then they too can alert the members. And I want these “people” surveyed at all times. They can’t breathe without me knowing how many breaths they take! Now... I wish to eat. Allow all the Inner Circle to come to our luncheon. Well don’t just stand about. We have business to tend to!”
Then Sebastian followed by Emma, then by Eric and finally Selene vacated the room.

All around the Circle Club’s dining room elegance was radiated. From the $5,000,000 diamond at the centrepiece to the carnations in the crystal vases. You couldn’t be a normal person if you were dining here. You must have been MEGA loaded! There was idle chitchat in the room. And as always Mrs. Downey was at centre of a group of men. Throughout the entire duration of her life, that woman had leeched everything she owned. Even though this room was as luxurious as luxury gets it was absolutely crap compared to the Inner Circle’s dinning room. The entrance hall was surrounded by ancient and fantastic masterpieces of art. But it was the dining table itself that would invigorate the senses. It was ivory and gold! And each of the ten thrones was so heavenly.
The room was alive with laughter, conversation and…. well, a certain degree of friendship was emitted from the room. And respect. For the instant the exquisite doors opened the room fell into complete silence. And every single person, woman or man, black and white, Hellions and general members rose to their feet in a salute. For at this moment the Inner Circle itself had entered the room. And as they made their way towards the their dining room the people knelt and shook their hands. And finally when the last person, infact the White Rook, vacated the room and large sigh of relief was uttered.
“Greetings! Inner Circle,” bellowed Sebastian Shaw in his businessman voice, “today I have called this emergency dinner in order of a threat more deadly than the Legacy Virus, more powerful than Apocalypse more…” his voice trailed off as he was interrupted by a man in a white cloak, mitre and walking stick.
“We get the point Shaw,” the roily man said with sheer annoyance in his voice, “get to the point!” Sebastian Shaw, the fearless Black King of the Hellfire, actually looked hurt.
“I was only trying to set the scene, apply a mood to our meeting. Sorry for being creative Donald,” Sebastian said through gritted teeth. “ If you want to keep your position of White Bishop, speak only when spoken too!” There was a little silence then the Black King with some amusement laughed out, “ Please sit. Anyway the purpose for this meeting. Two words: Red Court.” The nine faces fixated upon the man sat in an elaborate throne.
“What has the London branch been up to now?” muttered Harry Leyland, the Black Bishop, “I told you Shaw, there were more trouble than the are worth. I mean…” Harry was cut sharply short.
“It is not the London branch. In Las Vegas , recently an elite group of young people have bought a mansion similar to ours. Apparently they are a new Hellfire Club. Yet none of the other Clubs were informed. And like us they throw some wild parties. But that is the relatively innocent side to them. They have a hidden agenda. Led by the mysterious Flynn Ryan, the “InterNETional Hellfire Club Inner Circle” has begun to commit certain acts of…. Criminality.”
The Black king paused, and slowly sipped some rather sweet wine from a chalice made of pure gold. After his little drink the Black King continued, “This so called Hellfire Club consists of rather concerning five people. But these five Inner Circle members have destroyed whole gangs. In L.A. there are many crude and evil mobsters, and within a month the Hellfire Club has made them into fish food. And they have similar plans for New York. I sent Charlton, our number one spy to meet the Red King. I recorded the conversation for you all. I’ll play it now.”
Although the Inner Circle was highly shocked-they should be, they listened with concentration to the two voices.
One familiar, and one a total stranger. As he breathed his first words all realised he was a man not to mess with. “Hello, Mr.?” Started this man with the icy voice.
“Mr Charlton. I am here on behalf of the New York division of the Hellfire Club. And...” Charlton was interrupted replaced with that sharp scratching voice, “The mighty New York branch. Led by the powerful Sebastian Shaw. So what do you fools want? If it’s to tell us to stop being "naughty". Then you have made a journey you need not. And before you jump in with a little snide comment I will say one thing for you to tell Sebastian. Flynn Ryan, Margali Stryzvorze, Ian Henthorwn, Steven Booth and Scribe are coming to New York. And we all have sufficient power to eliminate the whole Hellfire Club.”
There was a silence then the tape was cut off. And the entire room fell silent. Every person was in complete shock. Never before had someone threatened the mightiest group on Earth before. By all means, idiots have challenged them and fallen victim to their mighty hand. But it took someone special to take over the whole of L.A. And as if the atmosphere wasn’t enough to scare any sane person witless Sebastian Shaw spoke again. “ And this is what is left of Charlton.”
That instant he elevated a severely severed head into the air. All, even Magneto fell victim to odorous and monstrosity of it. And for three hours the Inner Circle sat, and sat, and sat. Until finally a maid issued the party’s end.
“We are in sheer danger,” uttered the White Queen in a whimpering voice.
“Pull your self together,” scowled Selene in her witch voice, “The Hellfire Club is an impregnable fortress. And besides we are the INNER CIRCLE!!” This livened up the mood.
“Yes,” replied Magneto, “ I wield the very essence of magnetism. Let Tim Lion or Flynn Iron or whatever his name is challenge me. I’ll CRUSH them!”
And in a melody of agreement Harry Leyland rose to his feet. “ I do agree! I could crush him merely by elevating my finger. How foolish. Whom shall we fear…” he was interrupted.
“No one,” screeched Fitzroy and Mydeline both Rooks of the Club. After this wave of recognition that the Hellfire Club feared no one the White Rook (Fitzroy) ordered a casket of champagne. They celebrated long into the night and early into the morning. Little did they know this could be the last time they saw one another.
“I’ve located her,” a strained voice said. It was that of …
“ Good work Steven. You’ve proved your telepathic powers give you the honour of the Red Knight.”
If he weren’t straining so much Steven Booth would have lapped this praise up like a kitten drinking fresh cream. “She’s inside a mansion at 2365 Grimalkins Lane, New York. It’s.. hur.. only one minute away. It is a good job Emma Frost gives off such a powerful aura,” uttered the pressurised Red knight.
“Marvellous!” a malevolent voiced exclaimed, “I’ll assemble the team.”
The sun’s light brought the whole world back to life. It filled every nick, every cranny with the pure essence of radiance and sunshine. Yet it failed to enlighten the heart of a certain young lady.
“Is this how it will always be Emma?” she said to herself, “are you always going to be the millionaire Emma Frost owner of Frost Enterprises and White Queen of the Hellfire Club? Sure I have my wealth, friends and a future but I lack one special thing a woman wants, a woman needs. And that is child…” Emma was propelled back to reality by the warmth of the man who stood behind her.
“Oh hi there Sebastian. Recovered from last night?” There was no response. So playfully Emma spun around. But she didn’t see her loving companion. Only the barrel of a gun. The shot was short and sweet. It made a little noise for such a large gun. The bullet pierced her skin. Only takes one itchy trigger and a life can be taken. As graceful as a ballerina Emma Frost fell to the soft velvety floor. Was this her final resting place?
“Enter,” mumbled a voice from within the main bedroom. As Sebastian awoke his eyes met those of a very familiar pair. Terror seized him. “Shinobi?” But suddenly his rather delectable wife Selene averted his attention.
“Did you say something darling?”
Sebastian couldn’t gather his words. But finally he managed to squeak out, “I….saw….Shinobi.” The entire colour drained from Selene’s face.
“Darling, Shinobi is dead remember. The plane crash? We only just escaped but Shinobi burned.” The Black King arose from his bed in a wave of pure and utter anger.
“I know but I saw him! I did. He was right there.” He pointed towards his dresser. “ He was stood right there.” Selene’s clothes began to swirl.
Firstly her nightie came of rendering her naked body to all. Then her nudity was replaced with her trademark Spider suit. And as if she was a mental patient she threw her head back in hysterical laughter. The Black King by now was on his feet covering up his parts with a pillow.
“ What the hell’s going on?” he protested in a very stern, angry voice.
“You blind fool!” screamed Selene, “ Shinobi never died. I saved him. And why you ask. So he could have the satisfaction of killing his father. Using my godlike power I resurrected him to kill you. If you wouldn’t have drunken so much whiskey you wouldn’t have crashed the plane. And you wouldn’t have killed my boy!”
Telekinetically, Selene threw Sebastian onto the floor. “The greatest pain a mother can have is to bury her child!” Her telekinetic grip was tightening, “and you CAUSED that pain. You!” Now she flung him into a wall with a good solid bone rattling sound. “ I am going to kill you,” she said with a whole lot of anger in her voice. Yet there was a tone of sadness of sorrow. Then her emotions overwhelmed her giving Sebastian a chance to wallop his wife. And finally he pinned her and held a sword to her neck. But suddenly he was struck over the head with a sharp blow from a fire poker. A hand covered in the most elegant red leather helped Selene up.
“Do not worry Selene,” the strongly German accent whispered, “The InterNETional Hellfire Club are here.”
The room was so beautiful in the morning light. All the full extravagance could be seen now. Every ounce of gold, every carat of diamond, all these luxuries could be acknowledged to the fullest potential. Even the fine threads on the clothes of Harry Leyland, the Black Bishop could be seen. As he strolled through his room, soaking up the warmth the sun brought he felt so powerful, so complete. Deep in his own thoughts, the ringing of his telephone rudely awaked Harry. Who knew his number? Rather bewildered he picked up his so very expensive telephone.
“Who is it?” he enquired in his snooty, high-pitched voice. There was a mumble of words, groans and pants. Once again, rather annoyed this time, Harry said, “Who is this?” There was a little voice that was barely audible. But suddenly this voice grew louder and louder.
“Hello, Harry?” the voice said, “Harry?” Felling a sudden panic Harry Leyland screeched back, “ Yes it is Harry. Who is this?”
“Oh, thanks be to God it’s you Harry. Brian Braddock here from London division .A catastrophe has unfolded. These bandits that call themselves the InterNETional Hellfire Club have had two moles here in my Club. It turned out Margali Stryzvorze and Scribe are working for them. They attacked me and killed Ms. Steed. But most shocking is that you also have some moles in your group. Mydeline Pryor, Fitzroy and Selene. I recommend you get out of there now!” Harry put the phone down.
What did he do? He got the hell out of there! He was about to run through the door when a space portal whipped him away. Then as fast as he had left Harry was back. Only this time he was impaled upon a spike.
“Ooh, that’s got to hurt,” said his assassin. Then he smoothed out his green hair.
“How I love to eat breakfast in the garden,” sighed Donald Pierce in a happy tone. Perhaps because Ms. Crowley was sat in front of him. And she dropped her purse on the floor. How unfortunate. She’d have to bend over to retrieve it.
“Hmm.. that’s the angle I really like,” Donald muttered carefully ogling his fancy woman. “One day I might just ask her out. I bet she could teach me a thing or to..” he said dreamily. The maid came along to refill his coffee mug. And as she did Donald could she right down her top. “Paradise!” he said. Realising what a pervert he was the maid poured coffee over his rather big head. He leaped to his feet in protest. If only he’d had watched his back. Suddenly the maid…. well exploded! And as Donald turned around he was propelled into a wall with a most powerful force. Then he felt himself burning from within. Before he passed out Donald caught a glimpse of his assassin. A small man, in a red body suit, with a red cloak. But his most striking feature was his mitre. And his dark icy eyes, behind those callous dark glasses.
“Never again,” grumbled the White King, holding his head as it throbbed. “How can something, such as alcohol that is so very beautiful, give me so much pain?” Eric crawled out of bed. His strong steel like anatomy felt like a Blob of jelly. Finally he managed to put some aspirin into his mouth and swallow them with a little help from some water. His throat hurt. And the odour of vomit entreated entrance into his nostrils. And it climbed-no slithered up from his stomach and exploded onto the carpet. After he had violently vomited he sat on his throne to regain himself. And as every day, he unscrewed the top of a bottle of red wine.
“That’s odd,” he said inquisitively, “when did I open that? Probably when I came back from that party.” He poured the sparkling red liquid into a most brilliant crystal glass. And, as if rising for a toast, he ejected it into the air. “How fine,” he said, “only the wealthy can really appreciate the beautiful essence which is wine!” he said rather loud. Then rather more energetically than before he strolled over to his bedside table and indulged in the exquisite cheese that lay on the mantle. As the blue substance entered his mouth he felt a most unusual burning sensation. And as the little pieces entered his throat he started to choke. To clear his throat, as the sea washes away the impurities of the seabed, he sipped the tasty wine. But to no avail. He carried on choking and choking until a solid hand bruised his back. And, as a catapult projects stones, the wedge of cheese flew out of his mouth. Magneto dropped to the floor, regaining his regularity of breathing. As he turned to congratulate his saviour, he met a sight that enraged him. His most hated member of the Hellfire Club- Trevor Fitzroy had just saved him. He extended his hand to alert the White Rook he wanted aid getting up.
But Fitzroy merely kicked his strong arm away. How many people’s lives has Magneto destroyed with that one hand? Fitzroy stood staring in utter disgust at Magneto. After stumbling to his feet Magneto yelled in his headmaster voice, “What is the big idea Fitzroy? You knew I needed assistance.” Magneto expected an answer. But all he got was a time portal that teleported him somewhere.
The corridor was so very quiet. It was a deathly silence. As if Selene had drained the very life force out of the whole mansion. And the over elaborate room seemed so dark. All the gold, silver, ivory, velvet and silk seemed so tacky. What was missing from the Inner Circle wing?
It was so very dark. And dinghy. Where was he? A rodent scurried past. It heightened his senses tremendously. There was faint dripping. Drip..drip..drip…drip. It was almost rhythm tic. Magneto felt the firm rope surrounding his hands. He was unable to move. He sensed for metal. And to his disbelievement his powers were gone. There was a moan coming next to him. And to his utter amazement lying adjacent to him was his only rival in the Hellfire Club, Sebastian. As his body turned Magneto noticed the discomfort of his friend. His sudden jerk made Eric notice his horrific head injury.
Who could have the power to attack and render both the Black King and myself useless? Suddenly a light jolted on. It illuminated the room in which the two men found themselves captive. But the newly found light also uncovered what seemed to be the lifeless bodies of Emma Frost, Donald Pierce and Harry Leyland. Then as quick as it had appeared the angelic light lost its radiance. As before the room was filled with the lifeless black that is darkness. Once again Eric Lennershaw resumed his thinking. What force could unleash such an onslaught upon us the Inner Circle of the infamous New York Hellfire Club? And where are Selene, Fitzroy and Mydeline? This makes absolutely no sense to me. And as fat as lightning can strike Magneto had answered his own question. And also unlocked his most deadly fear. He had been captured. This was not allowed! He is the mighty and powerful Magneto. But he simmered down. It couldn’t be the Inner Circle of Hong Kong. They are in Alaska. Nor the London branch, they too are in Alaska for the big meeting.
What a shame we passed on the negotiations. Oil is so precious. And I spoke to the branches only two hours ago. It must be.. Oh no! It had happened.
Just has the mysterious Red king Flynn Ryan had said. They had attacked and defeated us. Us the Inner Circle! But if that is true where are the three missing members. On vacation!? Suddenly, almost mechanically, Emma arose from the hard and damp steel floor.
“It’s okay Emma dear,” Eric said in a foreign reassuring voice.
“Where. Where am I?” questioned Emma in a voice of agony and confusion. She glanced briefly around the room. “Where the hell are we!” she screamed, “ and why can’t I scan anyone!” She went into a fit of hysterics, jilting up and down. But then as if for a second time a sharp unbearable pain was felt in her stomach. She remembered that she’d been shot. “Shot by Mydeline,” she said hypnotically. Magneto’s facial expression changed to one of bewilderment.
“Shot by Mydeline,” Eric uttered, his amazement clearly showing, “What do you mean?”
Emma shouted in a most annoyed and angry voice, “Shot, you know, shot with a gun. POW!”
As fiercely Magneto shot back, “Yes but by Mydeline!!!!!!!????” Emma only nodded. Briefly Emma’s powers were restored.
“AAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!” she screamed as a torrent of mental energy overpowered her. Then it was shut off.
“EMMA!” Eric shouted awakening her. “There dead,” Emma sobbed, “ Harry and Donald. There DEAD! But *sniff* sniff *Sebastian* is alive.” There was silence. Each felt the stabbing pain that there heart felt. Some remorse for not being able to help their closest friends
. There was a deafening silence. It was short lived by the piercing words of a highly angered Emma Frost, “Those traitors!” Eric turned directly to her.
“Those bloody traitors! They tried to kill me. They tried to kill us all!” Her ranting was shortly interrupted by the tyrannical sound of a door unbolting. As the heavy door swung open the only glimpse of the persons entering were a foot enclosed in a bright red leather shoe.
In fear, Emma wriggled over to Eric for protection. Then eight people, rather proudly strode into the cell. Emma noticed five of those malevolent faces. They were the Black and White Rooks, Fitzroy and Mydeline, the tyrannical monstrosity they called Selene and two rather shocking faces. Those of Scribe and Margali Stryzvorze, both members of the Inner Circle of the London Court. The other three men were complete strangers.
“Good morning, sleeping beauties,” bellowed the tall man. “Had a nice sleep?”
Emma realised that voice. “It’s you!” she gasped, “the Red King, Flynn Ryan.” The man stepped forward and began to laugh. His laughter resembled that of the evil Mr. Sinister.
“Yes my dear,” he grinned, “I am Flynn Ryan! Then Red King of the Las Vegas and soon to be New York division of the Hellfire Club. I warned you we were coming. And sooner than preparing for the war ahead you arrogantly celebrated your victory. A little premature of you? You drank and feasted, oblivious to the devastation those couple of hours brought upon you. We only needed the word. Our moles told us of how you could all barely stand up. So we attacked. And unfortunately killed some of you. The living we have plans for. Really good plans. But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce the new and improved InterNETional Hellfire Club. Well of course I am Flynn Ryan-the one and only Red King! And to reign beside me is the elegant Margali Stryzvorze - my Red Queen. And as my chief advisor Ian Henthorwn- my Red Bishop. And to direct my warfare-the Red Knight, Steven Booth. And I am sure you know Selene. Or should I say the Red Pawn. And here are my three loyal Pawns: Scribe, Mydeline Pryor and Trevor Fitzroy. Together we make the Inner Circle.”
Emma and Magneto exchanged glances. Each could tell the others were scared. Telepathically, Steven probed them. And in a caring yet threatening voice he said, “Are you scared? You are. Good. For we are your captors, your….”
“Enough,” screamed Selene, “ They aren’t up to telepathic probes.”
“I agree,” interrupted the Red King, “ Take them to the main meeting hall. Dress them up really nice and fancy. We have a party to go to.” As obedient as a dog to its master the members began to file out of the room carrying the three captive prisoners. Well, all except Ian.
“What are we to do with the deceased,” he questioned.
Steven turned around and his hand began to flare with heat. Then the whole carcasses of the fallen bishops were incinerated in a bath of flames. “What carcasses?” he laughed loudly.
“Oh, my head hurts,” sighed Sebastian clutching his head in his hands. The two other people arose and started to comfort him. “What in Mickey Mouse has happened?” cried Sebastian in a voice clearly showing his discomfort.
“We have been assimilated by the Red Court,” began Magneto in a voice far from jolly. The attacked whilst we were vulnerable. And slaughtered are two friends: Harry and Donald.”
Sebastian looked astounded. His face itself was twisted in all positions. “Selene!” he screamed, “She tried to kill me.” He raised to his feet it anger. “Where is she? And Mydeline and Fitzroy. What aren’t you telling me? Frost?” Sebastian repeated in his voice. “They were working for the Red Court all along. Spying on us all the time. And listen to this: they did most of the attacks!”
The room went into bliss. Emma telepathically showed Sebastian everything. When she had finished Sebastian fell to the floor. His normal healthy red face was drained of its colour. Replaced with a stony lifeless grey.
“It’s gone!” he yelled loudly, but getting quieter, “it’s all gone!” Then Sebastian’s mood suddenly shifted. “How dare they!” He stood up. “I am the Black King! No one defies me! I’ll destroy them all!” He began strolling to the door. But as he turned the knob it was immobilised.
“I can not allow you to make a fool of yourself. How can you kill them without your powers? The Red Bishop can terminate them so quickly. You might as well shoot yourself.” It was Magneto who took action.
Seeing the sad sullen faces of his two friends he said, “We are truly at the mercy of this new Club.” There was a long silence. Then there seemed to be a very very very loud noise coming from the dining room.
“ What’s going on?” spoke Emma inquisitively. There was a moments thought.
Through strained hearing Sebastian could hear some music and chatter. “By Jove,” he said, “the are having a members party.”
“Well, it is bamboozling!” said Mr. Copperfield; “they had a party last night!” Then people around him merely nodded. There discussion was rudely disrupted by a snooty waiter with a strong French accent, “Bonjour monsieur’s, there est. a table pour cinq over there.”
His bony finger showed them a marvellous table, with an isle next to it. The whole room emitted puzzlement as to why a “meeting” had been called so urgently. Of course Madame Duval, who wished she was an Inner Circle member, had all the answers. A shame she was wrong. The music was cut short, as was every conversation. And simultaneously the guests scurried to their allocated places. And as always the were on their feet. The exquisite and over elaborate doors were swung open. And to everyone’s amazement only three people walked gracefully through. The Black Queen, The Black Rook and the White Rook. And as per usual they processed down to the Inner Circle dining room. But before they entered the Black Queen turned around.
And in her witch voice she screeched, “Greetings! Tonight, my people, is a night unlike any other. For tonight the Inner Circle has been relegated. It has been abandoned. For The Black King, White King, White Queen, Black Bishop and White Bishop has betrayed us. They have stolen all the funds and left to peruse their filthy dreams. But have no fear. Because the Inner Circle of the InterNETional Hellfire Club has taken us under its wing. And a new Club is born!”
The crowd we astonished. The doors opened and all the Red Court walked in. They greeted the three whom had declared their presence. Then the Red King moved forward. He cleared his voice and spoke in a most fine accent.
“I am the new unrivalled leader of the Hellfire Club. The Inner Circle is to be stream lined into one single suit: Red. I am the new chairman. And I have taken on leadership of this Club. Any objections? I thought not.”
As much as the crowd could not believe it they accepted what had happened. And they got to know one another. Amidst the noise and fun of the party three voices ran unheard. Those of Eric Magnus Lennershaw, Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw. But no one heard them.
The party finally ended when the last guest left. The new Inner Circle went into their luncheon hall. “You,” began Sebastian in a voice that resembled glass. But he was overpowered by the chilling voice of Flynn Ryan.
“Do not start!” he said, “ a new era has begun for your former club. For today it is taken over by me. I have new plans. And they don’t include you three. For I am power! And with my Inner Circle I will conquer all ! And those like Ms. Steed, Brian Braddock, Harry Leyland and Donald Pierce who annoy me will be crushed.” He breathed a little. . “My life is good,” he said, “but better without you three!”
He made the slightest gesture reaching through the RED and cutting off the flow of blood to their brains.. When he had finished three lifeless bodies which had died a painful death fell to the floor. Their faces were twisted in disorientation. And Flynn Ryan looked around him. The wealth, the gold, the pure elegance.
The LUXURY! “Yes,” he said, “I’m going to like it here.”

The End.