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His Royal Highness, the Blue King himself!

(or RKB for short)

Read on and learn more about the man behind the Blue Hellions and the Blue Hellfire Club!

Name: Lord/ Professor Steven Andrew Joseph George Booth.
Codename: Mental Rogue, Exploder, RedKnightBishop (RKB). Mental Rogue is his usual codename when he is not indulging in Court matters. Otherwise he is referred to as RKB.
Title/Rank: Technically he is still the Black King of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club. Within the InterNETional Hellfire Club, he was Red Knight, Red Bishop, Purple King and Hellion Headmaster. He was also Black Headmaster and Black Rook. He was the Purple King and Headmaster of the Purple Hellfire Club. Now, he is the Blue King of the Blue Hellfire Club.
Alias: Dr. Booth, Mental Rogue, and Mr. Exploder.
Age: 180 years old.
Height: A very short man, 5”3’.
Weight: 80 pounds.
Eye Colour: Icy blue (variable, illusions can cause them to change).
Hair Colour: Blonde/White (variable, illusions can change the colour).
Skin Colour: Chalky white (side affect of his age).
Features: He has very small, piercing eyes, very deep in colour. He has short, icy white hair that is always smartly groomed. An average size nose, long face, and small ears and faded lips. Has very small glasses that he usually rests on the end of his nose.
Martial Status: He has always been single and rarely dates. It was revealed in ,a href="familybonds.html">Family Bonds *HF* that Steven was once married.
Religion: Steven is a very devout Catholic.
Nationality: English.
Family Background:Is direct relation to the Royal House of England. He is still a member of the Booth family, very close relations to the Royal Family.
Siblings: Earl Andrew Pennington Spencer Booth, younger brother. 149 years old.
Offspring: It was recently revealed Kyle Eccleston is his son.
Current Residence: He has many residences all over the world, his main ones: a 16th century castle in England, (the home of the Blue Hellfire Club) a 19th century castle in Jamaica (the retreat and backup base of the BLHC) and his beach house in Florida. He also owns a small island near Jamaica. Has a house in Seattle, New York, Canada, Japan and Rome.
Former Residences: Windsor Castle, England.
Education: Steven is an exceptionally clever man; having PhD’s in human biology, ecology, psychology, chemistry, physics, genetics, mutation and religion. He also has master degrees in English, French, German, maths, geography, history and ICT. Steven is a qualified surgeon, medical doctor and can teach all the way to University degrees. Has a good technical knowledge.
Financial Status: Steven is the richest man in the world, having a multi-billion dollar industry and a large inheritance from his Royal connections.
Occupation: Is the CEO, President and owner of Booth Incorporate. Booth Incorporate is the collective name for the many businesses owned by the Purple Blue, Steven Booth. The best way to think about it is like this: the name Booth Incorporate is the figurehead; it is the collective name of all the industries the King owns. Then it breaks down into the entire individual businesses. Steven is the Chief Executive Officer, President and Owner of Booth Incorporate. For all the individual businesses, Steven is the President and Owner, but in most of them he has elected a Chief Executive Officer to look after the company for him and report to him.
In the Booth Industry hierarchy, the person who is second to Steven as Vice President is Ian Fitzroy. He is the person who most of the CEOs report to and then Ian compiles all the information and presents it to Steven.
Here are a list of businesses, firms and companies the Blue King owns:
Booth Institute For Genetic, Biological and Mutation Development
This is Steven's main business. There are about 60 of these institutes worldwide in almost every country in the world. To the public, these are places where top scientists from all over the world come and study mutation, genetics and biology. These institutes are extremely respectable and some of the top names learn and train at these facilities. But these establishments are also secret places for mutants to come if they need medical help, and they can also learn to use their mutant powers here. The institutes also offer a top-level education for mutants, a safe house for them to live and also a home to call their own. When a student graduates they either go into the world as an educated individual or stay on to teach others and work at the Institute.
Steven Booth Academy For Higher Learning
Like the institutes, these schools, about 45 in total, are seen to the public as private educational facilities where children with exceptional intellectual capabilities can go and train to their fullest. But, like the institutes, they have a hidden secret. They are indeed schools, but schools where mutants can go and have a normal education and live at a school where they won't be feared.
The Blue King has actually taught at many of these, his favourite being the Westbridge Academy in Kentucky. It should also be noted that the Blue Hellfire Club has a large Academy attached, where Steven and the rest of the Inner Circle members teach students.
Toilliver Industries
Recently, it was revealed that Steven bought the shipping company Toilliver Industry from the former White Queen, Jon 'Nytshade' Toilliver. This company handles packages and other forms of mail all over the world.
Booth's Pharmaceuticals
Steven Booth owns this large company, one of the largest in the world. He tried to buy the former Black King's pharmaceutical company, but Jack Silver didn't budge.
His main rivals are Darkholme Industry but Steven enjoys the pharmaceutical industry, and plans to take his company to new heights.
This is an airline and holiday company Steven bought in 1942, during the war, when it was extremely rare for families to travel abroad. However, Steven invested a lot of money into it and now it is one of the major airline and holiday operators in the world, flying to over 200 countries. Steven owns nearly 50 jumbo jets, 20 concords and about 20 other fuselages.
Sun Blessed Cruises
This is a crusieliner holiday company Steven bought at the same time as Airtours. Even though it isn't as big and successful as Airtours, Sun Bless Cruises is a very large and booming as the airline company. Steven owns about 50 cruise ships, all luxury liners.
Manchester United Football Club
Back in England, Steven is the chairman and Chief Executive Officers of the countries biggest and most successful soccer team, something he has always delighted in and often watches them play. This is more of a luxury than a business opportunity, but it still brings him a lot of capitol for which he is thankful.
Booth Towers
Worldwide chain of extremely luxurious six star hotels owned by the Blue King.
Chez Etienne

A small chain of restaurants in America that Steven set up. They are expensive, but not really all that famous.
Booth Nuclear Power Plant
Steven owns a nuclear power plant that covers most of the energy production on the west coast of America. It is a large power plant and has many rivals in the energy production market.

One should also note the Blue King owns many hospitals, university's, boarding schools and education facilities.
Former Occupation: Black King of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club, Leuitenant of the British Army.
Qualifications/ Skills: Apart from all his educational pursuits, Steven can also speak Latin, German and French. He is a top-notch doctor and surgeon. He can pilot most aeroplanes and has some experience in shuttles, but this is extremely limited.
Fashion Sense: Steven is an elaborate spender, always wearing the most expensive and finest clothes.

Powers: Steven is one, if not the most powerful telepath on earth. It is certain that no telepath wields the skill Steven possesses, but it is argued that some telepaths have more raw power. He has all the attributes of a telepath. He also has very powerful telekinethesis, which he uses to fly. He can phase himself, others and even inanimate objects. His teleportation skills are so perfected, that he can teleport upto 100 tonnes of matter. He also has the power to create illusions, and can warp the astral plane, cutting off accessability to it, but both skills are very dangerous to use.
Extra Abilities: He possesses kinetic telepathy. RKB’s body, like everyone else’s, creates kinetic energy when it moves. Steven’s body converts this energy into psionic energy, and it flows through his mind. He can only release it when he uses his telepathy or telekinethesis. But when it is needed, Steven can move the psionic energy across the Astral Plane. On the Astral Plane, Steven can direct that energy into a person’s mind. Once the psionic energy enters, Steven can warp it back into kinetic energy, causing the physical force to make the brain explode. It has been officially revealed Steven has a very unique healing factor. He can sustain illnesses and injuries like every human, but over a long time he can completely recover from them. This raises the question if he is a real External. His body is old but in good condition which shows some signs of immortality.
Steven also has the ability to confuse messages to the brain, effectively cutting a mutant from their powers.

Fitness: In combat, his is not fit, because of his body’s age, but he relies heavily upon his powers. He has diabetes and gastroenteritis, which can kill him if not controlled.
Combat Skills: He is a very good ninja, swordsman, but he replies upon his powers more than physical connections, as his body’s fitness has declined over time.
Battlefield Information: He isn’t very good at team battles, because he is more of a commander, but can analyse a situation and also provide an accurate plan and his time on the Army provides him with the ability to organise soldiers.

Duties Within The Courts: He is still the ‘silent’ Black King of the Beverley Hills Club, but he only leans upon that if absolutely necessary. As Blue King, Steven is the head of the Blue Inner Circle and in sole command of every aspect of the Blue Hellfire Club, along with the Blue Queen. He is also Hellion Headmaster taking on not only the physical training of the Hellions, but also the educatioal persuits.

History: The year was 1853 and the Booth family, who were Catholics, had moved back to England after the Reformation. They were infact members of the Norman family and were all Royalty. Lord Irvan Booth, Steven's father, was the step-brother to George IV of England an rightful heir to the throne, but he chose not to take on the mantle and abdicated. He and Rhiannon Booth, his wife, had just founded the Northern England Hellfire Club, after seeing how successful the London branch were. The two had a son and named him Steven. He was born with enormous psionic abilities, soem of these had to be siphoned off by Dr. Philip Xavier, a leading doctor and secret telepath. The Club hired him to coach Steven. Steven was called a ‘mutant’ and along with the other children of the Hellfire Club, trained to use his powers.
Finally his father, a powerful sorceress, died, and when his successor was announced a position in the Club fell open, Black Rook. Steven quickly ascended to the Pawn, and by the time he was twenty-four he was Black King. His psi powers had grown to unknown levels. In 1900 he moved to America and founded the Club in Beverley Hills. For a time the Club assimilated the New York Branch, but allowed them independence later on. But finally, around 1950, Steven disbanded the Club after an explosion killed nearly all the members. Knowing how to control his powers to the finest level and possessing immeasurable wealth, Steven turned his attention to his academic roles in life. He gained many degrees and PhD’s and other mantles. He invested a lot of his money into starting up an airline company, and now it is one of the largest in the world. Steven also knew the persecution of mutants, and decided to open refuge centres and research facilities for them. This is when Steven really became rich, and was famous as one of the most renowned experts on mutation. The public however, knew not of his own mutancy.
Joseph Ryan, the ancestor of former White King, David Ryan, approached Steven, begging him to re-open the Club. Steven agreed and they set about re-establishing the Beverley Hills Club. By 1996 they had traced down many relatives of the former members. Steven decided that the Inner circle needed young people to train; he traced back an ancestor of one of the Black Knights, Ian ‘Fitzroy’ Heap to be the Black Bishop. The ancestor of once White King Jason Woodward, who was also called Jason Woodward, was asked to be White Bishop. He asked Salvatore to be the Black Knight, Elemental to be the White Knight and Aquapyro and Thomas Bennett to be rooks.
Joseph pressurised Steven into forming an Outer Circle. With the work he had to do involving his government work, and his business’ to run, Steven left the Club under Joseph’s ruling and retired to Canada for a rest.
Here he met Lord Flyin’ Ryan, the Red King of the InterNETional Hellfire Club. Steven was offered a mantle as Knight, and happily accepted it. Epyon, also known as Thomas Bennett, who was White Rook in the Beverley Hills establishment, approached Steven telling him how Joseph had slaughtered their parents and was trying to kill them. With Ryan’s aid, he shut Joseph down and took the Inner Circle members and enrolled them in the Hellions.
Steven overthrew Ian, the Red Bishop, and was also made Red Hellion Headmaster. At this point he was approached by the Black King, Darkwolf, and asked to head the BHC’s new strike force team: the Dragonfire Team. Steven happily accepted, and now juggles his time between the Red Hellions, Dragonfire Team, Red Bishop work and also his government and business work.
His father, who was a powerful soccer’s and founder of the Beverley Hills Club, tried to assimilate his son, but Steven’s kinetic telepathy killed him, but not before absorbing magical powers, and it appeared his father's External status. But recently, Steven has been showing signs of mortality and has lost most of his magic. It is rumoured he somehow transferred them to Rune, a former BHC member, but this is yet to be investigated. Infact, it was discovered, Steven wasn't an External, but had a very slow working healthing factor. And his father never persihed, merely buried himself in his son's mind, secretly corrupting it in hope of killing his son and taking over the body. Steven overcame his father, but lost hsi magical powers in the process.
Recently, Steven was made Purple King, and is now in charge of his own Court.
It is evident that the 50 years between the closure of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club and the re-opening were extremely busy for the Purple King. Not only did he become a famous professor, owner of a multi-billionaire company, but he also made some strange, yet supremely powerful allies, enemies and bystanders. During his time he is known to have been friends with the Kingpin, a master crime lord in New York, join an European Hellfire Club in Antwerp as their Bishop, train as a Lieutenant in the British army, take his seat in the House of Lords in England and gain dozens of PhDs. But Steven has also done some more darker work in these years. He has worked for the Vatican as a chief vampire slayer and in this, he has made connections with other slayers and vampires around the world. Steven is known to have rejected membership to the Illuminati. It is also becoming clear that Steven spent and a lot of time slaying werewolves, vampires and other inhumane creatures. To say the least, his 180 years of life have been extremely eventful.
Recently, he uncovered a plot, with the assistance of a colleague of his, Cardinal Hulmes of the Vatican Council. According to the ancient scriptures of the vampire world, there was destined to be an uprising, allowing vampires from across the world to band together and overthrow the Vampire Council of Toronto. Once they succeed, they had plans to dominate the world, using an ancient spell to awaken the God of Vampires, who would bring his fury upon all. Steven was appointed the job of slayer as well as other individuals, and was responsible for wiping out vampire nests before they could join in the fight. At this point he was trying to find some way of renewing his withered body, but he decided the cost was too much. Enlisting his fellow courtiers help, he did so, and then, he found the main base, and with help form the other courts, stop the uprising, but at the cost of the lives of two of his students. But before this happened, Chastity, the then Red Queen of the International Hellfire Club, of which the Purple Court was a member, uncovered a plot hatched by the Red King. He was allying himself with the vampires, hoping they’d kill Steven and he could replace him with a more manipulative king. Steven found out and made the Purple Hellfire Club independent from the IHFC. This is why no Red Court members were present at the final vampire battle.
Now the threat of the vampires is out of the way, Steven is devoting his time to finding a cure for the Legacy Virus and spending more time with the Purple Club members. He is also taking a keener interest in his business empire.
Recently, due to the events of The Move *HF* and Family Bonds *HF* the PHC has re-located to Burnley, England, and due to the events of Royal Blood, Crowned King the Club has changed from Purple to Blue.

Relationships: Steven has not shown any signs of a romantic relationship with anyone except Felicity Harvard, but he does have a strong, almost father and child bond with Chastity, Draco, Spark and Epyon. He is the best of friends with Charlotte Sometimes and Ian Fitzroy. He has shown strong feelings of dislike towards Ian Sharpio. It has been recorded he has had arguments with Mufasa, Hawkeye, Daemon, Diablo and Cronos. Recently, he has shown a good friendship with the former Purple Queen, Shockwave and Blue Rook, Xeus. Steven has a telepathic link with all of his students and takes a keen interest in all of them. He has been effected hard by Glass' and Spark's death, but life for him must go on.
Personality: Steven is a very secretive person, enjoying his own company. But he is also a very active social person, and, despite popular belief, does enjoy himself. He is extremely arrogant, and this causes most of his arguments. In battle, he is not bloodthirsty, but isn’t afraid to use his powers to defend himself. Is a popular believer in discipline and rules, best suiting his role as a teacher. Some might say he is eccentric, or is obsesses with cleanliness and perfection. Growing up in a royal family with a lot of money, has somewhat made him more snobbery than most people. One thing that annoys people is his ability to say what he thinks, even if it insults a person. Extremely clever, but he uses his intelligence to confuse people, making them seem inferior. Somewhat power hungry.
Interest: Steven believes in the finer things in life, enjoying fine clothes, expensive things and many of the arts including the theatre and art galleries. He is a die-hard fan of Frank Sinatra, and also likes Mozart. He thrives off teaching and his medical work, as well as his political status.

Below is a picture of RKB in his combat suit.