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Fragile *HF* by Ian Fitzroy

Fragile HF
Part One: Setting The Scene
Written by Ian Fitzroy

Delicate music drifted carelessly through the airwaves, enchanting all within its boundaries with the sound of its elusive chimes. From behind his large bureau, which was piled with mountains of canary yellow exercise books as well as several other wads of scattered paper, the King of the Purple Court of the International Hellfire Club drummed the fine harmony on this desk with the red pen that slipped carefully between his cold, feeble hands. His attire for the day intermingled perfectly with his distinguishing features; the extravagant black material of his blazer jacket and trousers rubbing against his chalky white skin perfectly, the luxurious faint green waistcoat clinging to his chest with an air of grace. A creamy white shirt and jet black tie finished his look, along with glimmering black shoes and his favourite titanium cane, topped off with a large red and blue emerald. Steven Booth was a man of much prestige, born into an extremely wealthy Royal family over one and half centuries ago, he always had his own way and was never ever refused anything his wished. By the time he was twenty-one he had been crowned King of the Northern Hellfire Club. And now he was a multi-billionaire King of the International Hellfire Club.
But unlike his past selves, Steven Booth was a very different man. No longer did his fabulous wealth and power come first and foremost in his life. No, that had taken a back seat in the Purple King’s life. Today, his main concern was looking after the five hundred boys and girls, all mutants like himself, which stepped through the doors of his school, here in his castle in Jamaica, his home.
It wasn’t just his home. He was also the King of a Hellfire Club, and to those members, it was their home too. A group of people whom, unlike Inner Circle members of the past incarnations of the Club, weren’t bent on world domination or enslaving others so their will would be done. These people were different. They believe in honesty and justice, and all are devout to their calling as teachers of the students.
Finally the heavenly music grinded to a stop as the elaborate grand piano that graced the centre of the superfluous office fell silent. Removing his fingers from the elegantly carved keys, the Purple Knight drew the lid and stood up from the velvety stool.
“Well Thomas, that was excellent,” Steven said without taking his concentration off the student’s books he was marking, allowing his red pen to dance over the pages in a strange frenzy, “you have really improved with your piano skills.”
Thomas Bennet pretended to blush and took a surplus bow, laughing as he did. Finally he straightened up and placed his designer sunglasses on his face, running his hand through his long blonde hair. “So, what’s the plan for lunch today?” he said in a loud voice. Steven closed the book in front of him and placed it on a diminished pile, reaching for another from the large, domineering mountain. “I have to mark all these books,” Steven sighed, “advanced biology students. Always very eager to get their books back. So go ahead without me.”
Epyon lifted his sunglasses up onto his nose, staring at RKB. “You’d better not skip lunch,” he said, “you don’t want your blood sugar to drop low do you?”
Steven sighed, opening a drawer in his desk. He retrieved a box of breadsticks and a tub of herb dip. “I’ll have these now and get Margery to bring me through some sandwiches later, as well as a cup of tea. Now go and relax.”
Thomas, with a satisfied look on his face headed to the door. As he reached for the diamond door handle, he span around. “Steven, can you do me a favour? I have a meeting with some people this afternoon reviewing our security installations, so I can’t cover my two afternoon classes? Can you do it?”
Steven smiled. “I have a German class but I’ll get someone from the normal school staff to cover it and I am not teaching second period so yea. Enjoy, and make sure you report back to me as soon as possible. See ya.”
And with that the Purple Knight headed out of Steven’s office and began to walk through the hallways of the Inner Circle’s offices, passing the newly hired receptionist as he did so. She flashed him a smile, her pearly white teeth glistening as she did so, as she flicked her chestnut hair precariously over her shoulder. Epyon returned her smile and hurried his pace, feeling her eyes burn into his head. She was the most gorgeous girl he’d seen in a long time. But he knew he wasn’t her type. Epyon had never been able to get close to a girl, because of his nerdier shell. But since becoming Purple Knight of a Court he thoroughly trusted, that shell began to crack and crack, revealing a more upbeat and sociable Epyon.
The also noticed how happier Steven seemed to be. He was no longer short tempered and rude, and the unbearable insomnia that plagued him had disintegrated. His weak and feeble old body seemed to have also started to decline. Where his body frame encased in chalky white flesh was once, now a more muscular and healthier tan graced his skin. Indeed, his mentor was much happier.
And if Epyon was honest, so was he. He was more trusting, more open and more interested in his friends and having a good time instead of locking himself in his room reading science fiction novels and comic books. The teaching hadn’t sunk in yet. He was instructing people almost his own age! And he was happy with his job as Knight. The relocation to Jamaica was the Godsend that was needed.
With a slight spring in his step he strode towards the general canteen, past the classrooms that were silent, only for the sound of the teacher. Steven had taken this business seriously, hiring almost forty teachers and several other key members of staff to sort out his school. Finally a defiant bell cracked through the silence signalling the end of the morning classes and the beginning of lunchtime. Epyon raced into the canteen before the halls were flooded with screaming adolescents, hungry and excited about their break from classes.

With gracefulness, the young woman glided through the air, combining her captivating agility and her formidable fighting skills along with her well-controlled mutant powers, to decimate the simulation in less than three minutes, leaving a trail of disaster and frenzy behind. With a click of her well-manicured fingers, the highly sophisticated hologram began to fade and disappear, leaving behind the steel, metallic wall of the Danger Room. From the bench ShockWave retrieved a snowy white towel and wrapped it around her neck, wiping the beads of perspiration that had developed on her forehead. She began to replenish her oxygen supply and refresh her tired body. With a weary smile she looked at her time. It was quiet a while since she last accomplished such a brilliant task time. Still got it in ya she joked, as she walked into the observation deck. Sliding her card through the door, she deactivated the room and headed to the showers to relax her before she had lunch. Coming to Jamaica and taking the title of Purple Queen was something Margaret Mills knew she wouldn’t regret. Something about the calibre of people the King had selected to work for him spoke of the Club’s loyalty and honest nature.
And the King himself looked like a man Shockwave could trust. A man who seemed like a sweet old granddad to all. But she knew he was also a strict and iron fisted man, who would do anything for his students. And Epyon seemed loyal and trustworthy and Xeus was keen and invigorated with the essence of youth. The only person that concerned her was Paradox. He seemed like a decent and honest man, but she also could detect he wasn’t as devoted as the others. His vocation didn’t lie in the Inner Circle. And having a Bishop with these feelings wasn’t very good for a team.
Just wait and see Shockwave said as she disregarded her combat uniform and climbed into the shower, allowing the jets of warm water to pound gently on her body You could be wrong about Nathan. He always seemed to be a good Marauder.
Shockwave sighed. She knew that there was a difference between Marauder and Bishop. And she also knew that her duty meant the Club must be kept safe. I’d better review ideas with Steven she finally decided, before allowing the hot water to soothe her tired body and her agitated mind.

“And then the trachea divides into smaller branches of gristly material that extend into each lung, these care called bronchi. Then these divide millions of times to form bronchioles and on the end of these are the air sacs. Now this is where gases exchange takes place.”
Suddenly the sound of the bell cut into Ian Fitzroy’s sentence, sending the concentration of his students wandering from gas exchanges to the tempting seduction of lunch. Ravenously, the students collated their stationary and notes into their backpacks and headed out of the stuffy classroom.
“Remember there’s a test next lesson about anaerobic respiration,” Ian shouted as the students left the room, “this will go towards your overall grade!” He gave up as the fourteen year olds charged like bulls out of the room. Taking a deep sigh he wiped the chalk from the blackboard and sat down in his thickly quilted chair and looked at his diary.
“Crap!” he said out loud, “I have to teach eleven year olds geography and then twelve year olds French! What have I done to deserve this punishment”
Just then the door opened to reveal the smiling face of the Purple Knight. “I’ve skived out of my afternoon lessons,” Epyon said as he leaned against the doorframe.
Ian shot him an envious look. “Well,” Ian said as he stood up, gathering some loose papers into a pile, “it could be worse. I could be teaching those horrible sixteen year olds. They are so lazy!”
Epyon shook his head and laughed. “C’mon, let’s go and grab some lunch,” he said, “I’m starving!”
Ian rolled his eyes. “In all the time I’ve known you, there isn’t an occasion I can recall when you haven’t been starving!” And with that the two friends wandered down the corridors to the canteen.

“Over here!” Xeus screamed, flailing his arms around in distress, attracting Epyon and Ina Fitzroy to his table. Epyon saw the Purple Knight sitting alone on the other side of the canteen, several others colleagues scattered at the tables around him. The Purple Knight and Hellion headed over to him, plonking themselves heavily into the luxuriously quilted chairs.
“So what’s up?” Xeus said as he eyed a platinum blonde girl who strolled arm in arm with her boyfriend.
Epyon flashed him a disapproving look. “Don’t even try it,” he said, “or RKB will probably flatten you.”
Xeus smiled defiantly, stretching his shirt collar. “I can’t help being drop dead gorgeous and irresistible to the females. It’s a curse I’m afraid!” Xeus leaned back on his chair, looking past Epyon’s head at a black haired girl who sat behind them. She smiled sheepishly at the Purple Rook.
Suddenly a newspaper hit Xeus over the head, making his chair fall to the ground, spilling him forwards onto the floor.
“It’s rude to stare,” Shockwave said as she took a seat besides Epyon.
Xeus looked suspiciously at her. “Why Shocky, there’s no need to get jealous, there’s plenty of old Xeusy here to go around!”
Shockwave gave him a quick snicker and turned her attention from the Rook, and began chatting to Epyon, complementing him on his newly designed transmitters. “Xeus, I think the Queen has more taste than to be interested in you,” RKB said as he walked into the room, his presence dominating the canteen, “now be a good boy and continue your nonsensical rants!”
Xeus folded his arms over his chest and gave a quick huff, pretending to ignore everyone. “Has anyone seen Paradox?” Shockwave said, “I need to speak to him as soon as possible.” Steven gave her a suspicious look, but declined as soon as he saw her looking defensively at him. Whatever she wanted Xeus for was a private matter she didn’t wish to discuss. “He’s out for the week,” Steven said, “he said he had some business to take care of earlier this morning. He apologised for his abrupt departure.”
Shockwave just sighed and began to order her lunch when the waitress arrived. Her little chat with Paradox would have to wait.
“Anyway,” Steven said, “there’s a meeting in twenty minutes in the main boardroom, and please can you all attend.” And with that the Purple King headed out of the room to his office, shuddering at the thought of all those exercise books that needed marking.

Steven rapped his bony fingers on the desk in an impatient rhythm, sighing heavily, broadcasting his distress and animosity at the current situation. He could hear footsteps in the hallway leading to the boardroom. Shockwave looked dismissingly at the door as Epyon placed his book that he’d been reading on the large table, which he sat at. Suddenly the heavy, carved doors flew open revealing the smug face of the Purple rook. His mocha coloured business suit blended handsomely with his body, the silken shirt clinging to his chest almost like a second skin, showing his masculine chest. “Sorry to keep you all waiting,” he smiled as he took his seat besides Epyon, slapping the Knight on the back. Steven glared at him with a fierce, intimidating stare, his eyes dissecting the Purple Rook. “Glad you could grace us with your presence,” Steven mocked as he shuffled some papers he had in front of him.
Xeus gave him a toothy grin. “Anything for you, Stevie poo!” he joked before his chair tilted back telekinetically and hurled the young mutant across the room.
“Now, let us begin,” Shockwave, declared sharply, “I officially call this meeting together. For the record, Ian, the present members of the Inner Circle are King, Steven Booth, Queen, Margaret Mills, Knight, Thomas Bennett and Rook, Xeus. Also present is Ian Fitzroy, official liaison to the Inner Circle. The date is 11th February 2002, and the meeting takes place in the main Inner Circle boardroom, Jamaica.”
Ian busily recorded the facts in his large book, bound in a navy blue leather sheath. His pen scratched horribly over the leafs of paper. Finally he set the writing implement set in gold on the desk in front of him, and turned his attention to the King.
“Welcome, and the first issue on our agenda is the opening of our school facility. Opened on 11th January 2002, we have our first monthly report back and the records are promising. There are 496-student aged 11-18 years old, each year group having 96 people in it. The years are divided into three sets of students, the top 32 having the highest ability, the middle 32 having average abilities and the latter 32 having the most need for education. There are sixteen student dormitories, eight for the girls and eight for the boys. Each room in the dormitory has three students in it. This not only conserves space, which isn’t a problem, but it teaches the students to interact with one another. Each room has a study, computer with Internet connections, en suite bathroom and several other features adapted for students’ lives. Classrooms take up the right wing of the castle, equipped with technology and science labs, a gymnasium, swimming and sports pools. There are offices for each teacher as well as a staff room and storage rooms. We currently employ 27 teachers, each with an assistant and several technicians. Currently the all branches of mathematics, science, English, geography, history, religious studies, French, Latin, German, art, music, physical education and battlefield techniques. Business studies and politics are available at higher-level studies.”
Steven took a deep breath whilst everyone assessed the information he had given to them. After a quick sip of his water, Steven began to speak again, “Everything looks set for a promising start. All the heads of departments have carefully mapped out a schedule or curriculum under my guidance. The stage is set, the dress rehearsal is over and now the school is in full swing.”
Everyone smiled and murmured amongst themselves at how successful the school was doing. “Now, if I may, I’d like to explain about the Hellion situation,” Shockwave said, quickly signalling Steven to pass her the facts and figures in front of him.
“The Hellions will participate in the normal lessons,” Steven said, “but when the other students have lessons where they learn to control their powers and learn about other mutant powers, the Hellions will be taken into the Danger Room either by myself or Epyon, and monitored carefully. That’s the easiest way I can think of approaching the situation.” “Now, is there anymore business to attend you?” Xeus said as his eyes hungrily leapt for the doorway, “I have other things to attend to.”
Steven shrugged his shoulders and Shockwave muttered a low ‘no’. Ian shook his head. “I do,” Epyon said as the people began to leave the desk, “I am having a meeting with a large technological company and I’m trying to upgrade the castle security and technology inside. I have re-designed the War Room and danger Room, and RKB’s mutant tracking device has been advanced. But the castle’s security isn’t good enough.”
Shockwave smiled at him. “Well, you have the full resources of the Club behind you. Now, can we adjourn this meeting and get back to lunch?”
The room broke out in smiles as they departed the stuffy room.

“And that’s how torsion works,” Steven said as he drifted around the amphitheatre shaped classroom, staring at the technology students. He didn’t have to be the world’s most powerful telepath to recognise that there was little concentration in the room. All eyes were fixed on the clock that chimed away in the corner of the room, waiting impatiently for the hands to reach the three, signalling the end of the school day and the start of the weekend. Steven smiled and fired a bolt of telekinethesis at the clock, blowing it into little pieces. The students all gasped, jolting backwards in their chairs.
“I see you’re more interested in the clock than my teachings?” he said in a cold, icy voice. Then a warm smile slid across his face. “Go on, everyone, class is adjourned early. Have a good weekend!” A sigh of relief and appreciation drafted around the room, as the students filed out of the large classroom, many of them stopping and thanking the Purple King as they did so.
Steven just shook his head and grabbed his leather briefcase, switching off the lights and locking the door as he walked out of the room. The smell of roses and the delicate fragrances of spring wafted through the hallways of the school, making Steven’s smile broaden. So much had happened over the last few months. First his friend Charlotte Sometimes had hung her crown up as Red Queen allowing Chastity to take her spot, which still didn’t feel right to Steven. Wolfox had been demoted to Hellion, and Hellfire Phoenix replaced Ian as Rook. The members of the Hellions were drifting in and out and Steven wasn’t even sure who was what anymore. He’d then found out about Ryan’s treachery and was also ‘fired’ from the Black Hellfire Club. But Steven knew he was focusing on the bad things. He forgot to mention to himself how with his help, Ian Fitzroy had given up drinking and made a decent life for himself. Aquapyro and Salvatore didn’t die after the crash, with help from Ryan and Steven. The Purple Court had been formed and the school he was running had pumped life into his old, withered veins, breathing new life into his body. Everything seemed so much better.
With a whistle, he fazed his body and began travelling through the rooms to his chamber.

“I’m not asking him,” Rebecca Booth said nervously as the Hellions gathered outside the solid, polished oak door that displayed several golden plates, one of which revealing the name of the occupant inside.
“Oh, c’mon,” Lark protested vigorously, “He’s your uncle! It’s not as if he’s gonna say no to a relative!” She squeezed Spark’s hand, flashing him a warm, loving smile. Spark replied with an equally loving grin.
“Okay!” Morte shouted, flailing her arms in the air,” I’ll ask him if you two will stop playing lovey dovey.” With that, the young Hellion adjusted her pre-dominant black attire and knocked at the hard door, stepping back a few inches as the door began to rattle open. A tall, thin man with thick black velvety hair and grey eyes hidden behind silver frames stepped out of the door way, his expensive navy blue suit and white silk shirt concealing his well toned body. “How may I be of assistance?” he said in an almost patronising voice. Morte just batted her eyelids and began to speak. “We’re here to talk to the Headmaster. The man smiled a toothy grin. “Lord Booth is in his office in the Inner Circle quarters with Mr Fitzroy. I shall buzz him and inform him that the Hellions are on the way.” With that the closed the door and ran back into the room.
“Charles is seriously one weird dude,” Salvanza said, as the five Hellions backed down the corridors, past the priceless works of art that littered the castle’s hallways, “anyway, do you think RKB will let us go?”
Spark smiled as he walked arm in arm with Lark. “Of course he will, the boss man seems to have chilled so much lately. I’m sure he’ll let us.”
“Here goes nothing,” Morte said as she once again knocked on the door. From the interior, she could hear the faint, delicate sound of water trickling down the fabulous waterfall fountain that Steven had in his office.
“Come in,” the dominant voice of Steven booth said, as he telekinetically opened the door, inviting the Hellions in. He looked up from his desk, his attire almost shocking the assembled Hellions. Usually where a phenomenally expensive suit and tie would be, were a jet-black pair of trousers and a thick polo neck black jumper.
“RKB?” Salvanza stuttered, “Are you feeling okay?”
Steven’s brow began to furrow. An evil, deathly expression shot across his face. His hands began to grip his cane tighter and tighter, as he span around from the teenagers. *See what you’ve done* Rebecca said telepathically to Salvanza *I hope he’s not mad or he’ll never let us go*
“Go where?” Steven questioned as he turned back around, a smile on his face, “and by the way, I was pulling your leg. The new attire is what I find more casual when I’m not working. So, what are you lot wanting?”
Morte cleared her voice and began to speak. “Mr Booth, myself, Spark, Lark, Salvanza and Scarlett, we are planning a trip to New York, to see Destiny’s Child in concert tonight. Please can we go?”
Steven stared blankly at them. “I fear I must say no,” he said in an emotionless voice, “I don’t want a group of teenagers under my command roaming around the streets of New York alone. I’m not available to chaperone, nor are any other Inner Circle members. I’m sorry, but next time they’re touring, you can see them.”
There was a deafening silence as Ian Fitzroy walked into the room, a smug smile on his face. “Now, c’mon Steven,” he said as he walked into the room, crossing his arms over his chest, “aren’t I free all weekend? I’d love to take them; I have business to attend to in NY anyway. What do you say, Spark, think it’s a good idea?”
The young Hellion’s face lit up with delight. He knew a weekend away from being a Hellion with Lark was a chance not to turn down. He nodded slightly.
“Well, I’m just not sure,” Steven, said. Ian merely cocked his eyebrow at the Purple King. “Oh, okay!” Steven said, “but you have to make all the arrangements. I have a dat..I mean, meeting.” Steven mentally kicked himself.
“Date, huh?” Ian said as the Hellions excitedly left the room, “what’s that all about, huh?” Crimson began to spread across the King’s face. “Nothing, I’m just meeting an old acquaintance from my days as a professor at Harvard. Nothing special…. She used to teach algebra. Name’s Debra. Nothing special, just a meal and a good old chatter.” Ian smirked as he walked out of the room.

“God, Ian rocks!” Salvanza said as he tossed some items of clothing into a backpack, “I mean he was cool back in Beverley Hills, but this just rocks!” The mocha coloured, Brazilian Hellion bounced around the room in excided frenzy, tossing several unnecessary items into his backpack. Spark just rolled his eyes and threw a soft, velvety pillow at his teammate. “Hey, hurry up, Ian said we had ten minutes…and it’s already been eleven!” Spark growled, grabbing Salvanza by the collar of his shirt, dragging him out of his room.
The two appeared at the doorway of the mansion where the Hellions and Ian were gathered around two sleek, candy apple red Porsches, complimented perfectly by the black leather seats and the absent roof.
“Right,” Ian said as he flung Salvanza’s and Spark’s bags into the boot of one of the cars, “Spark, Lark and Morte, you take that car, Spark you’re driving, and the rest in my car. We’re driving to the airport and we have three hours…. RKB managed to arrange his jet to fly us to New York at eight thirty. We’ll get to New York and to the Plaza hotel about midnight tonight, where there is a room for the boys, and one for the girls. Tomorrow, we’ll work out what’s the schedule. Now chop cop, we have things to do.”
With that the Hellions filed into the cars and began to tear out of the safety of the Purple Court castle Complex, out into the luxuriously exotic beauty of the Jamaican countryside.

“They’ll be fine,” Shockwave said as she placed her hand on the King’s shoulder, who’s gaze never left that of the two cars that spiralled out of the complex.
Steven sighed, allowing his shoulders to move with him. “I know they will,” he said, “but they’re all like my children. It’s hard for me to see them not under my supervision.”
Margaret Mills smiled from ear to ear, hugging her friend as she did so. “I can understand,” ShockWave said, “now stop being a mother hen and tell me more about this date.”
Steven’s chalky white face began to fill with colour again. “It’s nothing, really, Ian is making a big deal out of nothing. She’s just a lovely lady who I used to teach with. For goodness sake, she’s thirty seven and I’m one hundred and fifty four.”
Shockwave shook her head. “Your as old as you feel,” she smiled at him, as she dropped off some papers on his large bureau,” and by the time you’re read your accountant’s report, you’ll feel seven thousand, nine hundred and fifty three years old. Now, I have to go, bye.”

Steven watched carefully as the Purple Queen left the room. She was right. He was 154-years-old, but his status as an immortal mutant made him appear as a man in his late forties, minus the walking stick. A crafty smile crept across his face. Perhaps this casual acquaintance had more to it than even he anticipated.

“This is way cool,” Lark said as she extended herself backwards in the all-consuming comfort of the luxury private jet’s passenger seats. She pressed a button and from the seat in front of her came a television screen. Indeed, Lark Daron Logen was thoroughly enjoying this. “RKB sure knows how to travel in style,” Scarlett Mistress said, “class must run in my family!”
Morte stared at her with a piercing glance. She personally couldn’t stand being with these people enjoying what social life they had. No, Sabrina Brachode wasn’t the perfect little princess like Scarlett, or the stunning beauty like Lark. Sure, she was slim, had a well-toned body, great skin and wonderful hair. But, the fact of the matter was, all this was covered by darkness. By death. Ever since she was shot in the back after trying to escape from a football player when he tried to rape her, Morte knew she was different. She couldn’t touch another human being without draining the life from them. The first victim was Wil, but he deserved that. But her father didn’t. She couldn’t come to terms with it. And, no matter how many pills, potions or physic probes Steven Booth gave to her, Morte still suffered from depression. But the gruff exterior came into play. She’d die before she allowed these Hellions to make a fool out of her.
“How much longer?” Salvanza said, “I can’t wait to get to our hotel! This is so cool. Thanks for organising it for us Ian. We owe you BIG time.”
Ian just smiled. “I bet Xeus and Epyon would have enjoyed this,” he said, “but the Inner Circle are always busy.”
Spark, who was somewhat engrossed in the movie that played on the silver widescreen television, began to speak. “So, what do we do when we get there tonight?” Ian looked thoughtfully at the young Hellion. “Well, we’ll be landing in the hotel earlier than excepted, at about nine. So, if you want, you can have a mini tour of New York, but you must be back at eleven, and if Steven finds out, well, you’ll know about it!”
The Hellions rejoiced at the news, all looking forward to a cool, relaxing break.

The room was scarcely lit, the candlelight spreading eerie shadows that seemed to shimmer off the high tech metallic machinery. Outside the sturdy building, an old fashioned English gale began to assault the exterior of the building. Despite the unholy hour, the scientist inside the Steven Booth Mutant Research and Development Society’s main lab didn’t stray sleepily from his job. A braid of drifting grey hair fell into his face. With an annoyed sigh, he brushed the lock away and reached inside his lab coat, pulling his cell phone from his pocket. Carefully he punched in a sequence of numbers.
“Hello?” his nervous voice answered as he began to ramble, “things this side of the Atlantic are ready. Just keep your part of the deal, and we’ll have a whole army up and running soon, and finally the waste products will be deposed of by our hands.” With that he slammed the case shut and returned to the test tube he watched, as the person inside began to wriggle in the emerald green fluid. “I see you’re awake,” he said as he tapped on the glass, “good, because soon you shall lead my army, and eradicate all mutants everywhere!!”

The smell of the food wafted around the crowded, upmarket restaurant, seducing the taste buds of all present. Steven Booth sat still, a deathly cold chill climbing and fingering up his spine, causing his whole body to jolt with a spasm.
“Are you okay?” Rhonda Mazoft said as she rose from her seat, her lilac dress swaying as she did so. Steven smiled.
“Yes, it’s just a little cold in here,” he said profusely, as he tightened his ruby red blazer around his frame. But in his mind, he knew something was wrong. Deadly wrong.
End Part One

Fragile HF
Part Two: Confrontation
Written by Ian Fitzroy

“Thought we’d find you in here,” Xeus said as he walked into the Purple King’s Inner Circle office, followed by Epyon. Epyon was dressed in an informal pair of black pants and a navy blue polo shirt with his ever-present sunglasses on his face. In his hands were several large, hefty binders of paper.
“There you go,” he said in his infinitive low voice, “that’s my full report about the security upgrades. “
Steven, who was dressed in an exceptionally expensive purple tailored business suit and black waistcoat and shoes, complimented by the cream tinted silk shirt he wore, nodded, taking a sip of the stony cold tea that he had left to one side. A quick glance at the ancient antique pocket watch he kept in the interior breast pocket of his suit, told him it was eight thirty. For the first time in nearly two months, the Purple King didn’t sleep at all. He knew why. The stress of him not being able to look out for his Hellions were all consuming. Xeus looked thoughtfully at the frail looking old man set behind a gargantuan desk. He hadn’t looked this concerned for quite a while. “Hey, RKB,” Xeus said in a friendly, vigorous voice, “Epyon and I are going to the beach today. It’s always busy on a Saturday, but it’s so vast no one knows you’re there. It’ll be fun.”
The Purple King levitated from his chair telekinetically and walked over to the other side of the room, starting up his old-fashioned grammar phone. The jingles of Frank Sinatra started to churn out in a delicate melody of ‘My Way’. Steven smiled and turned to his friends and fellow Inner Circle members. “I’ll be fine, I have plenty of work to do. Go and have your breakfasts and then have a good day at the beach.” He placed his hands on each of their shoulders, gesturing them out of the room and then he locked the door.
With a sigh, he placed himself back in his elaborately comfortable desk chair, and ordered a cup of tea via his intercom. Then he slipped on his golden-framed glasses, and began to glance over the files Epyon had written up.

Masquerade sat quietly behind the observation monitors, a comic book perched on his knee as he occasionally glanced at the monitors that were in surveillance all around the castle and the surrounding complex. Sentry duty wasn’t exactly the high light of his day, but since most of the other Hellions were out, he’d offered to do it. Although he felt peeved about being left behind, he understood the reasons why he was alone here. He’d been in the Hellions for about three weeks, but all he’d done is eat, sleep and train, occasionally turning up to group training sessions. He wasn’t really the most sociable person at the moment. Infact, he was the opposite. All he wanted, all he desired, was to be alone.
For nearly three months he’d been imposing as the secretary of the Red King, using his ability to psionically re-arrange the molecules of his body to resemble something else to trick and deceive all he Inner Circle members. He never questioned why the Purple King had set him up to spy on this Ryan, but he knew never to ask questions, just do the job and collect the fee at the end.
What he did know is that this RKB and Ryan weren’t best friends with one another, and RKB seemed to not trust Ryan at all. But whilst he was there, he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so RKB withdrew his espionage services, placing forged memories in Ryan’s secretary.
This Purple King had invited Masquerade to join the IHFC as a hellion. Initially, he said no, but now he was glad he did. Even though he was stuck behind fifty boring monitors doing nothing.
“All part of the job,” he said sarcastically to himself.

Wolfox walked with a more vicious walk down the lushly carpeted, expensively decorated hallways of the Inner Circle’s quarters. In truth, he was in favour of the relocation to Jamaica, lest of these reasons being the glorious paradise they lived in. But, he knew it was all a charade, this Hellfire Club was nothing more than a school full of squeaky clean, moral people. At least back at the Red Court, he went on secret missions for the Red King. Here, he was little more than a face who had no power, no opinion.
The former Red Knight didn’t even knock at the King’s door, merely opening the heavy oak doors. As usual, Steven Booth was sat behind his desk, his nose buried deep in paperwork of some sort. He noticed it was Epyon’s handwriting, the Purple Knight. Ha! A boy as young as Epyon as Knight. Steven sure did have some screws loose.
Wolfox tried to step upto Steven silently. “Welcome Wolfox,” Steven said without even looking up. The Hellion knew Steven was in his mind, not deep enough to probe, but enough to feel his emotions.
“It’s over,” Wolfox said in an angry, almost growling voice, “I’m sick of this excuse for a Club. I no longer require my status as a Hellion. I am demoting myself to General Body and I’m moving out of here, Pronto. Sorry it didn’t work out, but I can’t do with the management.” Wolfox was quiet, expecting a reply. There was an awkward silence that seemed to last for hours, although only moments had passed.
“Well, that’s a shame,” Steven said, still not making eye contact, “but that’s life. Hand in your keys and security pass at reception. Oh, and wait.”
This time the King did levitate from his chair, flair of purple energy surrounding him. His eyes began to glow purple as energy shot from them, directly into the former Red Knight’s mind. Almost immediately, Steven sat back down in his chair, and reverted back to normal. “What the hell did you just do?” Wolfox said, as he balled his fists up .
Steven smiled patronisingly. “Well, I have erased all the security knowledge and passwords and codes one gathers when you’re in the Club, so you can’t get in here uninvited. Now, bye bye.”

“Didn’t you try and stop him?” Shockwave said as she leaned on the edge of her desk, her sparkling green eyes illuminating in the afternoon sunshine.
“No,” Steven said bluntly as he sat in one of the extremely lavish black leather chairs at the opposite end of Shockwave’s large desk. He noticed how stylish her office was, a mixture of classical gothic and medieval architect and a dash of modern in the theme. Extremely eye catching and they worked well. “Wolfox has always been a liability and basically, we’d do better without him.”
ShockWave rose from her perch and walked behind her desk and took a seat in her chair. “if you say so,” she said as he picked up her telephone, “I’d better inform security that he’s leaving.”
“No need to,” Steven said, “I’ve erased all knowledge of the security systems, computer systems etcetera from his mind.”
Shockwave just shook her head. “So, what have you got planned for the afternoon? How did your date go”
Steven stared meaningfully at the Purple Queen, “It wasn’t a date. We had a brilliant time, and really had a good chatter about the old days.” He then began to rise from his chair, when he suddenly fell backwards in his chair, knocking it to the ground, spilling him onto the floor. Immediately Shockwave was by his side. She rolled him onto his back and noticed he wasn’t breathing. After checking his pulse she realised he didn’t actually seem to be alive. She could still see a faint energy glow around him.
“My damn,” she said as she took him in her arms. Luckily, the Purple King’s physique was so small that even she could carry him with ease. With a frantic sprint, she flew down the corridors to the medical centre. “C’mon Steven,” she panted, “wake up!”

“I can see the turnstile up ahead,” Rebecca Booth, the Hellion known as Scarlett Mistress, a former princess of the fair land of England shrieked in delight, “it’s not much further.” Spark and Lark strode gently, embracing one another arm in arm, as Salvanza raced ahead with Rebecca. As always, Morte was deathly quiet, walking a few feet away from Lark and Spark.
“So, the concert finishes at 10pm,” Lark said, “and we’re meeting Ian at 12pm. That gives us two hours to play with when the concert’s finished.”
Spark nodded. “We’ll go and have something to eat. That’s if Morte doesn’t scare everyone away.”
Lark tried not to laugh, as the gothic Hellion stared intently at the two of them. “Oh damn!” Lark screamed as she headed towards the gates, “there’s a metal detector ahead!” She already noticed that Scarlett and Salvanza had gone through, and Morte was just about to. “And?” Spark said, as he hurried them towards it, “what’s the big deal.” He stepped through, dragging his girlfriend with him. Immediately, the machine began to churn and rattle, sending bolts of electricity through he air, striking lark and several other people around her as she did.
Salvanza, Morte and lark raced over to Spark, who was trying to grab Lark. “I forgot,” Spark said, “her powers make her explode any kind of machinery.” He focused his mind, and he could see the electricity flying about. Using his own mutant powers, he began manipulating the energy, forcing it to run along the iron railings that surrounded Central Park until the machine died down, sending Lark and several of the other victims crashing to the floor. “Crap,” Salvanza said as he kneeled down besides Lark, “she’s out cold. Luckily her mutant powers allow her to take a certain level of shock.” Scarlett began to silently chant a regeneration spell, which slowly awoke Lark.
The young Hellion stumbled from the ground, falling into Spark’s arm. “What the Hell happened there,” an officer said as he rubbed his head, “that girl’s a mutant.”
Morte clenched her teeth and walked over to the cop. “So what if she is a mutant?” Her shoulder was grabbed by Salvanza, who tried hard not to touch her skin. “Come on Sabrina,” he said in a nervous voice, “let’s go.” The five hellions banded together, all of them feeling the burning eyes of the crowds of people. Almost silently, people began to chant ‘mutant mutant’ at them.
“We’d better get out of here,” Salvanza whispered to Spark, “crowd’s getting a bit hostile.” They all headed through the park as the people began to settle back down and band into the theatre.
“So much for our trip,” Morte hissed, looking atypically sweet towards Lark, “thank you.” “Now, leave it off,” Scarlett said, “It wasn’t Lark’s fault. So, what are we going to do now?” Suddenly a figure dressed in an all black combat suit with a large gun ascended from the trees, followed by about fifteen others. “Nice display,” one of the men said, “but now it’s time to say goodbye.” With that he pulled the trigger…

Ian sat quietly, glancing at his friend who sat at the other side of the lavish table. All around them, the smell of tantalising food wafted around the restaurant. But Ian was more enthralled in his date Stephanie MacGraff (see For the Future Forget the Past for more details), whose exotic beauty was only added to by the lavish, black satin dress she wore. For the past few months, Ian found his relationship with Stephanie growing closer and closer. But he couldn’t shake the feelings he felt towards the Purple Queen. Yet, he wasn’t a fool, and he knew there was no future between the Queen and himself.
“Ian,” Stephanie said as she took a sip from her champagne, “are we going now to see the show?”
Ian was jolted from his thoughts, and smiled warmly at his date. “Let’s go.”

Morte toppled from the line of fire, grabbing Salvanza by the shoulder and bringing him to the floor with her, taking the two of them from the danger. Spark had already charged up his power, exchanging electrical discharges with the men, whilst Scarlett began magically generating a thick fog around them, masking them from the public eye.
“Who the Hell are these guys?” Salvanza said, “and I can’t fight, I need solar energy!” Morte looked at him with a disgusted expression, then back flipped from the ground, using her momentum to spin around and disarm two of the attackers, before sending her elbows crashing powerfully into their stomachs, making them wither and double over with pain. “That’s how you fight you weasel,” she said, before another one of the attackers approached behind her, firing a powerful blast of energy into her back, propelling her through the air. Almost immediately Scarlett Mistress was upon him, using a spell she’d learned to manipulated the branches of the nearby trees, wrapping them around the man like handcuffs and finally imprisoning him in fortress of sharp, jagged fingers.
Salvanza acrobatically darted around the gunfire, and finally reached Morte, checking for her vital signs. Luckily her mutant power was already starting to heal her, the only thing damaged was her pride.
“Hello sleeping beauty,” Salvanza joked when she opened her eyes. Morte smacked him squarely in the mouth, sending him staggering backwards, his jaw clearly dislocated. Morte growled lowly, and then raced at an almost unbelievable speed, ploughing through six of the men with animalistic strength, sending them all into unconsciousness with a series of well placed punches and kicks.
“Band together team,” Lark shouted as the Hellions gathered, “I’m not sure who these guys are, but they’re seem to be more and more by the moment. Keep together. Scarlett, you and Salvanza are a group, Spark, you’re with me, and Morte, you work better alone. But don’t get divided!”
Suddenly a blinding flash of purple energy appeared before the Hellion’s eyes. “What’s going on?” the light seemed to say as it faded into a figure. “RKB, what, how?” Salvanza said as he looked at what seemed to be a ghost-like version of the Purple King.
“Listen, I’m in my Astral form, but those men you’re fighting seem to have some kind of psionic interference, We’ll be there as soon as possible, so hold out!” With that the King began to break up and fade, his banshee-like scream echoing in all their ears.

“This is weird,” Dr. Cornelius, said as he fussed around the Purple King, strapping his seemingly lifeless body to a wide array of machines, “his body is fine but his mind seems to have abandoned his body.”
A sigh of relief oozed from ShockWave. “It’s okay doctor, the King has used his psionic ability to travel around the astral plane. Just keep him monitored, and he should respond soon.”

Steven had travelled the astral plane a thousand times, and he never ever got bored of the wondrousness of it. But, usually where he could manipulate the astral plane to do his will, something was very wrong. A massive disturbance hasn’t allowing him to re-enter his body, and the stress was almost becoming too much for his physic image to handle. #Oh damn# he said to himself #I can’t get out of here. Something is seriously wrong#
He could feel energy pulsating through his body; enough to destroy any inexperienced telepath. But in the 154 years RKB had been using this plane, he’d mastered control over his telepathy. Finally, with all the might he could use, he drove himself back into his lifeless body, sending a powerful blast of psionic energy through he room, destroying all the equipment, sending the doctor propelling across the room.
“Thank heavens,” Shockwave said as she returned into the room, before seeing the carnage that had befallen it. She glided over to the doctor, helping him to his feet.
He walked over to the Purple King and began to examine him, before placing what looked like a head set communicator on the King’s head.
“This isn’t good,” he finally deliberated, “the King must have suffered some sort of difficulty on the astral plane. The psychosomatic shock seems to have irritated his heart, giving him a coronary attack. Fortunately, his External status has saved his life, and his healing powers are coming to work. I think if we leave him for a little while and just supervise him, he should be okay.”
Shockwave didn’t know whether to rejoice or to cry. Something must have been very wrong for Steven to just leave his body so abruptly, but what scared her is that there’s someone out there who could manipulate the astral plane even better than RKB.

Stephanie and Ian strolled arm in arm around central park, waiting for their cab to collect them to take them to Broadway. Ian was still stunned at how beautiful Stephanie was; her alabaster skin complemented with her silky, jet black hair and lavish green eyes. Being in the elite of society, Ian could have anything he desired. Women, money, power. Nothing was beyond his reach. But Stephanie seemed to be so seductively out of reach. Unlike other girls he’d dated before, she seemed to be interested in Ian, and not Ian’s wealth, Ian’s power. She was so independent.
“Ian,” she said in a low, husky voice, “why don’t you take me back to your hotel instead of the show.”
Ian didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, he became clear of the dense fog that seemed to accumulate and then he realised the sound of Spark’s voice. Something was very wrong. “Stephanie,” he said as he turned away from her, “forgive me but it’s sleep time.”
He delicately pinched her shoulder in a very precise place, sending her into instant slumber. Ian placed her on the bench and then ran with blinding speed into the miasma, two bolts of solar energy he’d stored earlier now surrounding his fists, ready for combat.

“This is taking too long,” an angry, violent voice said as he cursed silently under his breath, “and look!” He pointed towards the large monitor that dominated the room, directing the other woman’s gaze towards the screen.
“That’s Fitzroy,” he hissed, “what’s he doing here? Could it be that Fitzroy is a mutant?” “Indeed he is,” the first man said, “and we knew that RKB had connections to the HFC. But, I also think that Fitzroy does.”
There was a short silence as the two men watched Ian race into the frenzy as he observed the Hellion’s battle.
“Dare we risk capturing him?” the second doctor said in a nervous voice.
The first, and clearly dominant man began to laugh. “I think so,” he said sarcastically, “we’re not backing down.”
“What the hell is going on?” Ian said, as he manipulated a branch of a tree to resemble the hardness of diamond, driving the approaching man’s leg.
Spark unleashed two bolts of energy clearing the approaching men off their feet. “Your idea is as good as ours. Lark set off this metal detector and it started electrocuting her and the people nearby, due to her powers. So I drained it of it’s energy but then this mob formed, so we left. Then, these lot just turned up.”
Ian did a roundhouse kick, then flipped himself forward, knocking out the last of the attackers. “Listen here,” Ian said, “anyone any injuries.”
There was a satisfying silence. “Right, I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t like it. I’m going to get RKB to come and collect you all immediately.”
“RKB already knows,” Scarlett said, “he turned up in his astral form, but I think one of the men activated a psi dampener, which made him return to his body.”
Ian cursed under his breath. He knew Steven would give him such a talking to when he returned. “I should have never left you alone,” Ian almost growled, “back to the hotel now.” The mist began to fade away, its long, hungry tendrils seeping into nothingness, revealing the starry sky above. In the awesome blackness of the sky, the moon shone with purity and dignity.
“Thanks Scarlett, that mist was getting real annoying,” Salvanza said as he followed Ian out of the park.
Rebecca placed a hand on her chin and looked thoughtfully at him. “But I didn’t clear it.” Suddenly a blast of bright green energy erupted in front of them, revealing the figure of Stephanie MacGraff. Ian instantaneously ran beside her to help her.
Her twinkling green eyes burned red as a beam of force shot from them, hitting Ian squarely on the chest, sending him several feet into the air. Scarlett caught him, and unleashed a batch of magical sleeping dust upon Ian’s date. Stephanie merely laughed, clapping her hands together, causing the trees and bushes nearby the Hellions to metamorph into terrible shapes, binding them all in their vines and branches.
“What’s going on Stephanie?” Ian said as he scrambled to his feet.
Stephanie’s once silky, jet-black hair had turned a sparkling shade of green, her eyes changed into a feline shape. Where her carefully manicured fingernails were, claws had taken root. Her canines extended from her mouth, slightly spilling over her chin.
“What’s going on?” she said in an angry tone, “I’ll tell you what’s going on! Your death! YOUR DEATH! And the death of every other mutant on this planet!” She began to fire several extremely powerful blasts of energy at Ian.
The Hellion acrobatically darted them, using his own abilities to fire blasts of his own at his date. This seemed to exasperate her situation, and she charged head on with him, sending her razor-sharp claw into his left shoulder, unleashing a steady trickling of crimson liquid to pour through the wound. Ian gave a muster of pain, then grabbed her hair, throwing her into a nearby chair. He fell to the ground and rolled over the captive Hellions.
He tried to loosen the branches around Salvanza and Morte, but as he made contact with the undergrowth gave him a powerful shock, throwing him through the air, landing him on a stone park bench.
As he rolled back to his feet, a powerful kick attacked his rib cage, courtesy of his attacker. Ian could feel the ribs snap, as he winced in pain. He tried to focus past the soreness, and concentrated on increasing Stephanie’s mass so she couldn’t move. But once again another prevailing attack to his head staggered his efforts. Just before his world went black, he could see the twisted, bloodthirsty face where his date used to be.

Steven shot up in bed, a scream of pain echoing from his mouth. Then he realised he was wired to a heart monitor and a drip of some sort. As he vision began to clear, he noticed the beautiful face of the Purple Queen and he could smell Xeus’ aftershave. That, however, didn’t mean he was in the room. One could always smell Xeus, even if he was in the opposite part of the mansion. A quick telepathic scan told him Epyon and Dr Cornelius, the resident doctor, were also in the room. A pain shot into his head as used his powers. “Welcome back,” Epyon joked, as he leaned against the bare walls. Steven noticed how unsavoury this ward looked. He’d have to do something about it.
“Thank you,” Steven said, “what happened?”
Shockwave shook her head. “Well, we were talking in my office, then you just bailed on me. I brought you to he med lab, then realised you’d done that creepy astral plane travelling thing. But when you came back, somehow, something disrupted you, and you were suffering from psychosomatic shock. It seemed to have affected your heart, but you’re like a bad penny. We can never get rid of you!”
Steven smiled. Then he remembered what had happened. He flew out of bed and realised he was in one of those hospital gowns. He immediately teleported out of it and back into his suit, much to the astonishment of his teammates.
“What are you doing, you need to rest,” Epyon said as he tried to stop Steven. The King glared meaningfully at his Knight.
“Listen here,” Steven said, “the Hellions are in trouble, someone is attacking them, and I’ve just felt Ian go into unconsciousness. Me must get there immediately to assist. I’d teleport us but it hurts to use my powers at the moment. Xeus, prepare the Cruiser now.”

Fragile HF
Part Three: Turn the Next Page
Written by Ian Fitzroy

The room span in a spiral, as the colours washed together. Finally, with a little effort, images began to come together until finally Ian could see the whole room. It was a laboratory of some sort. There were several armed guards at the door, in the same uniform as those who attacked the Hellions. He then noticed he was shackled to the wall with titanium chains and a restraint collar was around his neck. Next to him in five almost alien-designed pods laid the unconscious bodies of the Hellions.
“I see my prize is awake,” Stephanie said, as she walked towards him. Her green hair and feline eyes, claws and all around mutation seemed to have vanished. Wrapped around her perfect-framed body was an elegant red flowing gown.
“What’s going on?” Ian growled, trying to break free. Several volts of energy shot through his body, via the shackles.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” she hissed, walking closer to him, drawing a dagger from his knee high pointed red leather boots, “for you see you’re fitted with a mutant dampening collar and those shackles can send nasty energy through them.” She thoughtfully caressed the blade in her hands, staring seductively at Ian. “Now you’re going to ask me why I’m doing this, aren’t you?”
She took a step backwards and turned her head away from him. “Well, a little while back, there was a girl called Charlotte Wednesday. She was a happy eighteen year old, studying hard to get her degree in biochemistry. She decided to enrol at the Fitzroy University for Higher Level Science, originally known as the Steven Booth College of Science. Later, she discovered it was passed onto you by him, the Purple King. At the time she didn’t give a toss about who owned it, all she knew is it was the place where all the great teachers were, like Dr Jonathan Cornelius, Professor Baxter, Dr Alicia Jones to name a few. It was perfect.” Stephanie stopped and looked daggers at Ian.
“But Charlotte one day found out it was also a place for mutant research, but it was all hush hush. Yet, she decided to go and have a look at the research anyway. That’s when she met Professor Darwin. The man hired by the owner of the college, you, to overlook the research. But you were too wrapped up in your Hellfire Club life to notice he was a corrupt bastard who was secretly manipulating mutants and mind slaving them to join his army, his crusade against all mutants. Charlotte found out, and was captured by Darwin. It seemed he didn’t act alone. This thing ran into the multi-billion, worldwide company, Booth Enterprises, Professor Steven Booth’s own chain of mutant research facilities. Luckily, the old man had flushed out any possibilities of these kinds of experiments, firing a few renegades. But, these renegades banded together and Darwin was one of them. He kidnapped Charlotte and uncovered her dormant ability to drain life energies like a vampire. But, with further manipulation, he turned her into a sorceress and gave her the ability to switch from vampire to human. And do you know what he called her?”
By now, her voice was the pinnacle of hysteria, those emerald green eyes growing wider and wider. “STEPHANIE MacGRAFF! Me! He twisted my DNA, turned me into a mindless zombie, someone who he could easily manipulate to join his cause. I was his tracker; I used to track down other mutants for his cause. But, I rebelled, and finally killed Darwin, and went after his partners in crime. But when I found them, I realised that they could be useful to me. They too didn’t side with Darwin. They tried to help mutants, and they thought Darwin did as well. So I made an alliance with them, now they would recruit mutants and brainwash them so they could destroy mutant ‘research’ facilities everywhere. Then we’d help them learn how to control their powers.”
Ian’s face twisted in horror. “So, all those accidents at Fitzroy Enterprises, they were your doing?” She nodded triumphantly. “But why didn’t you attack the giant amongst mutant research, Booth Enterprise?”
Stephanie span around and dug her nails into Ian’s torso. “Booth is a decent man who didn’t support this kind of experiments. But you did nothing to stop them. But now, we have our revenge. I am going drain all your Hellion’s powers and convert them into your body, making you a supremely powerful mutant. But, my good friends here at this establishment, will have a poke around with your head. In the end, you’ll be a brainless husk and we can then have the victory we deserve. Your death will mean the assimilation of your corrupt research facilities, and then all mutants will be safe.”
The pain seemed almost too much for Ian to bear. “Stephanie,” he said through his agonising pain, “I didn’t know any of this was going on. I only recently took charge. Release me and the Hellions and I can help you fight this evil.”
She looked at him with sheer disgust. “You’ll serve my cause better dead.”

The Purple Court’s Space Cruiser, a mixture of Shi’arian, Stark and Strong technology, as well as the shrewd mechanics of RKB and Epyon, glided silently through the fierce New York night breeze. Steven Booth said quietly, allowing his mind to wander around the Astral plane in search of his students. He could just barely make out the faint readings of the Hellions, but he knew where ever they were, it was heavily guarded with psionic shielding. Luckily, 154 years of telepathic training had allowed him to fight against some of those shields.
“Any idea what’s going on?” Epyon said as he drove the plane carefully, gesturing towards the King who’s at behind the Cerebro unit aboard the plane. Shockwave, who sat a few seats in front of Steven, glared at Epyon, her expression silencing him.
Xeus, who sat besides the Purple Knight, nudged Epyon and began to whisper in his ear. “I think the old dude’s in one of those telepathic trances.”
Epyon nodded and focused his attention on the sky ahead. He was fortunate the ship was invisible to the public, or the site of a cruiser ploughing above the busy Manhattan skyline might alert the people. “Steven,” Epyon shouted, arousing him from his telepathic slumber, “the warehouse is below.”
Steven rubbed his temples, and began to speak in a weary voice. “As are the Hellions. But beware, from what I gather, they are all unconscious, this place is swarming with soldiers and Ian’s consort, Stephanie, isn’t the person we thought she is. Paradox, Xeus and Epyon, you take on the soldiers, the Queen and I shall progress to the lab and free the Hellions. Now let’s get a move on.”
With that, the Bishop, Knight and Rook ascended from the aircraft and instantly began to attack the warehouse, forcing their way in. It was amazing how derelict this part of town was, very run down and incredibly dilapidated. This, however, assisted them. They knew they could cut loose without being spotted. Within seconds, soldiers were scrolling all over them. “I think we should make our move,” Steven said wearily as he placed the sifter of brandy he had just downed on the table, then wrapped himself in a telekinetic shield, guiding him out of the aircraft, his Queen using her power to fly by his side.

“How does it feel, to know your last minutes on earth are soon going to close in?” Stephanie said in a twisted, sinister voice, smiling wickedly at Ian.
The Hellion snickered at her, trying in vain to break free as more bolts shot through his body.
“I suppose we should get this over with,” a masculine voice said as he walked into the room, his white laboratory coat swaying as he did so.
“Ah, Dr Westwick, nice of you to turn up,” Stephanie said in a sarcastic voice. “Guards,” he said, ignoring her crack, “fetch my assistant, Dr Charles Wentworth here now. He is most adamant he witnesses this.” Obediently the guard rushed out of the room and re-appeared with a tall, broad shouldered, golden haired boy, who barely looked eighteen. “Now we’re all here,” Stephanie said, “guards, release Fitzroy and strap him into the machine.”
Two bulky, heavily armoured men with lazer guns came towards him. Ian knew he didn’t have the strength to take down even one of them.
Just as the tow approached his containment unit, another guard came dashing into the room. “I am sorry to interrupt, but several mutants are attacking the perimeter and…”. His eyes suddenly went white as he fell off the terrace that went around the top of the lab. “I always have hated a tell tale,” Steven said as he levitated into the room telekinetically, his shield shining brightly in the strong lights of the laboratory. Almost immediately, his Queen as by his side.
“Dr Booth?” Stephanie said, “the Purple King. What do you want?” Steven stared intently at her and the two familiar doctors beside her. “You have some of my ‘friends’ captive, and I demand you release them now.”
“It’s not that simple,” Dr Westwick, said, “they have been nominated for our new plans.” Instantaneously, Steven fired a powerful blast of telekinetic energy at Westwick, sending him flying through the air.
“You always were a twisted little moron,” Steven said, “that’s why I fired you from the Booth Corporation. Now, Stephanie, release them or you’ll get me angry.”
Shockwave charged her energy up and began to fly towards Ian and the Hellions, before a blast of energy erupted from across the room and collided with her, sending her to the ground. She winced in pain, but jumped to her feet, to come face to face with what seemed to be Stephanie MacGraff, but her features had changed dramatically. She drew her claws, driving them through the air, aiming for the Purple Queen’s head.
Westwick toppled lithely, grabbing his naïve assistant with him. He grabbed two lazer guns, passing one to Wentworth. They both open fire on the Purple King, who seemed annoyed as the beams merely bounced off his fierce field. “Oh, come on, you must have more than that!” Steven mocked, as he almost unconsciously unleashed two beams that struck the men in the temples, sending them into unconsciousness. His vision fell upon the Purple Queen, who seemed to be pinned by the vampire form of Stephanie. Steven prepared to fire a blast at her when two beefy men ran towards him, knocking him off the terrace onto the cold, steel floor. They were immediately upon the old man, pinning him to the floor. Steven tore across the astral plane, grabbing ahold of their minds and stunning them, giving him the ability to cartwheel free, kicking both of them in the groin, sending them withering in pain. Shockwave grabbed ahold of the claw that was about to seal her fate, twisting it around painfully, as she send her knee powerfully into Stephanie’s stomach. This sent the vampire backwards, giving Shockwave the momentum to jump into the air, kicking Stephanie in the temple. ShockWave them forced a beam of energy into a powerful line, setting it free, hitting Stephanie in the mid section. “No one messes with the Purple Court,” Shockwave laughed.

“Oh kindly sod off!” Epyon cried, as he smashed his powerful fists into his attacker’s back, instantly paralysing him. Xeus rolled nearby, firing bolts of energy at his followers. Paradox combined his mutant abilities and his formidable fighting skills, effectively taking out the remaining soldiers.
“I think we should get in there and help RKB and Shockwave,” Epyon said as he thrust his fists into the brick wall, making an opening.
“But our almighty leader won’t need our help,” Paradox sneered. Epyon looked daggers at him.

“That Heavens you’ve arrived,” Ian said in a weary voice, as Shockwave began to break the shackles, spilling Ian’s almost lifeless body forward. Steven caught him telekinetically. “Shockwave!” Epyon said as he and the Rook and Bishop followed him onto the terrace, “how is everyone?”
The Queen began to speak when Stephanie lunged through the air, grabbing her auburn hair, dragging Shockwave to the floor. Xeus leapt from the terrace, landing on Stephanie’s back, using his powerful momentum to throw her across the room into a steel filing cabinet. The structure rattled and finally crashed down on her, only to be lifted off and send crashing at Epyon and Paradox, whilst Stephanie fired a mystical blast at Xeus, blinding him. Epyon knocked it out of the way and ascended off the terrace, kicking Stephanie solidly in the head, sending her into unconsciousness.
“Good work,” RKB said as he propped Ian down on the ground, “Paradox, call the police here now. Xeus, Epyon, you make sure the two doctors and Stephanie are out cold. Shockwave and I shall free the Hellions.”

“That’s correct officer,” RKB said, “This place has been the subject of mad experiments on mutants, but I have shut it down and I am going to pay for it to be destroyed.”
The officer scribbled notes onto his pad, then thanked the Purple King, before getting into his chair and leaving.
“Now,” RKB said as he teleported aboard the invisible, hovering spacecraft, “everything is back to normal, and those nutcases will be in maximum security holdings. Luckily, disaster was averted.”
Steven turned his glance to Epyon, who started up the ship’s engines. The aircraft began to kick to life.
“I can’t say that I’m happy with you all,” RKB said as he looked towards the Hellions who all sat sombrely, “but at least you’re all safe. And, from the memories I pulled from Ian’s mind, you all worked well as a team. I am somewhat proud of you.” With that he took his seat and lay his head on the comfortable backrest.

“I can safely say everything is okay and back to normal,” Steven said into the telephone. Chastity Darkholme, the Red Queen of the International Hellfire Club chuckled. “As normal as can be for the Hellfire Club!” she joked.
Steven shook his head and smirked. “Well, I’ve got my hands full with these lot, but I love them. How are my Godchildren?”
Chastity’s happy and level tone seemed to fade and was replaced by a nervous one. “Well, they’ve started talking already, despite them only being a few months old.”
Steven noticed how upset, how frightened she seemed. It was an emotion that he never ever thought he would sense in Chastity Darkholme. “Well, I must go now, Inner Circle meeting, give my regards to everyone.” With that, the line went dead.
He rose from his office chair and began to stroll out of his Inner Circle office and towards the boardroom. Nothing hurt him more than not being able to help those closest to him. But there was nothing he could do. Nothing at all.

Shockwave stood up from her velvety comfortable chair and walked up the steps to the large stage that dominated the General Assembly Boardroom. The whole IHFC was gathered, including not only the high-ranking General Members like Elemental or Claw, but everyone. The Purple Queen was almost taken back by the volume of people in the room. Then she remembered her days as Black Bishop.
Clearing her throat she took the podium and began to speak. “Greetings my fellow members of the Hellfire Club. The Purple Court has been in existence almost three months now, and I must report to you tonight, what progress the Club has made. Well, we decided that our Bishop, Paradox, was better suited with a less demanding role, hence, we promoted him to Bishop, and asked Paradox to take the Rook title. He refused, and was instead made a Hellion. Ian Fitzroy was selected by a unanimous vote to replace Xeus as Rook. Several new members of the Hellions have joined, and the educational side of the Club is only glowing with possibilities. The Purple Court is as cast iron as it shall ever be, and tonight, we invite you into our home to enjoy our success.”
The room erupted in applause and cheers and after Ryan seconded Shockwave’s words, a party broke loose.

Ryan Jensen sifted through he crowds, shaking hands and chatting with the people as he did so. Finally he reached his target. “Steven,” he said in a superfluously polite voice, slapping his Purple Court counterpart on the back, “how are things? Seems you have a successful court here.”
Usually Ryan’s smile seemed to scare people, for the Red King was a man that was not to be under estimated. The master of manipulation, Ryan didn’t do anything without they’re being a plotted plan behind it. But the Purple King was a man who seemed completely unaffected by Ryan’s reputation. He merely lifted his head and glanced at Ryan, before returning to the finger buffet.
“Yes, things are brilliant here,” Steven, said in an even, meaningful voice, “how about at home?”
Ryan seemed to be angry at the lack of interest the Purple King paid him, but he masked it. “Thins are as good as they are here,” he finally said.
“That’s good,” Steven said in an equally bored voice.
Ryan glared at him and then excused himself. He glided away from RKB, and walked out of the large ballroom, down the shrouded hallways. The Red King came to a stop as he realised the familiar shadow appear near him. “What do you want,” he said through clenched teeth, “HellGoat.”
The demon stroked his goatee beard and look thoughtfully at the Red King. “Well, only to make sure my son is okay.”
Ryan stared at the demon with a bitter look on his face. “I am NOT your son, now go!”
The demon laughed. “My my, you act as if you’ve left my side.”
“I am no longer your tool HellGoat,” Ryan shouted.
“Oh, but you are,” he persisted, “Chastity has made sure of that. And that evil still is inside of you. If you were as reformed as you said you are, and as dedicated to your courts, why haven’t you corrected the damage your counterpart in the Purple Court suffers from. Why not cure his diseases and his physical frailness?”
Ryan blinked at him, clearly taken off guard by such a comment.
HellGoat laughed, his raucous laughter screaming around the old castle. “Because you’re keeping him weak and frail, so he can always have a weakness in your eyes. Yes my child, you are the same Ryan as you have always been.” And with that, the demon faded away.
Ryan stood and thought for a moment. Perhaps the demon was right. Perhaps he was the same Ryan he had always been. Only time would tell.

The End.