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Lark by Lark

Lark ran form all so knew, the camp she had escaped form a month ago as she knew they new where find her. Lark knew very well what would happen if her mother and stepfather would do to her if they fond her. There was a half healed scar to prove that and what she saw thought her eyes. Lark didn't want to but She had to leave the foster home.
There was no other way to stay alive, Lark knew that. Lark saw that there was a boat that was going to New York that would be far enough to get away. Lark seeing a ship she ran to were the cargo was being loaded, slipping in-between the boxes. If she used her telepathic power to hide from the worker's even though she could not control them. That didn't mean she couldn't hide herself. That was the reason why she escaped her mother’s evil plans for her. Lark's eyes swallowed, a little bit with tears, as she tried to get comfortable in the cargo.
*Ok you know you've got yourself in trouble again* Lark thought to herself as nightfall and she was ready to move up to the food area to get something to eat. Lark hoped that this was one of those ships that had an all night food table. Lark rubbed her left eye where three scars showed. That was form the first and last time she tried to cook. Lark was quiet as possible as she moved though the corridors hitting into something stiff but she couldn’t see because it was pitch dark. Lark could use some light but would blow it up if she touched anything electrical. any of the lights.
Lark went to the open the door and got wired looks form the others around her. Than she felt a hand grab her left shouldn't causing her to say most of the swear words in the Irish language. "You know Lark I would think you had learned your lesions the last time I caught you." " I did but my mother is after me again. I'll leaving Ireland for good and it’s foster system." The cop sighed he knew that Lark was always beat by her parents. She always was There was no way he could take her back to Ireland. But the thought of Lark running lose in the USA gave him the creeps. But then it wasn't like he could stop her ether the kid had a very strong will. Lark would be able to keep care of herself if need be.
" You do realize that you will be blowing up a lot of stuff and are your going to be hated. Or am I wasting my breath....” Lark nod her head as she got away form him. He watched whilst Lark got some food. The cop knew all to well what Lark had gone to good foster home but the mother from h*ll trying to get her. He had to help.
After eating Lark went to a room that the cop paid for her. Another way he dug her out off trouble. The next flew weeks were like that. Lark was really glad to get-to-get away form the boat.
The next few days were a little uncertain for Lark. She wandered the large streets in hope for something that would catch her attention... but no opportunity came her way. Eventually she found herself sleeping on a park bench in Central Park. "I really have to make something happen for myself soon," Lark moaned as she gazed into the stars, "I've been here three days and haven't made any money or even got a place to stay" With that the young woman drifted off to a restless sleep.
Steven Booth adjusted his silk shirt, stuffing in into his crimson red pants. With a slight tweak of his equally dashing blood red tie, the Red Bishop's appearance was suitable. "I really do hate these conventions," he said with a moan as he placed his hat and coat on, slipping his hands into red leather gloves, "but then again, I would be the owner of the airline Air tours, so no pain, no game." With a sigh, he picked up his briefcase and headed out of the door. He walked down the extravagantly designed hallways of the Red Hellfire Club's mansion, smiling friendly and greeting all he passed. Finally he reached the large, solid oak doors that led out foot he mansion. The bystander opened the door and allowed the Red Bishop to step through, waving good-bye. Climbing into his red limo, Steven backed out of the driveway of the Mansion. "New York, here I come..." he mused to himself
"Damn it!" Lark said as she threw the large newspaper into the trashcan. Because of the suddenness of her departure, she had only brought a change of clothes, about $100 and a gun. Nothing else really mattered. And now she'd wasted some of her precious money on a paper, hoping there would be job applications. She was wrong. "Talk about the land of opportunity," she hissed
Wilson Fisk sat in his large, expensive black leather chair, glancing at the monitor in front of him. He rubbed his flabby fingers with delight, making the large gold- diamond ring on his right pinkie sparkle in the room’s light.
"Greetings Kingpin," Alexander Smythe said as he hovered into the room, sat in his usual hovercraft, "what has caught your eye?"
Wilson Fisk was no ordinary man. He was the superbly wealthy crime lord of New York known as Kingpin. And he was a man who likes to get what he wants
And will stop at nothing to get it.
"Alex, get a squad ready. I want them to apprehend this girl and bring her to me."
Smythe's brow furrowed. "But why her," he said, "She's barely sixteen."
Wilson smiled. "You'll see..."
"I can't believe I am doing this" Lark said as she made her way down Fifth Avenue, her full-length trench coat and hat hiding her face from view. She didn't want it to come to this, but she needed some money soon. The $100 was almost all gone. "I can make this painless," she said to herself, as if trying to reassure her own conscience, "I mean, I'll telepathically numb them and just take their money. Easy as pie." She spotted a wealthy looking man dressed in the most beautiful crimson suit she'd ever seen. His cold blue eyes and icy hair made him look so... dangerous. By his side was a cane, decked with the largest blue and red ruby she'd ever seen. "I can't mug him," she said, "he must be about 100!" Then she remembered she didn't really have a choice. "Here goes nothing," she said as she crossed the road, heading in his direction.
“That's it," Steven Booth, the Red Bishop said to himself as he filtered through the cluster of people that littered Fifth Avenue, "I've been stuck in that dumb meeting for over three hours and now the roads are cluttered by these idiots. I swear if one of these people bumps into me again..." he trailed off.
Suddenly his telepathic powers sprang to life. He could sense a young mutant girl, about seventeen; probably Irish with some sort of telepathic abilities somewhere near him. "How odd," he thought.
He walked past a deep alleyway, when suddenly two icy cold hands grabbed the collar of his overcoat and dragged him into the alley. Unfortunately the sun was set and the streetlights weren't lit. No one would be able to see him. A girl appeared before him. It was the one he had sensed earlier on. But she looked younger. She was about fifteen. Steven played along and pressed himself against the wall, as Lark held him against the wall. She looked so smug, so triumphant.
"Listen here granddad," she said, trying to mask her Irish accent making her voice sound gruff and hard
"I want ya wallet and that fancy cane. And you see I'm a mutant and if you don't cough up, we'll have to have a look in that head of yours"
Steven merely smiled. "Try it." This seemed to make Lark extremely angry. She focused her powers and began to invade his mind when suddenly a large, powerful psi barrier stood in her way. It made her immediately get out of his head, and she fell onto the floor, perching on her knees, holding her head in pain
The Red Bishop laughed. "Dearie, you aren't the only one who's got special powers." lark, despite her agony, could tell the man was English. He had a very strong English accent.
His icy blue eyes seemed to narrow, his facial expression becoming more rigid. "How about I take a look in your head. You see I'm the world's most powerful telepath, I'll show you how you rip a person's mind apart like a pro." He smiled mechanically and walked towards Lark.
She thrashed around on the ground, begging his to stop.
Just as he began to feel himself entering her mind he stopped. Lark held her breath. She wasn't sure what was going on. Suddenly she felt herself... floating. The Red Bishop smiled.
"From our brief telepathic contact I have done a full psychic scan. I know of your pain... Lark."
The young woman, who realized she was being held telekinetically by the old man jeered. "You don't know nothing!" she screamed
Steven shook his head. "Why be so violent? I am not here to hurt you like your mother or stepfather. You see, I run a school for gifted individuals like yourself. I help you learn how to control your powers."
Lark was about to open her mouth to reply when suddenly, from atop the towering buildings that surrounded the alley, seven men on hover bikes, all heavily armed ascended down, trapping Lark and the Red Bishop against the far wall of the alley. Steven dropped Lark, who landed safely on her feet.
"We come on orders of Kingpin," a man said as he hovered close to the pair, "the girl must come with us."
Steven scoffed. "How dare Wilson even attempt to demand things from me”? The man looked shocked. "You know the boss?"
The Red Bishop nodded. "Yes. Now get out of my way. This young lady is coming with me."
Steven tried to budge past the man on the hover bike but he didn't move. "Sorry, strict orders from he boss. We need to take this girl."
"Well, you'll have to take me as well!" Steven shouted,
Unleashing a powerful bolt of telekinetic energy on the hover bike, making it shatter into pieces, throwing the man on the floor. Almost immediately the other six men began shooting lasers from their bikes at Steven and Lark. The Red Bishop yawned and erected a force shield, protecting himself and Lark.
With the slightest wave of his finger, the Red Bishop made all the bikes explode using telekinethesis, and then levitated all the guns towards himself, turning them on the attackers, pointing them at their foreheads. "Now, this game was sweet, but we really need to go," Steven said as he lowered his force shield.
Almost immediately a powerful blast of energy struck the Red Bishop hard in the back toppling him tot he ground. This made the weapons drop. Kingpin's soldiers quickly grabbed the weapons and went towards lark. "Enough," Smythe said, as he looked at Steven, who was lying in pain on the floor. His energy blasts were getting more powerful everyday. He took an injection, filed with a clear green liquid and inserted it into Steven's neck, sending him into unconsciousness. "This sleeping sedative will take him out for a while," Smythe said, "now get the girl!" With that the gem grabbed lark and began to board the jet that Smythe had arrived in.
Steven rolled over and found himself face first in a muddy puddle. He cursed silently to himself, before rising to his feet and noticing his expensive Armani suit was stained with a pungent brown slutch. “Oooo, when I find Wilson, he’s going to pay,” Steven said as he telekinetically rose into the air, using his powers to peel the filth off his suit. Then he remembered. LARK! They’d kidnapped her. Steven rolled his eyes. “My first day in New York and I’m off crime fighting. How wonderful!” With that he flew into the air.
Lark rolled her head, trying to shake of whatever they’d given her to make her sleep. Her eyes wandered around what seemed to be a very sophisticated office. In the centre of a large oval table sat in a comfortable-looking chair was a very obese man dressed in a white jacket suit, blue pants, black shoes, black waistcoat and purple shirt. He had a cane with a large diamond on the end in his hand. Something about the way he sat make her think he was extremely… dangerous. Important. And from all descriptions, the Kingpin. “Good morning dearest,” he said without even turning to greet Lark, “I am Wilson Fisk, known as the Kingp…” “I know who you are, you fat, twisted freak, why have ya kidnapped me?” Lark shouted, trying to move. That’s when she realised she was shackled to the wall. And the silvery blue collar around her neck was a mutant power dampener. She also noticed there were about twenty guards armed around the room. “Such a strong mouth,” Kingpin said, “something not appreciated around here.” He pushed a button on his desk and several volts of electricity shot through Lark’s body. “Now, as for why you’re here, it’s simple. I am searching for young mutants so my assistant, Smythe, can convert your organic body and mutant powers into androids, which will work for me. I shall be unstoppable!” “Or shut up Wilson,” Steven Booth, the Red Bishop said as he telekinetically ascended from the glass roof, firing bolts of energy at the soldiers guarding the room, knocking their energy weapons from their hands. Almost immediately more soldiers raced into the room, only to be swept out by the Red Bishop’s psionic wave. He fired two more blasts, only more intensified, at the shackles around Lark’s arms, which broke away, allowing her to be set free. He teleported her inside the force field he had generated then turned his attention to the Kingpin. “Listen here Kingpin,” Steven spat, “you’d better shut this project down. And if you try anything like this again, I’ll come down on you like a tonne of bricks.” The Kingpin smiled. “Is that so, old friend? Well, time will only tell.”
“So, you know that lard addict?” lark said as she walked down the stairs of the Red Bishop’s private jet. Steven nodded. “Wilson and I were once good friends, but we decided we made better enemies.” She smiled. “Cool.” Then her tone went more serious. “So this is the International Hellfire Club? I’m nervous about meeting the King and Queen.” Steven laughed. “Chastity and Ryan are tow… delightful people, who will welcome you to your new home as a member of the Hellions.” Lark liked the sound of that. Not only was she being made a member of the legendary Hellfire Clubs, but she also had found a home. And there was something about the Red Bishop that she knew she could trust. I’m gonna like it here she said to herself as she followed him out into the corridor.