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Mystery Man by Shadow


Shadow had just a woken from his bed and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the cold tap and put his hands under the running water. He splashed his face twice and looked into the mirror. He first saw his face and then a mystery face appeared right in front of him. He screamed and by an accident, he pointed his index finger at the mirror. Knowing that he had magic powers, which came out of his index finger, he was not very accurate at controlling them. The power came blasting out and hit the mirror. The mysterious face opened its mouth and shot out a dart, which hit Shadows neck. Shadow was thrown to the ground, after a few minutes, he got up and walked off to the Main Hall of The Purple Hellfire Mansion. A headache occurred and made Shadow weak and not knowing to him, his powers were fading. He saw Storm walking towards him and, not controlling it, he lifted his arm towards her and shot out black magic. She screamed and was shot down by the magic, which knocked her out. Shadow walked over to her and stood beside her. He made a magic spell, which made her rise from the floor and gave her black magic. They walked on and saw their fellow members, Shadow did the same for each one and they all were under his spell. Then it came to Steven Booth who was very puzzled and asked Shadow what was wrong. A loud scream shouted out to Steven and it said,
Steven knew who it was, it was his once friend, ‘The Red King’ who had tried to control the Purple Court before. He telepathically saw Shadow and the fellow members and tried to get them out. He managed to rescue everyone except the body, which The Red King was controlling. Shadow was the body and if Steven did not revive his normal status, Shadow would be gone and The Red King would be control of Shadows body forever! Steven lifted his arms wide apart and legs also. It then suddenly transformed into his combat outfit. Steven shot out fireballs, ice particles and telekinetic powers. He had The Red King but he could not damage him because this would end in hurting Shadow. He had to enter the mind of him instead. He was on a dusty battlement and saw a person standing there. It was the enemy, The Red King. Steven spoke out and said, “Don’t take his life, take mine instead.”
They started to battle in order to see who could win this battle. They used everything and but then Shadow appeared and with Steven looking at him in worry, The Red King shot out a fire, ice, rock, electric power out. Shadow ran in front of Steven and was hit by the force. He was led on the floor and was suddenly risen from the ground. He was also glowing like a real life angle. He was all in white and spread out his arms and legs. His heart started to glow ever so brightly and was getting redder by the second. The heart vanished and Shadow was pulled back into his normal body and The Red King was thrown back into his world, where he is lost. Steven was vanished to his own bode and walked over to shadow. He helped him up and took him to his bedroom. He gently placed Shadow on his bed and left him to recover and gain his powers back.