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Aquapyro, the juvenile and optimistic joker of the Hellions. The popular one. The imprudent and irrational one. He allowed jealously destroy himself; his pride killed him. But he was lucky. This time. For the King and Bishop could fix his paralysed body…but his mind was beyond repair. After he went and saw what the world had to offer he returned…but with a difference. His thirst for adventure and greed lured him into the temple of Gzkamadra, where he retrieved a dying mage of the gem of Gzkamadra. With the mysterious gem in his hands, a mystical essence surged through his body. Slowly and slowly, the powers he possessed flowed from his body. And then it began. Raw power seeping into his young body, slowly corrupting his soul. Eventually it ceased. But that’s not where the madness stopped. For Aquapyro could no longer manipulate fire and water, but more mysteriously he could teleport and phase, fly and even felt magical power drum through his veins. He eagerly sought out his mentor, the Red Bishop and tried to discover what transformation has occurred. But his attitude began to morph, as did his body. And finally, like a piercing glow in a gloomy room, the light is swallowed up by the shadows!
Click here for Shadow's full story.

Name: Kyle Eccelston.
Codename: Shadow.
Age: 21 years old.
Religion: Roman Catholic, but not too devout.
Title: Blue Prince of the Hellfire Club.
Country of Origin: United States of America.
Country of Current Residence: Purple Hellfire Club Castle, Booth Manor, England.
Occupation: Heir to a multi-billion dollar establishment (Booth Enterprises), member of the Purple Hellfire Club.
Hair: Brown/Blonde.
Eyes: Icy Blue.
Height: 6”3.
Weight: 175lbs.
Distinguishing Features: None.

Mutant powers: Originally, as Aquapyro, he had pryokinethesis and hydrokinethesis. But he could also generate these two elements and manipulate them. For instance, he could control temperature, melting someone or freezing them solid. But, with his encounter in China, he has been stripped of his mutant powers, and has since developed the ability to phase through objects and teleport. He can also fly without heating the air around him like he did as Aquapyro. But, he has been given a form of magic, but is very unskilled with it. He controls his magic by extending his index finger.

History: He first became involved with the Hellfire Club when he was recruited by Steven Booth to be a member of the re-established Beverley Hills Hellfire Club. He had a birthright to the Inner Circle and his parent’s wealth gained him access. He met Epyon, the man who aided him and his girlfriend months earlier when Kyle was being mugged.
When RKB left the Club and the whole Joseph development came to light, Kyle went in pursuit of the Black King, who had taken refuge at the InterNETional Hellfire Club, as Red Bishop. Kyle enrolled in the Hellions, and was also given a place in the Dragonfire Team.
Kyle recently went for a trip to ‘find himself’ and stumbled upon a dying mage. The mage gave him a powerful gem that transformed him into Shadow. He gained knowledge of Black Magic, phasing abilities, flight and teleportation. His attitude has drastically changed; he is now very cold and anti-social. He has since returned to the Hellions.
Recently, after much therapy with RKB, Kyle's state of mind has returned back to normal. So much so, he's started a serious relationship with Hellfire Phoenix. He was made Red Rook when the PHC was formed. But recent events have made that it possible for Kyle to be made Purple Prince of the independant Purple Hellfire Club. He has also split up from Hellfire Phoenix and is engaged to Porscha Rushmore
Kyle was recently informed by Felicity Harvard, an old enemy of Steven Booth, that he is the son of the Blue King.

Psychological Mentality: Originally a fun loving guy who was very popular, Kyle is now ruthless, cold and is on the brink of insanity. He recently, however started showing sigs of returning to his normal self and has started becoming much like his old self, only with more dignity.
Kyle is now fully returned back to normal. He is very social and a born leader, and deeply in love with Porscha.
Education: Kyle graduated from the Westbridge Academy and is studying for a degree in physical and social education and biology.

Duties Within The Court: He is the assistant to the Blue King, and in this, he is accountable only to the King and the rest of the Outer Circle.
Fashion Sense: Cool, sophisticated, complicated and elegant best describe Kyle.