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Purple Scandals by Shadow

Purple Scandals!

It was coldhearted day in the Purple Hellfire Club’s castle and after the break up of Shadow and Hellfire Phoenix, it seemed like everyone was down in the dumps about the recent events. Her Majesty, Shockwave has been down in the dumps at how the Red King had disappeared. Her troubles came when The Red King took control of her and her fellow members (See Mystery Man). She had headaches a lot and felt sick most of the day. Shockwave gained time to recover and was sent to a health farm where she was relaxed and gained stronger abilities to her strength and her aerobics. Storm on the other hand was, somewhat acting strange after the incident and did not talk to anyone. Shadow was normal as he could be and late into the night, he went into Storm’s room. He did not knock on Storms door but just entered, he was about to say “Storm are you here,” but he was interrupted by a deep voice that was telling Storm how to destroy the Purple Court. Shadow was devastated at what he had heard. But Shadow realized that Flynn and Storm were aware of his presence.
Flynn sent out a captured wave and allowed Shadow to be held prisoner in Storms under-ground shelter. Shadow was locked there and nobody could see or hear him. Storm was an ungrateful girl who only thought of herself, she had planned such things but never had the right connections with evil people. This time she had met up with the cold-hearted one who was pure evil into making The Purple Court his own. This was why she never talked to anyone for the duration of this long period. Shadow was the only one who could save The Purple Court but it would be a miracle if anyone could find him. Storm had gone to sleep but without hearing the shouting of Shadow, she turned the whole under-ground shelter into thick, solid ice. Nothing could be heard and Storm closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Shadow was freezing in his own body and his lungs were as if they could break away or shatter. He could see his warm breath changing into an ice-ray, which made his teeth whiten but also frozen. His skin was turning blue and frost particles were gathering around his facial features such as his cheeks and his eyes. He was getting weak and lay on the steel bed where he lay and wished someone to rescue him. Morning came and Storm awoke with a huge smile on her girlish face. She was contacted by Flynn and was told the instructions for the upcoming day. Flynn told Storm to gather Dark Angel, Glass, and the rest of the members to be stored in the under-ground shelter where they all would freeze to death. Shadow was half way through the death plan and so it would seem that The Purple Court would dissolve and see a new ruler. Storm firstly seduced Epyon and trapped him in the shelter, she made her lips poison in-which she grabbed Ian Fitzroy and kissed him. He fell to his knees but wasn’t killed in this devilish plan but was sent to where the remaining Purple Court members were, which was in the under-ground shelter. The last remaining was Steven, the most powerful member in the Purple Court. He reacted to what any normal being would and that would be where is everyone. He looked high and low and tried to find the members with his telepathic abilities but he could not find them because the ice, which was killing them slowly, would not allow any powers to pass through them. Steven searched everywhere in the mansion but nothing is what he found. He searched and searched until he came to the lower rooms and ended with Storms room. He did what he did to every room, he turned it upside down and inside out, until he felt a cold draft coming from the floor which was quite unusually. He examined the floor with enormous care and still found nothing. It was getting dark and with a cold feeling inside him, Steven went to his bedroom and went to bed. He could not get a wink of sleep but only could get his mind on the cold draft coming from Storms room.
Storm had returned from a mission to collect a precious jewel, which could resurrect anything from anywhere. This was perfect for reviving Flynn back from the world of his own terror, love and power which he could control all of them emotions and combine them to rule all Hellfire Courts, and one day, the world. Storm typed in a code, hidden in her dressing cupboard, which opened to a tomb of The Red King (Flynn). She was told the instructions in her mind, which was controlled by Flynn, himself. She placed the powerful, bloody red jewel into a slot, which was a heart shaped. She stood back and a powerful red light shot around the shape and the solid figure of Flynn was coming alive. Steven heard the sound and got up. He dressed into his combat outfit and flew down the stairs to Storm’s bedroom. The bright red light was still glowing and the figure was regaining strength, courage, power and flesh. It was moving upwards and stretching out his arms and legs, the body was becoming a real human figure. The bright blood red light was now shining in his heart, but without notice to Storm it was building up to a powerful beam which could kill anyone. Storm was excited and was awaiting the best part of the resurrection, the person who brought back the dead person was to be powerful just like the person they had brought back. She waited and then it happened. Steven was about to shout but it was too late. The beam was to powerful and was shot right out of his own, deadly heart right into Storm. She raised her hands to her face and the beam shot right through her, she gave out a terrible scream and was left shaking, while the beam was still going through her body. The beam struck off and Storm plummeted to the ground below. Steven was full of anger and tore down the door and shouted aloud, “Flynn, your battle is with me, not Storm or anyone else, it’s me you want and it’s me you should try and fight!”
The beam struck down Steven but it could not hurt he because of his stature and his abilities to withstand powerful rays. He got up and shot out fireballs at Flynn but nothing happened. He laughed and rose his hand and shot out a paralyze ray which did nothing to Steven. Their powers were acting strange. None of them were affecting anyone. The problem was that Storm had Flynn’s mind still inside her and was stopping Flynn’s and Stevens powers. The only way was to kill Storm or make Storm block out Flynn and Steven could easily destroy him. Storm was telepathically told by Steven to try to block Flynn out. Storm tried and tried but without her alive, her mind was. She tried but when she remembered how Steven helped her and enrolled her in The Purple Court, she felt joyful and the evil inside her was getting smaller. Her body was dead but her last moments were a tear of happiness, which rolled down her cheek and onto the foot of Flynn. Her tear was full of joy, happiness and peace, which burnt Flynn and made him disappear from Storms mind. Steven was building up his stun/blast ray, which could knock out any mutant for around a year. He fired at Flynn and he fell to the ground. The ice in the under-ground shelter had vanished, the health of the members was regained, and they were all transported to the floor of Storms bedroom. They were all upset but Storm could not help herself during this time because she was still controlled by Flynn, now she was dead and so was her mind. The members were told to go and rest in their bedrooms but nothing could help Storm now, she was gone and nothing could get her back. Steven picked her up and placed her on her bed. She lay there and Steven kissed her on the forehead, and then walked out of the room, but still remembering the nice times when she was she was here. He showed a tear and left the room where she had once lived. He closed the door and said one last word, “I will never forget you, my sweet. You were a brave women with strong abilities, I will never forget you.”
Storm was in complete darkness and while Steven left and walked to his room. A bright, yellowish light, struck her body and still not moving her eyes opened!