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Shadow Force by Shadow

Shadow Force!

It was early in the morning when Shadow had awakened and was eager to train in the Danger Room! He was in his room practicing his routine and learning all the techniques he would be using. He kicked his legs, punched his arms, and was doing back flips in order to work up energy for the upcoming event. Sir Steven Booth (AKA: RKB) sent for Shadow and quick as a flash he phased through the walls to get up to the Danger Room. He was welcomed and was sent through into the room where he set up his appearance and started to work up.
“Are you ready Shadow,” Steven said.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The computer began to speak. “Starting your lesson in five, four, three, two, and one. Lesson Complete. Downloading graphics. Lesson downloading. Lesson started.”
Shadow was shot at and dogged the aim. It missed again and Shadow was doing well until Steven had to contact Chastity for a moment. Steven Booth just left the Danger Room control area and while Shadow still fighting was still doing well until a red light starting to blink. It was symbolizing there was an overload in the room. The switch was turned up to Ultra Drain. This was a powerful exam lesson and Shadow was not trained enough to survive it. Shadow was still fighting but was entering his weak spot. He phased through the walls to escape the shots but when in the Danger Room, the modern sets up their victim and never stops shooting unless switched off or have succeeded in the challenged. The victim had to be KILLED! He ran down the corridor and went into the gardens. These shootings and stun rays were powerful enough to kill anyone. Shadow looked around and was instantly hit by a shot of stun ray. It was a little amount but still it could paralyze you or make you faint. Behind Shadow was the pool, luckily it was the shallow end but the danger room controlled everything when in Ultra Drain. When fallen in, the pool floor lowered into the ground making it deeper. Shadow had fainted and was unconscious so he could not do anything to help himself. Steven Booth entered the Danger Room area but found out that the switch had been turned up and was in Ultra Drain. He panicked and quickly switched the power off. Everything collapsed and was sent back to normal but Shadow was still under water and no one knew. Steven Booth used his telepathic ability and picked up where Shadow was. He teleported to where he saw him. He could not see him and the pool had not regained its normal status and Shadow was still in deep water. Steven Booth transformed himself into his combat outfit and dove into the water. He was surrounded by an air bubble which made he swim in normal atmosphere but under water at the same time. He spotted something and went in for a closer look, it was Shadow and he was half way through the floor. Steven lifted his arm and unleashed a powerful punch, which made a hole in the pool and drained all the water out. He picked up Shadow and flew back up to safety where Steven tried to regain Shadows health. He gave Shadow mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and awaiting him to cough up water trapped in his windpipe. Suddenly, Shadow regained strength and, still weak, Shadow slowly got up. He thanked Steven and always trusted him with anything even his life.

The END but not the end of future adventures with Shadow!