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That's The City! *HF* by Epyon

It was Thursday, the 1st of November. Epyon had spent almost all day sat on the edge of his fine, luxuriously quilted bed reading through his books. He had become so bored over the weekend that he had nothing else interesting to do but revise through the mountain of large, weighty books that lay scattered across his pine desk.
I’ve never been so bored in my life!
He thought to himself. He stood up and shook off his stiffened joints as he made his way to the centre of the room.
I wonder what everyone else is doing
And he then collapsed to the floor and began to admire the intricate carvings on the walls and ceiling of his finely decorated dormitory (Though it was so luxurious he didn’t know whether to call it a dormitory or a residence) and no sooner than he had reached the corner of the east wall, he began to doze off…

RKB sat at his great oak desk, seemingly waiting for someone to enter, but after ten minutes or so, he began to wonder why he was doing so. He decided to check up on the students of the institute, reaching each of them in turn using his psychic mind link to find the students scattered across the various parts of the mansion each of them called home.
Hmm… let’s see… Hellfire Phoenix and Shadow are in the gardens… Everyone else seems to be either in the danger room or in their rooms… Epyon’s asleep at this hour? That’s a change.
With that, Steven, Headmaster of the hellions, set out towards Epyon’s room – Though he could just teleport (But he wanted to waste as much time as possible so he didn’t appear bored again) - to see why He was asleep at the current hour. After all, it was almost dinnertime and by this hour, he would usually be downstairs watching Television or reading a comic or book of sorts. Suddenly, the telephone rang shrilly throughout the room. RKB telekinetically lifted the receiver off the hook and answered the call.
“Good morning sir!” Said a voice from the other end of the line.
“Ah! Peter! How nice to hear from you!” Replied RKB. “What would you like to bring to my attention today?” (Peter only called on special issues nowadays; He was the financial manager of Steven’s company, Airtours)
“Well, due to the unfortunate events of September 11th, im afraid it’s getting harder to find stocks” RKB knew this was coming.
“I’ll be right over.”

“My back…”
Epyon slowly began to arouse from his sleep.
“Agh, no wonder!”, he said to himself, “Did I sleep on the floor?”
“You did.” Said a familiar voice in the doorway.
“Oh, hey shadow.”
Shadow was stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face. He was looking at Epyon as if to say, “Your hair is a mess”. He got the message at once, and, briskly leaping to his feet, managed to brush his hair to almost its original position.
“You look bored as hell,” began Shadow “You could use a break…”
Epyon snickered.
“That a joke?” He said.
Shadow just rolled his eyes. “You should do something, like go to the city or something”
Epyon looked interested. “What’s so good about the city?”
Shadow looked surprised. Epyon, a good friend of RKB, had just hinted that he had never been before. “You’ve never been?!?”
“Well, no…”
Shadow took out a sticky pad and began to note something down on it. “Here. Well, I better get going, got some work to do. Bye!”
And with that he left, leaving Epyon with the stickie. “Take the limo…” He read. “Pointless.”

So he did. Albert -one of the red court limo drivers- stood to open the door of the limo, inviting the Hellion to enter.
“Going downtown, sir?” Asked the dedicated servant of the Red Hellfire court.
“Please,” Epyon replied, “don’t call me sir.”
“Town it is then?”
Epyon entered the limo, squinting from the light reflecting off the door. It was very luxurious inside. There was a cocktail machine built into the boot and a stereo with headphones, not to mention the soundproof glass window that separated the driver from the passenger (they spoke via clear intercom). Ten seconds later, the limo began to start up. It was very silent for such a large vehicle; there were seven doors in total, including the boot. “Im in no hurry, so feel free to take any scenic routes there may be,” Stated Epyon. The limo set off quietly out of the red court premises, down the path and onto the road, followed by a main road into Las Vegas. There wasn’t really much to see on the way, so Epyon just sat back listening to Linkin park (which, by his personality, was very unusual) and sipping at a Bloody Mary. “What’s that?!” Stated Epyon. The limo was about to take a maiming blow from the figure running towards them, Alias Rhino.

RKB, busy in his work, was annoyed on his finances, but at the same time sympathetic towards the events of September 11th and the massacre that took place then. How he wished he could have been there to stop it. The finances were dropping rapidly.
“At the beginning of the year, we were earning over 7% in profits from all areas of the industry all over the world. But, since then, the profits have dropped to –2%, meaning we are paying more than we are receiving. We should be ok for a while, but im not sure just how long,” Explained peter.
“so we cant do anything without further funding?” Asked RKB, but just then he felt a wave of urgency. He could sense rhino was about to smash the limo that Epyon was using to get to Las Vegas, along with the driver and the passenger.
Epyon, Epyon! Can you hear me?
Oh, I hear you just fine, but im afraid im about to be pummelled by a guy in a cheap two-piece suit! Yes, that’s Rhino. An old adversary of mine. Get out of there and sort him out, now.
I know you can do it.
Ok, whatever you say. Over and out.

Moments after the Telepathic converse, the limo was toppled and flew across the street, hitting a building in the process. Epyon staggered out into the open, dragging the limo driver out with him. He looked different now that he was out. He was wearing his battle suit, which consisted of a black pair of trousers, a thin but worn looking navy blue top (short sleeved) and two distinctive wristbands, which matched the top. His hair and face were also different. He now had long, blond, spiked hair and his face around the left eye was partially dominated by a scar of old times. He was now carrying a long jevel encrusted samurai style blade. He pulled out of his pocket a small device, which was now damaged and beyond repair (for anyone other than himself, of course).
“Damn,” Epyon cursed, “My image inducer!”
He had already powered up-His hair showed this.
What’s he saying? He’s strong, I can sense it. I cant beat him by brawn alone…
Just then, he was knocked over by a fist the size of an alloy car wheel. Epyon stooped against the wall, falling with a hit to the back. He kicked out just in time, and smacked Rhino in the abdomen, causing him to fly to the other end of the street. Suddenly, just as Epyon was getting up, Rhino began to charge full speed towards the hellion, his feet creating 3cm indents in the road. He got faster and faster as Epyon turned around, and, in the space of a heartbeat, was impaled through the side of his stomach on Rhino’s horn. Rhino then tossed him aside and began to laugh. “You are no match for me!”
“maybe- *cough* so,” Epyon trailed off, the pain and blood loss getting too him, “But you’re not very clever…” And at that precise moment, He let off a wave of spirit energy, which sped rapidly towards Rhino, knocking him straight into a jail van upon impact. “ILL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!” shouted the now imprisoned but wounded Rhino.
Epyon’s Hair transformed back to its original bright blue state, as the young hellion began to lose breath. “I did it…” and with that, he slipped into unconsciousness…

Epyon awoke with a start. He was in a hospital somewhere around where the incident happened. He tried to get up, failing in his pain. His wound was wrapped in bandages and apart from that he was just bruised where he was hit. Across from him lay Albert, but he seemed ok. Epyon glanced around. RKB was at his bedside, or almost; he had fallen off his chair with the sudden awakening of his friend and comrade. “Nice to see you’re ok, Epyon.”
Epyon looked at him. “Don’t EVER make me do that again,” then he added: “I’ll do it with my own free will next time. Who was that anyway?”
RKB Grinned. “Let me tell you a little about the history of war in the red court…”