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Undiscovered Past *HF* Prologue to the Future by Epyon

Undiscovered Pasts

When all light flees,
And darkness rises,
Thunder falls
And warmth demises,
Rain begins to bullet down,
And grass and plants begin to frown,
Souls are saddened,
Happiness drowned,
While the living sit upon the ground

But one of them,
Though strong and still,
Tries to hold back tears with will,
An unknown reason,
None know why,
Why the person wants to cry,
Nor does the person know himself,
Why something seems to be astray,
Perhaps a shadow in his past
Which must be re-recalled someway

The stormy weather now is past,
And now the clouds begin to steer,
Aside to show the moon so clear,
And the boy asleep and free of fear.