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Charleston Air Force Station

Charleston, Maine



December 1998

The 1998 Charleston AF Station Reunion was held F
the Pilot's Grill restaurari., July 7th in Bangor at  nt. 

What a great time was had by all! The weather was gorgeous!  And, hey, no  blackflies or mosquitoes either!

On Friday night at Pilots Grill twenty-nine came to reminisce and have dinner together. 

Some of these people were unable to attend the Saturday reunion because of other   functions or  reunions on  Saturday, so this became an excellent opportunity not to miss out on seeing old friends.
We had 65 signed up for the barbecue and others dropped by to visit:  
Marcia & son Steven Fieger Frank & Marge Ball M.H. & Diana Pridgen
Pauline Sodermark & Greg Hildreth Mike & Ann Caruso Mr & Mrs Siefred Schultz 
Burke & Barbara Soileau  Ronald &Marie Fowle Woody and Cecelia Breedlove
Bob and Nancy Phillips Ed Class Bob & Lois Russell 
Ed & Judy Gilmore Bill & Carolyn Amos George C. Marvin
Richard & Karen Sawyer  Jack & Chris Barnes  Joe & Jean Mitchell
John & Jackie Clements Jack & Nancy Reynolds  Norman & Joan Foss
Alan & Rosalie Quinn  Robbie & Irma Robertson William & Mary Larrabee
Timothy & Julie Anderson Mr & Mrs William Bythrow Chuck & Helen Thompson
Mr & Mrs Steven Smith Roland Holt Ted & becky Robinson
Roy Osato Joe Mizda Peg McKinney
Richard Kullis Linus & Helen Stitham Wib & Ann Cole
Stan Murray Fred & Lois Bowers   
 A few of those listed were unable to attend at the last minute but the intentions were there.  The one travelling the longest distance without equal was Roy Osato of Honolulu, Hawaii.  Roy was pleased to be at the reunion and said that if he had not enjoyed the area and the people during his time at Charleston, he would not have returned to be at the reunion that day. Richard Kulis of Greenfield Mass, flew his own plane to Bangor for the sole purpose of attending the reunion!   Richard said it was an absolutely perfect flying day.     After we had socialized for a couple hours and gotten reacquainted with old friends, we ate our fill at the buffet and then settled back to listen to some of the goings on back on Charleston Hill. You can bet there were plenty of stories about "life on the Hill"and surrounding communities.  Some of the stories may have been about YOU!
"Thank you for the CAFS Newsletter.  It is still interesting to hear about the old Base, its people and their doings.  We regret that we are unable to visit this year.  We have been preoccupied with medical matters and are thus unable to to travel as much as we would like. Sincere best wishes to one and all and have a great reunion.  I am enclosing a small check to help with the postage, etc. Stay well."
     Dick and Muriel Whelan

     Gloria Tuttle was in touch with Woody Breedlove before the reunion.  She retired the sad news that Bill had passed away in 1996.  We were happy to hear from Gloria and now have her address for the mailing list.  We extend our sympathies to her.  All who knew Bill knew him as a gentleman, a good friend, and respected by all.

     "Sorry I will not be able to make the reunion this year but I have date conflicts.  I do hope to make the next one.  Could you send me a of the T-shirts per the attached order blank?  I'll be glad to pay any postage.  I am also enclosing a second check for the newsletter gang if if you would be so kind as to pass it on.  Hope you have a good turnout and I wish I could be there.  Say Hi for me."
Gary J. Ryan, Philco Site Engineer/Westinghouse EIC
'57 - '63

     "Thanks a heap for the Charleston AFS Newsletter May 1998.  We truly enjoy all of the news of  Ole times.  We are so sorry - can't attend the reunion.  Kathy's sister in KC, MO and my brother in Springfield, MO both very ill.  So it's (stay in) Missouri!  P.S.  Unless unusual things evolve, we will not be able to attend as planned.  Our friends Vicky & Kevin Kenney in Bangor will be disappointed too, but family first.  Would love  to see all.  Sorry." 
Billy Yarber

     Bill and Carolyn Amos sent us the address of  Seth Gamage who was at "The Hill" in the 1960's. The Gamage name is known for antiques  to a lot of Mainers.  His connection to CAFS was not well known evidently but the Amos's being antiquers too located him!  He is an owner of Fairfield Antiques Mall on route 201 in Fairfield, ME.  The mall is located off I-95, exit 36, 2.5 miles north of the exit on the Skowhegan road.  Stop by and visit the mall the next time you are going through Fairfield. 

 "Note my new address - 1883 Flat Rock Church Rd, Louisburg, NC 27549
 I enjoy the Newsletter and am enclosing a check.  Have a great reunion."
     William Perry, LTC (Ret)
     Cmdr 765th Apr 57 - Oct 57

Archives: Charleston AF Station Newsletters online:
May 2002 | Jan 2002 | Sep 2001 | April 2001  | Oct 2000 |April 2000 | Oct 1999 | May 1999 | Dec1998 | Oct 1998

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