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• Page 1797 - JOSEPH KINGORI

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(1)Friday, 31 March 2000
[Open session]
[The witness entered court]

--- Upon commencing at 9.35 a.m.
(5) [The accused entered court]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; good morning to our sound engineers -- Can the interpreters hear me? Yes, they can -- counsel for the Prosecution, the Defence, (10)General Krstic. We shall today be resuming the case. For the record, we have the same situation today as yesterday; that is, the witness, who is right in the courtroom, will continue his testimony. Good morning, Witness H [sic] You will now (15)continue to answer questions put to you by the Prosecution. Thank you.


MR. CAYLEY: Good morning, Mr. President, Judge Riad, my learned friends for the Defence.

(20) • EXAMINED by Mr. Cayley: [Cont'd]

• Q.: Captain van Duijn, just to remind you that you are under the solemn oath that you were under yesterday to speak the truth. I'll quickly refresh your memory as to where (25)you were yesterday. You had spoken about

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(1)General Mladic arriving in Potocari and essentially, in your words, mounting a propaganda exercise. We were then just about to move to General Mladic's second visit that you recalled, and I'd like you to explain to (5)the Judges what happened on that occasion.

• A.: He came up to me and wanted to speak to the UN commander at that time at that position, and that was me, of course. And he spoke to me through my interpreter, the Muslim interpreter that was originally (10)based with Bravo Company, and we spoke about a lot of things that had nothing to do with what happened that day, about soccer and other cases. At one point, he mentioned about the multiracial composition of my unit that was there. (15)There were a few soldiers that were Negroes that were on that position, and he stated, through my Muslim interpreter, that in ten years, the Bosnian Serb army would be in Holland to protect the Dutch from the Muslims. And I said I didn't agree with him, also (20)through the Muslim interpreter, of course. Later on, he started to intimidate the Muslim interpreter, because he asked me who he was and why he was there. I explained to General Mladic that he was an interpreter and he had a UN pass, and at that point (25)he started to intimidate the Muslim interpreter.

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(1) • Q.: Do you remember approximately what time this was?

• A.: It must have been about 2.00 or 3.00 in the afternoon.

(5) • Q.: And this was on the 12th of July, 1995?

• A.: Yes.

• Q.: Now, you mentioned that he started to intimidate the Muslim interpreter. Can you tell the Judges what happened to the Muslim interpreter?

(10) • A.: General Mladic put his arm around him and he started to speak to me through the interpreter, telling that -- he played a sort of role-play, saying that the interpreter was a Serb, that he was a good guy, and that General Mladic was a Muslim, and he said, "Well, (15)I'm a Muslim. I only think about making babies, but this guy, this interpreter is a Serb, he's a good fellow and I like him." And he put his arm around him and he practically crushed him into his own body. Later on, the UN pass that was given to the (20)interpreter was taken away by the bodyguards of General Mladic, and I had to speak to the bodyguards to get it back. The interpreter was very scared, of course, because that was his only pass that he had that would practically ensure him of not being taken away (25)like the other men but could stay with the UN forces.

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(1) • Q.: How long did General Mladic spend at your position in Potocari, do you recall?

• A.: He must have been there for about an hour, I think. The conversation I had with him was maybe 15 (5)minutes, 20 minutes, but he stayed there more in the background, speaking to Serb soldiers.

• Q.: Now, whilst General Mladic was there, the transportation process was continuing; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct.

(10) • Q.: Do you recall any particular incident, while General Mladic was present, in connection with the transportation of the Muslims out of Potocari?

• A.: At one point, there was a woman that was panicking, and she was really almost in a state of (15)hysteria. So we got her out of the big group of refugees and, through the interpreter, asked what was going on with her. She said that her children, five children, were already loaded on a lorry and she had lost them in the big chaos, and she now saw them in the (20)back of that truck, already starting to drive away from where she was. Through the interpreter that became clear to me, and I planned to get her on the truck that was already moving. The situation was that we had the (25)refugees -- we were there in between the refugees and

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(1)the Serbs, and practically no movement of UN soldiers was from our location towards the buses, because in between there were the Serb soldiers. So I asked the interpreter, I said, "Well, (5)can you help me?" Because General Mladic was in between talking to that Serb soldier. And I said, "Go over to General Mladic, who is the highest in command, over there, explain to him what I'm doing, because I'm taking that woman up to that lorry now, and I don't (10)know what the Serb soldiers will do, how they will react if I cross that, more or less, border." I didn't ask for his reaction. I took the woman, carried her to -- running towards the lorry, and when I put her on the lorry together with the children, and I turned (15)around, I saw that the interpreter had gone over to General Mladic and tried to explain. So he did what I had asked him to do. So I went up to General Mladic, and at that point General Mladic was very, very mad, and he told (20)me, also through the interpreter, that if I would ever send the interpreter up to General Mladic without it being clear that he was interpreting for me, then he would shoot him right there on the spot. At that point, the interpreter was so scared, and he was (25)shivering all over, so I had him escorted back to the

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(1)UN Compound.

• Q.: Did General Mladic say to you or explain to you why he would shoot the interpreter?

• A.: Just for speaking to him as a Muslim (5)interpreter. Just for speaking to him without it being clear that he was interpreting for me.

• Q.: Do you recall how much longer General Mladic stayed in Potocari?

• A.: No. I haven't seen him from that moment on.

(10) • Q.: Now, after General Mladic left or indeed went out of your sight, do you recall what you saw commencing in and around Potocari?

• A.: As I explained, the situation was that we tried to calm the Muslim refugees; that, through Mane, (15)it would be clear to me how many buses there were and how many people could go onto the bus, and then we would leave, would let them leave in little groups so that they wouldn't trample each other by rushing to the buses. So we had a little control about the buses so (20)that there wouldn't be any overcrowding of the buses that happened in the beginning.

• Q.: Now, the groups that were going towards the buses, they consisted of women and children; or men, women, and children. Do you recall?

(25) • A.: In the beginning, men, women, and children,

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(1)but on the first day I noticed that about 50 meters behind where the UN soldiers were and where I was, men were sitting in a lawn, front lawn of a house, a small house that was near the factory sites. (5)And I asked Mane, who was in charge there of the Serb soldiers, because it was clear to me that they were selecting the men out, why he had done that. And he said, "Well, we will bring them over to Bratunac and we will have a list of war criminals, Muslim war (10)criminals, and we want to compare the men we have here, the names of those men, to the list we have of war criminals. And if there are war criminals, we will send them to a court; and if they are not, if they're civilians, we will send them on with the normal convoys (15)towards Tuzla."

MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could be shown Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/2, which I actually believe, I think, is my copy, because the Court copy was marked.

• Q.: While the registrar is finding that exhibit, (20)how long did those men stay on that stretch of lawn outside those houses?

• A.: On the first day, that was the first day, so that was the place where they were brought to. They stayed there the rest of the day, until the evening, (25)when all of the convoys and deportation was stopped,

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(1)and then were brought -- or taken away by a lorry. I don't know where they brought them. I could see from about a hundred meters distance that they were put into a lorry and were taken away.

(5) • Q.: Now, if you can recall, Captain van Duijn, the location where you saw these men on the 12th of July.

• A.: It was a house in this neighbourhood

(10) • Q.: If you could leave your pointer there.

MR. CAYLEY: And the witness is pointing to -- I think there are two small houses under that pointer, as one looks at the photograph, to the right of the road, passing north/south in the photograph and (15)just beneath the point of the arrow marking the Zinc Factory, perhaps two centimeters below the point of the arrow which marks the Zinc Factory.

• Q.: Thank you, Captain van Duijn. Can you recall from your memory at what stage (20)the transport of Muslims ceased on the 12th of July?

• A.: It was the beginning of the evening, about 6.00 in the evening, I think 6.00 or 7.00 in the evening, just before it became dark.

• Q.: Did you speak with Mane again that evening?

(25) • A.: He said that of course the deportation

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(1)stopped, the convoy stopped, the buses wouldn't come, until the next morning; that he and his soldiers would retreat to Bratunac to go and celebrate; and that he wanted us to clear the road, because a lot of refugees (5)were still on the road, on the asphalt road, and he wanted us to clear it of refugees because they wanted to use, or other units would use that road to move troops to the south.

• Q.: Now, you say that he stated to you that he (10)wanted the road cleared because they wanted to use -- or other units would use the road to move troops south. Which troops are you referring to?

• A.: I don't know what troops they were.

• Q.: Are you referring to Bosnian Serb soldiers?

(15) • A.: Bosnian Serb soldiers, yes.

• Q.: Do you recall anything else of significance from your memory that actually happened on that day, on the 12th of July?

• A.: On the day itself or in the evening?

(20) • Q.: In the evening. In the evening.

• A.: When I returned, because I had been relieved by Lieutenant Koster for that night -- he would stay there in the midst of the refugees, together with other soldiers -- I myself was of course real tired, coming (25)from the blocking position, and after that day, so I

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(1)tried to get some rest, went back to the UN Compound and of course report what had happened that day to my commanders. And when I went over to the UN Compound, I (5)saw a roll-call taking place of Serb soldiers, I presume, because I saw the little man with code-name Stalin standing in front of a unit of more or less company size, between the location I had been earlier and the UN Compound.

(10) MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could be shown Prosecutor's Exhibit 73. You can use this copy, and then if you just give it straight back to me, then we can move more quickly.

• Q.: Could you just indicate to the Judges, (15)because you've mentioned him today and we mentioned him yesterday, if you could just point to the individual that you identified as Stalin.

• A.: This man [indicates]

MR. CAYLEY: So the witness is indicating (20)again on that exhibit, Prosecutor's Exhibit 73, the individual on the right-hand side of the photograph with a moustache, wearing spectacles. Thank you, Captain van Duijn. If I could have that exhibit back. Thanks.

(25) • Q.: Let's move to the next date, the 13th of

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(1)July. Do you remember approximately what time you rose in the morning?

• A.: I rose about 5.00 in the morning, and after seeing some soldiers that I wanted to accompany that (5)day, I -- it was about 6.00, half past 6.00, again at the location where Lieutenant Koster was, and he told me about the things that happened during the night. And the plan was that I would take over from him at that stage again.

(10) • Q.: Is that the same location that you showed the Judges yesterday on the aerial photograph?

• A.: It was a little bit more to the south, because I had spoken to Lieutenant Koster on the evening of the first day of the deportations, and it (15)was very difficult for us to try and keep the refugees calm. So I spoke to him and I said, "Well, I think we should make a sort of tunnel for the refugees to come in with APCs, formed with APCs," so the distance we had to cover with UN soldiers would be smaller, so we could (20)easily -- more easily could contain them and keep them calm.

• Q.: Did Koster speak to you about what had happened during the night?

• A.: He said that a few incidents had happened, (25)but the most memorable incidents were that a man had

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(1)hung himself in the factory and they had to get the body down from the place where he had hung himself; and that another man had injured himself in total panic, hitting himself with a rock on his head, trying to (5)become injured so he could be taken up to the hospital so he would be transported with the sick people.

• Q.: Can you tell the Judges what you recall from when you took over from Koster, what happened that morning?

(10) • A.: Because the Serb soldiers and Mane were not there at that time, he had said to me that he would be there about 8.00 or somewhere in the vicinity of that time. But the bus drivers and the buses were already there, so I decided to keep the families together and (15)to send everyone on the bus with the groups they wanted. We already started, because the buses and the bus drivers knew where they had to drive, because they had been there the day before as well. We already started the transports for about an hour or something. (20)And then the Serbs came and Mane took over again. And from that moment on, the men were singled out again.

• Q.: What time did the Bosnian Serb army return to Potocari? Do you recall approximately?

• A.: I think it must be between 8.00 and 8.30 in (25)the morning.

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(1) • Q.: Did the transportation process go on all day long?

• A.: It ended about 4.00, because by then all of the people of the big group of refugees had left by (5)then, about 4.00 in the afternoon.

• Q.: Can you describe the scene to the Judges after all of the refugees had been transported out of Potocari, what you saw in and around the UN compound and indeed the factory and bus sites.

(10) • A.: The factory sites were covered with goods that people had tried to take with them: bags of potatoes, blankets, all of the things they had tried to take with them as they fled. All the factory sites were covered in personal belongings as well, even (15)pictures and stuff like that that they had left behind.

• Q.: Were there any Muslims left at all?

• A.: The men, on the second day, when they were singled out, were taken up to a house we called the White House, almost opposite of the entrance of the UN (20)Compound in Potocari.

• Q.: If I can interrupt, Captain van Duijn?

MR. CAYLEY: If the witness could be shown Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/17.

• Q.: Now, this is a photograph that I showed, I (25)think, the day before yesterday. Do you recognise this

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• A.: This is the White House, only in the time we were there, there were much more trees and bushes that more or less covered the front lawn of that White (5)House.

• Q.: Can you tell the Judges what you saw at the White House?

• A.: The White House itself was packed with men of different ages, and there were a few refugees in front (10)of the house but most of them were packed inside. I only stayed standing in front of the White House and having a peek inside, but I didn't go to the back. So I don't know what was there on the back side of the house.

(15) • Q.: Can you describe to the Judges the appearance of those men that you saw at the White House?

• A.: They were packed together, and because it was very warm, they were sweating. They were very, very scared. Some of them were shivering. Some of the men (20)were speaking themselves, but you could easily see that they were very, very scared.

• Q.: Did you see anything else at the White House apart from these men that were packed inside and outside the White House?

(25) • A.: When I came up to the White House, and as you

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(1)can see, in the front of the White House there is a large lawn, it was covered totally with personal belongings, with pictures, holiday snapshots, as well as passports and other identity papers.

(5) • Q.: Now, after you'd seen this, did you speak to anybody about what you'd seen at the White House?

• A.: I spoke to Mane again, because the first day of the deportations when I noticed that the men were singled out I asked him why, and he gave me the (10)explanation of them wanting to distinguish who was a war criminal and who was not. So I asked him again, because I saw all the passports and identity papers, why they couldn't take them with them, because that was in front of the house and not on the men itself. He (15)said, "Well, they don't need the stuff that's there. They don't need it any more." Then I asked him how he could explain the fact that if they wanted to know who was a war criminal and who was not they could do that without identity papers, because if they would give a (20)false name, it wouldn't be on the list of war criminals, and the person would go free and join the rest of the convoy to Tuzla. Then he more or less laughed at me and said, "Well, don't make such a fuss out of it. They just don't need their passports any (25)more."

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(1) • Q.: What did you think at that point, Captain van Duijn?

• A.: I realised that the story he had told me before was not true any more, or hadn't been true at (5)all, and at that moment, I realised that something bad was going to happen to the men, and the only thing I can recollect now is I thought about the things I had seen before on television, before I went to Bosnia, about concentration camps and men being sent to camps (10)like that. At least I knew that they were not going to be sent with a convoy when they were not on the list. They would just be sent on a convoy to Tuzla, and that wasn't true at all.

• Q.: Now, in terms of the transportation process (15)that you saw taking place, is there any image or memory that remains with you above any other after these years have passed?

• A.: There is an incident of a family that consisted of about six to eight women, from an old (20)woman about in her 60s, 70s until a young girl about 12 years old, I think, and you could see that there were different generations. With that family there was only one man, and he was about 45 to 50 years old, but he looked fit and in shape. During the periods of the (25)deportations, every time a man was singled out because

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(1)of Mane telling me about they wanted to get to the warriors and the war criminals, whenever a man was singled out or a boy was singled out that was practically too old or too young to be a soldier, I (5)spoke to Mane and protested with him. I said, "Well, you can't be serious. That can't be a soldier. That can't be a war criminal," and every time I protested, he would let them go with their families. During the incident, I told you about the (10)family that consisted of almost practically all women, and the one man, I didn't protest because he was the classical borderline case, where you could easily tell that he could be a soldier or he was just on the borderline, and I made the decision at that point not (15)to protest and he was singled out. I know, of course, that if I would have protested with every man that was singled out, no one could stay with his family, and every man was singled out. Every boy was singled out. But I had to make a (20)decision at that time, and I made the decision not to protest, and the man was singled out, and I think that will stay with me the rest of my life, that decision.

• Q.: Let's now, very briefly, go back to April of 1995, and I think at that point you were a commander on (25)two observation posts, were you not?

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(1) • A.: Yes, I was.

• Q.: Can you just tell the Judges which observation posts those were?

• A.: It was in the northeast, Sector 4 of the (5)enclave. They were Observation Posts Quebec and Romeo.

• Q.: I think there were Serb forces opposite your observation posts, and could you very briefly tell the Judges what you observed in April 1995 that happened (10)with those Serb forces, what changes you saw taking place.

• A.: We had good contact with OP Romeo with the soldiers that were stationed near there, about 200 metres from the location of OP Romeo. We called that (15)the Dragan bunker, named after the first Serb commander that was stationed there. And we could see from March, April on, that the Serb forces that were there in the beginning consisted of old men, shabby clothes, with only handguns, and they were quite nice to my soldiers (20)that were on OP Romeo. And from March, April on, there were reinforcements taking place. Every Tuesday there would come a bus. First, January, February, it was to relieve and replace the men that were inside the (25)bunker, but from March, April on, there would come

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(1)reinforcements, and the men that were there stayed there and they were only brought in new troops. And the troops that were brought in were much better uniformed, polished their shoes, maintained their (5)weapons, did some maintenance, and you could see that there was more or less a sort of build-up, and we reported it to our commanders.

• Q.: Very briefly, if you could talk about Muslim forces within the enclave. If you could tell the (10)Judges what you observed from your position at those two observation posts of Muslim forces within the enclave?

• A.: I had a lot of contact with the second in command. He told me that he was from the Northern (15)Brigade of the Muslims. His name was Nasir Sabanovic, and he was the local commander for my two observation posts from the Muslim forces. They did a lot of work to make trenches and bunkers near the observation posts or just behind my observation post. Nasir Sabanovic -- (20)at that time I was on OP Quebec myself -- came up to the OP to tell me what he was thinking about the situation and also told me about his patrols that he went on, accompanied by two or three other Muslim soldiers, when he was going out of the enclave into (25)Serb territory to do reconnaissance patrols or, as he

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(1)stated to me, that he placed mines on the roads towards the enclave.

• Q.: From your location, how many Muslim soldiers did you see at your two observation posts?

(5) • A.: In the vicinity of the two OPs that I was at, there must have been about 50 to 100 Muslim soldiers in that vicinity in the later period.

• Q.: How were they armed?

• A.: They were armed with handguns, with (10)Kalashnikovs, and 1 out of 10 or 1 out of 15 had a rocket launcher of some sort.

• Q.: Did he also report to you any risk that there was to your two observation posts from Bosnian Serb forces?

(15) • A.: He warned me about that because of the location of my OPs were the closest to Serb positions in the enclave, he said that there was a plan of the Serbs to take over the two OPs, two of my OPs, and he said that through his patrols he had stationed mines (20)and placed mines. So the initial threat was now gone, but he was still afraid of the Serbs taking over my OPs.

• Q.: Which indeed happened eventually.

• A.: Later on, yes. Eventually.

(25) • Q.: Now, let's just go back to what you saw

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(1)taking place in July of 1995, and this is the final questions that I have for you. You are a Captain in the Dutch army. Do you regularly go on military training exercises?

(5) • A.: I went on a lot of exercises throughout my career.

• Q.: At what levels have you gone on exercise? At what level of military formation have you been on exercise?

(10) • A.: Platoon, company, battalion, and even big brigade or divisional exercises in Denmark or Germany or Greece.

• Q.: Now, when you look back at what you saw taking place in the Srebrenica enclave in July of 1995, (15)can you estimate, from your experience, at what level that operation was taking place, now that you look back?

• A.: Of course, I've read about what had taken place and read about the number of Serb soldiers that (20)were involved in their whole operation, but when you look at the piece of terrain, a very difficult part of terrain with only one road that's covered with asphalt, my opinion is that it should be at least on a divisional level.

(25) • Q.: From your recollection --

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(1) • A.: By NATO standards, of course.

• Q.: Yes, by NATO standards. And by that you mean the way NATO addresses particular military formations, how it labels those formations?

(5) • A.: Yes.

• Q.: From your recollection, do you remember what the higher military formation was in the Bosnian Serb army that was responsible for the area of the Srebrenica enclave?

(10) • A.: I remember from the beginning on that there was a unit called the Drina Wolves or the Drina Corps north of the enclave, and according to the conversations I had with Mane, who also told me that he was, with his military police unit, sort of a liaison (15)or a part of the Drina Wolves, I suspected that that was the Drina Wolves that were there.

• Q.: Now, you say the Drina Wolves, which was a unit, but I'm actually interested in the larger formation, and you mentioned the Drina Corps. Which (20)was the larger military formation that was in the area?

• A.: I think the Drina Corps.

• Q.: And that's now, as you can remember?

• A.: Yes, because the nickname used for the Drina (25)Corps was the Drina Wolves, as far as I know. So when

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(1)I mention the Drina Wolves, I mean the Drina Corps and otherwise.

• Q.: Okay. Thank you very much indeed, Captain van Duijn.

(5) MR. CAYLEY: I have no further questions, Mr. President. I can offer the witness for cross-examination.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Mr. Cayley. (10)Mr. Petrusic, Witness H [sic], you're now going to answer questions that will be put to you by Mr. Petrusic, who is representing General Krstic.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Good morning, Your Honours; good morning colleagues from the (15)Prosecution.

• CROSS-EXAMINED by Mr. Petrusic:

• Q.: Good morning, Captain. After the 13th of July, how long did you and your unit stay in the base, that is, in Potocari?

(20) • A.: We stayed for a couple of more days, and I believe we returned to Zagreb on the 20th of July. I don't know the exact date any more.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Petrusic, I'm very sorry to interrupt you, but I (25)can see in the transcript that we -- that somebody

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(1)referred to Witness H, but the witness in question is Captain van Duijn and not Witness H. I can see this in line 6 on page 22, and this will have to be corrected. Sorry, Mr. Petrusic. You may continue now.

(5) MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.]

• Q.: During that time, Captain, did you ever go to Srebrenica?

• A.: No, not any more.

• Q.: In response to a question put to you by my (10)learned colleague Mr. Cayley, you said that there was a unit that operated in the area of Srebrenica, a unit which belonged to the VRS. Can you be more specific and explain to us whether between the unit that you referred to as Drina Wolves and the Drina Corps, as a (15)larger military unit, whether there was any smaller unit between the two which would still belong to the Drina Corps?

• A.: The only smaller unit I know of was the military police unit where Captain Mane was in. That (20)was more or less attached to the Drina Wolves or Drina Corps.

MR. PETRUSIC: [Int.] Thank you, Captain van Duijn. Your Honours, I do not have any further (25)questions for this witness.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. Petrusic. Mr. Cayley, do you have any further additional questions?

(5) MR. CAYLEY: Mr. President, I don't have any further questions. Thank you.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much. Judge Riad.

(10) JUDGE RIAD: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. President.

• QUESTIONED by the Court:

JUDGE RIAD: Captain van Duijn, good morning?

• A.: Good morning.

(15) JUDGE RIAD: I'll just ask you from the end, because the learned Defence counsel asked if you had been to Srebrenica. You mentioned yesterday, at the beginning of your testimony, that you saw scenes in Srebrenica, smoke coming from houses, shelling, and the (20)panic of the people. You saw it in Srebrenica itself or you saw it from a distance?

• A.: When I -- at that period, I was in the blocking position south of Srebrenica, and I saw it taking place in the city itself.

(25) JUDGE RIAD: The city itself.

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(1) • A.: From the south I could look down on the city of Srebrenica, and I could see smoke coming from the houses and houses being hit by shelling. To my knowledge, the question that was asked by the Defence (5)was about the period after the fall.

JUDGE RIAD: I see. So you were close enough to see all this.

• A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: We have your description. It's (10)there, so I don't need to ask about it any more. You referred to the conversation with Mane when he was telling you that they needed these men for inquiry to find out if they committed war crimes, and you told them, "Then why don't they keep their papers because (15)the papers will be essential." He told you they do not need their identity papers any more.

• A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: Laughingly. So what was your conclusion? What was the meaning of that for you as a (20)responsible UN officer?

• A.: I thought that at least the story that he had told me about trying to single out the war criminals was not true, so they would more or less treat all the men in the same way, the same terrible way. At that (25)point, I radioed to the OPs room and said, "Well, we

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(1)have to transport. We have to send vehicles with transportation of the men. We have to be there, whatever happens." I tried, myself, tried to get into the bus (5)but was pulled away by Mane and also at gunpoint from a soldier that blocked the entrance of the bus.

JUDGE RIAD: At the end of your testimony, you referred to the Drina Corps and the Drina Wolves, which you consider it almost identical, but you didn't (10)mention much about them. What do you know about this Drina Corps during this period when you were in charge?

• A.: I only know about the intel we had before we went to Bosnia, where they said "Well, the Drina Corps was stationed there." We must have been -- must have (15)had lessons about their insignias or ranks, but I don't recollect that any more. The only thing I was thinking about again was during the conversation with Mane, when he told me that he was part of the Drina Corps with his military unit. (20)So that's the things I know about.

JUDGE RIAD: He was part of the Drina Corps?

• A.: He said that he was more or less part of the Drina Corps.

JUDGE RIAD: And Mr. Stalin, was he part of (25)the Drina Corps?

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(1) • A.: He was the commander of Mane, so I presume he was also in the same unit.

JUDGE RIAD: Was there any actions which justified calling him Mr. Stalin?

(5) • A.: No. Not that I know of.

JUDGE RIAD: You know what Stalin did?

• A.: I know what Stalin did, yes.

JUDGE RIAD: Was it related to the kind of actions which Stalin did?

(10) • A.: I asked Mane what his real name was instead of Stalin, but Mane didn't answer about it, he just said his radio name or his radio nickname is Stalin and that's the only thing I know about that man.

JUDGE RIAD: Was he high in grade, (15)Mr. Stalin?

• A.: He was higher than Mane and Mane told me he was a Captain. So I presume that he was major or something, but I don't know.

JUDGE RIAD: But he had higher authorities (20)than him?

• A.: He had higher authorities than Mane.

JUDGE RIAD: I mean Stalin was not the chief of everything?

• A.: No.

(25) JUDGE RIAD: Was not the man giving orders?

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(1) • A.: No.

JUDGE RIAD: Do you know who was giving orders around the whole place apart from Mladic?

• A.: On my location, it was Mane, and because (5)Stalin, the man we'd nicknamed Stalin was the commander of Mane, I presumed that Stalin was giving orders to Mane about a larger area, but I don't know who was giving orders in the whole of the enclave.

JUDGE RIAD: The part of the White House and (10)where you had this --

• A.: Where I was.

JUDGE RIAD: It was Stalin and Mane?

• A.: Yes.

JUDGE RIAD: And you met Mladic. Did you (15)ever meet General Krstic?

• A.: No, not that I recollect.

JUDGE RIAD: Nor see him around, see him moving around, giving orders?

• A.: I don't remember that, no.

(20) JUDGE RIAD: And when you were talking to Mladic, this very significant conversation, which was very unclear to me, you said at a certain moment he hugged the interpreter and told you he was a Serb.

• A.: Yes. He was --

(25) JUDGE RIAD: And then he would say he would

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(1)kill him?

• A.: He played a sort of a role-play at first with the Muslim interpreter, embarrassing him by saying, well -- and he hugged him like this with his arm around (5)him, crushing him to his own body, and he said, "Do you know him?" And I said, "Well, of course I know him, because he's my interpreter. He said, "No, he's not your interpreter. He's not a Muslim. He's a Serb. He's a good guy." (10)And Mladic, General Mladic, then pointed to himself and he said, "Well, I am a Muslim, and I only think about making babies, so I am a bastard. But this guy is a good guy." So he pretended that the Muslim was a Serb and he himself was a Muslim.

(15) JUDGE RIAD: It was some kind of changing roles.

• A.: Yes. Sort of a role-playing to --

JUDGE RIAD: And making fun, perhaps.

• A.: -- to embarrass the Muslim interpreter, who (20)was of course very scared.

JUDGE RIAD: And then he added that he would be coming -- he would be defending Holland against the Muslim invasion?

• A.: He saw a few of my soldiers sitting, and he (25)actually shook hands with him, and there were two white

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(1)soldiers and one Negro soldier. And then he said, "Well, is he from Holland too?" And I explained to him that we have a very multiracial society in Holland. And then General Mladic said, "Well, that's (5)not good, and in ten years the Bosnian Muslim army will be in Holland to protect you from the Muslims."

JUDGE RIAD: What did he mean by that?

• A.: That it was not good that Holland has a multiracial society or something. I think that he (10)meant that.

JUDGE RIAD: He wanted ethnic cleansing in Holland, or what?

• A.: Maybe. I don't know.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you very much.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Judge Riad. Captain, I should also like to ask a few questions of you. You spoke about the period of April 1995 and about the changes that you could observe from (20)your observation posts Q and R. You also spoke about propaganda which was conducted by General Mladic. My question in respect to that is as follows: Before these events, had there been any propaganda by Serbs in the enclave of Srebrenica, if you know anything about (25)that?

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(1) • A.: No, not to my recollection. I don't know.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I should like to ask you to clarify something with my next question. Speaking of the Drina Corps and Drina (5)Wolves, is it one and the same thing or are we speaking about two different things here? Because I thought that you said that Drina Wolves was just a nickname for the Drina Corps.

• A.: As far as I know, that Drina Wolves is a (10)nickname for Drina Corps, and so they -- the two mean the same thing, in my knowledge.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you. You also spoke about the White House. You said that there had been a pile of documents, passports, personal (15)belongings of people who were in the White House. Do you know, by any chance, what has happened with all those things?

• A.: The days after all of the events had taken place and we were back in the UN Compound, we could see (20)a lot of people coming from Bratunac and more or less looting everything that was usable from all of the houses, and we could also see that at the location of the White House, stuff was brought together and burnt, and that's when I remembered that possibly all of the (25)papers and all of the passports were burnt at that time

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(1)as well.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Who burnt those documents and passports?

• A.: I don't know.

(5) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Captain. You have provided a lot of information, lots of clarification for us. Let me just verify if there are any documents that we have to deal with.

(10) THE REGISTRAR: Yes. Prosecution Exhibit 71, 72, 73, and 74.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] What is the situation with them? Mr. Cayley.

(15) MR. CAYLEY: Mr. President, those are a series of four photographs that the witness recognised and indeed provided foundation for their admission, so I would apply to you for admission of those photographs into evidence, please.

(20) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Petrusic, or Mr. Visnjic, do you have any objections?

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, we do not. At the same time, I should like to take (25)this opportunity -- I don't know whether you're now

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(1)going to have a break or if we're going to continue with the proceedings, but after we have liberated the witness, and before the next witness comes into the courtroom, the Defence should like to have 10 or 15 (5)minutes for two oral motions. So if we could kindly have that opportunity, Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Yes, very well. The documents have been admitted into evidence. Captain van Duijn, thank you very much once (10)again on behalf of the International Criminal Tribunal for coming here to testify. We understand that you have been through quite an ordeal while you were still very young, and I hope that you will continue to enjoy this multiracial, multiethnical atmosphere in this (15)beautiful country of yours. Thank you very much. You are now free to go.

THE WITNESS: Thank you.
[The witness withdrew]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Well, let (20)me just tell you that we have something at around 11.00. We are not able to continue before 11.10. So I think that it's much better to deal with the motions of the Defence now, and then after that we will have a break, and after the break we will continue with the (25)witness. We have this commitment around 11.00. If we

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(1)didn't have it, we could continue right away, but I think that it's better in this situation to organise our break around 11.00. So let us hear Mr. Visnjic. Let us hear your (5)motion. You have the floor.

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Thank you, Mr. President. Our motions are in a way interrelated, but we nevertheless separated them, and I shall now submit the first one. (10)The Defence would like the Chamber to rule on a problem which arose with regard to the statements of the witnesses for the Prosecution, and to pass a ruling to resolve the matter in a principled manner. Before I do that, I should like to remind the (15)Chamber that both the Defence and the Prosecution for the last two months before the beginning of the trial had done a great deal of work regarding the disclosure of evidence, so that on the eve of the trial, the Defence found itself with a very large quantity of (20)evidence on its hands disclosed by the Prosecution, and that includes also witness statements, both in English and in Serbo-Croatian. Some of these statements we also received after the trial began. For reasons that Your Honours already know, the summaries of the witness (25)statements we received a week before the trial began.

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(1)On the other hand, the change of schedule of the hearings, and of course we do understand that it is a forced measure, has precluded the Defence to go through this evidence and to verify all the evidence (5)that it received during the period that I have just mentioned. Needless to say, we're all trying to somehow reconcile the principle of expediency with the principle of the right to defence. And of late, some (10)witnesses, in their testimony before the Chamber, have begun describing incidents which were not mentioned in their earlier statements, and that is a completely new situation now so far as the Defence counsel are concerned, and we were unable to go through these (15)statements without a special investigation. In light of all this, with regard to those witnesses and the witnesses whose statements we received within some 60 days before the beginning of the trial, we should like to request the Chamber to (20)pass a ruling, to pass a decision, to allow the Defence, as a matter of principle, to, subject to supplementary investigation to be conducted by the Defence, to therefore permit the Defence to call back a certain witness -- of course, depending on whatever it (25)is established by the additional investigation -- to

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(1)call back the witness and have him give evidence regarding the newly arisen facts. So this is a principled motion, and we would, needless to say, make such submissions in every (5)individual case, following, of course, following the decision of the Chamber, if the Chamber makes such a ruling as we are now asking you to do. We are governed in this by Rule 65 ter (E) (iv), Roman (iv), and 66(A)(ii) and Article 21, 4(A) (10)and (B), of the Statute of the Tribunal. That would be our first motion.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] As you said, Mr. Visnjic, these applications are interrelated, but you wanted to do it separately. Perhaps we could (15)indeed treat them severally; that is, you can hear the Prosecutor's statements and then submit your application. That is, also perhaps we could hear the answer of the Prosecution, or rather the reaction of the Prosecution. (20)What do you think, Mr. Harmon, about this application? However, before that -- excuse me, Mr. Harmon. Before that, have you discussed the matter with the Prosecution?

(25) MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] No,

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(1)Mr. President, not in this manner.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. But we have already established that Rule before any motion is presented, but we should hear the opinion of (5)the other party and whether they agree or do not agree. If they agree, very well; if not, we can try to reach an agreement, an understanding. But we now have to hear the view of the Prosecutor, and we also have a break. And during the break, of course, it is also (10)possible to shed views on various matters. But since the Chamber is not sitting in full, we shall not be able to make a ruling now; that is, the Chamber has not yet passed another decision which is also pending. We shall therefore await for Judge Wald to return in order (15)to pass the decision, and we shall also need the presence of Judge Wald to decide on this matter as well. But we shall hear all this matter, and the Chamber will then discuss. Today we cannot pass that (20)decision, because Judge Wald is not with us. But be that as it may, I should like to hear the opinion of Mr. Harmon in this respect.

MR. HARMON: Good morning, Mr. President; good morning, Judge Riad; good morning, counsel. (25)My first observation is somewhat similar to

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(1)yours. If the second motion is related to the first motion, I think perhaps they should be explored together. There may be an interrelationship that might affect the answer that I give. So if I could invite (5)counsel to give the second part of his motion, I'm happy to respond to both.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. We appreciate your suggestion, Mr. Harmon. Mr. Visnjic, I have to go back to what I just (10)said. It was perhaps preferable to hear both applications so that we could address them both at the same time. Could we hear your second application, please?

MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, (15)we submitted a motion regarding the text of the indictment, and we had certain objections against some of the Prosecution evidence. You made a ruling in that respect, and I am not commenting on that. However, after that, the Registry gave us a certificate (20)explaining to us that the Serbian text of the indictment, the one that was available to Mr. Petrusic and me, was erroneously translated. It had to do with our previous motion. Article 18.4 of the Statute of the Tribunal (25)in this regard says that when the Prosecutor determines

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(1)that there is a prima facie case, he, that is, the Prosecutor, shall prepare an indictment containing a concise statement of the facts and the crime or crimes with which the accused is charged under the Statute. (5)This means that every count in the indictment with which the accused is charged should relate to specific definitions in the Statute. At the same time, Article 21 stipulates that the accused shall be informed promptly and in detail in (10)a language which he understands. At the same time, Rule 47(G) says that if the accused does not understand either of the official languages of the Tribunal, a translation of the indictment in that language shall also be prepared in (15)the language that the accused understands and which will make part or be included as part of each certified copy of the indictment. These provisions were adopted so that the accused would be informed about the accusations, about (20)the charges made against him, and the case which he needs to prepare in this defence, in the language which he, that is, the accused, understands. These provisions also impose certain limitations, certain limits on the evidence to be used in the proceedings (25)before the Chamber.

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(1)Specifically, we are in a situation now where the Prosecutors have done properly their part of the job. The English and the French versions of the indictment were handled in an appropriate manner, that (5)is, in a manner corresponding to the manner in which the Prosecution prepared their evidence. On the other hand, it is evident that for, if I may call them technical reasons, the Defence has been, and especially the defendant, has been in a way (10)denied one of its fundamental rights. Mr. President, we looked at this situation carefully and we believe that the accused has suffered certain damage, that his rights have been prejudiced in a certain way, and we thought about how this situation (15)could be remedied. The Defence believes that it could be set right if additional time were allotted for the investigation at the three sites which are called into question due to this misunderstanding, I'll call it. I do not wish to go now into the timetable, (20)into the time schedule of the Chamber, but the application for the supplementary time I shall submit when the Prosecution closes its case, since we already announced such a possibility. So basically, our second application is as (25)follows: We first wish to clarify the situation that

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(1)we are in now; and secondly, the Defence, subsequent to its application for this additional investigation, the Defence will apply to be allotted that additional time, because if one reads the Serbo-Croatian text which we (5)had, it is quite clear that only the sites listed in the indictment are the subject of the charges. Thank you, Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. I believe the time has now come for our break. Before (10)we make the break, I should like to hear who will be our next witness. Are any protective measures sought, what kind of protective measures? Mr. Harmon.

MR. HARMON: Our next witness will be Colonel Kingori, and no protective measures will be sought.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well. We will also use the break. As I told you, we have an obligation around 11.00, so if we could make a half-hour break, and the parties can meet now that the Prosecutor knows the substance of the application or (20)applications of the Defence, you could perhaps meet and discuss it before the next witness is called. You can also talk to the Chamber and let us know what are your views, whether you agree with that or not. If you do not agree, then the Chamber will take the decision on (25)the motion, on the application of the Defence.

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(1)Now we shall have a break of half an hour, that is, until 11.20, until twenty past eleven.

--- Recess taken at 10.50 a.m.

--- On resuming at 11.40 a.m.
(5) [The witness entered court]

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Good morning, Witness. Can you hear me?

THE WITNESS: Yes, I can.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you (10)very much for coming here, Witness. Let us first hear your solemn declaration.

THE WITNESS: I solemnly declare that I will speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much. You may be seated now.


JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Are you comfortable?

(20) THE WITNESS: Yes, Your Honour.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, we have somewhat changed the order of the day. I will explain this later on. Witness, thank you very much for coming to (25)testify here. You will begin by answering questions

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(1)put to you by counsel for the Prosecution, Mr. Harmon. Mr. Harmon, you have the floor.

MR. HARMON: Thank you. If I could first ask the usher to move the ELMO back so I can see the (5)witness, I would appreciate it. Thank you very much.

• EXAMINED by Mr. Harmon:

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, can you state your full name and spell your last name for the record, please?

• A.: My name is Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Gichuhi (10)Kingori. I spell the last name K-i-n-g-o-r-i.

• Q.: Colonel, you're a career military officer; is that correct?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Your nationality is Kenyan?

(15) • A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: How long have you been in the Kenyan Air Force?

• A.: I joined the Kenyan Air Force in 1977. That means by now I've been there for over 23 years.

(20) • Q.: In 1994, Colonel Kingori, did you serve as a United Nations military observer?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Did you serve in that capacity in the former Yugoslavia?

(25) • A.: Yes, Your Honour.

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(1) • Q.: Can you describe to the Judges what is the role of a United Nations military observer?

• A.: Physically, Your Honour, as a military observer -- we used to call them U-N-M-O, that is (5)UNMOs -- you are there to monitor the violations to the ceasefire agreement, and also you are supposed to be neutral and bring the warring factions together. This could have been by means of holding meetings with either side and bringing whatever you're told from one (10)side to the other, so as to bring them as close as possible to each other. Also if there was anything to be conveyed from the UN headquarters, it used to pass through us. Likewise, we also had to convey whatever we get from (15)the warring factions to the UN headquarters through the UNMO channels.

• Q.: Was your principal role as an UNMO to observe materials that related to the military and related to ceasefire violations?

(20) • A.: Correct, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, when you say that you had to report up the normal chain, can you tell the Judges what was the chain of your reporting?

• A.: Your Honour, the normal chain was from the (25)UNMO sector, that is, from where we were. We write the

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(1)report to the UNMO headquarters. Like in Srebrenica our headquarters was in Tuzla. So we relayed the message to Tuzla, and then they would relay the same to the UNMO headquarters in Zagreb. Then that is formally (5)transmitted to the UN headquarters in New York.

• Q.: Thank you, Colonel. Now, can you explain to the Judges the difference between an UNMO and a soldier who was serving in the former Yugoslavia as a part of UNPROFOR?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, as I said concerning UNMO, the main roles was to monitor any violations to the ceasefire agreement and also handle military matters. Also you are to do some humanitarian issues, like helping the aged, helping those who are injured, (15)analysing craters, that is, a crater analysis, in case of any impacts using heavy weapons, and then send the same to the headquarters to the channel that I gave you. As for UNPROFOR, UNPROFOR, one thing to note (20)is that they were armed. They had arms and they were staying in their battalion headquarters of various outposts, as required in their observation posts and all that. The difference comes whereby we are not (25)supposed to use arms, because we did not have any. But

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(1)for the UNPROFOR, in case of anything, they could have used arms. Hence the difference in that we, as almost who are neutral -- we are supposed to be as neutral as possible -- hence the requirement that we stay together (5)with the people in the village.

• Q.: So you were not -- when you were serving as an UNMO officer, you were not at the same location and quartered with UNPROFOR soldiers.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour. We were staying (10)separately.

• Q.: Now, did UNPROFOR have a different mandate than you?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour, they had a different mandate.

(15) • Q.: And are you able to describe their mandate as opposed to your mandate?

• A.: Your Honour, their mandate was, as a requirement of the UNPROFOR headquarters, to also monitor, but relate the military activities to what (20)they had been told to do. That is, in case of any activity from the warring factions, they could be called in to act against the source of the fire. With us, we were not.

• Q.: And did UNPROFOR have a principal role in (25)ensuring the provision of humanitarian aid to various

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(1)locations in the former Yugoslavia?

• A.: Repeat your question, sir.

• Q.: Was one of the principal roles, as opposed to your role, which dealt almost exclusively with military (5)matters, was UNPROFOR's role different in that it was to ensure, or attempt to ensure, that humanitarian aid would flow to various parts in the former Yugoslavia?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, as an UNMO, how long did you serve in (10)the former Yugoslavia?

• A.: Your Honour, I stayed there for one year: six months in East Krajina, that is, Sector 8; and then four months in Srebrenica; and the remaining period was in Sector south, in Knin.

(15) • Q.: When did you receive your assignment to go to Srebrenica?

• A.: This was towards the end of March, 1995.

• Q.: And when did you actually arrive in Srebrenica?

(20) • A.: Your Honour, I arrived in Srebrenica somewhere around -- I think it was 4th or 5th. I'm not very sure of the actual dates.

• Q.: The 4th or 5th of which month?

• A.: Of April 1995.

(25) • Q.: And when you arrived, where were you

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• A.: Your Honour, our headquarters was in the PTT building in Srebrenica town.

• Q.: And when you arrived, how many other UNMOs (5)were also in Srebrenica?

• A.: Your Honour, there were five other UNMOs, and with me that made six.

• Q.: Where were they there, the other UNMOs?

• A.: Your Honour, I can remember one was from (10)Canada, there was one from Ukraine, there was one from Ghana, one from Holland, and the other one was from -- where?

• Q.: Was the other from Brazil?

• A.: From Brazil, Your Honour.

(15) • Q.: Now, at the time the enclave fell in July of 1995, how many UNMOs were in the Srebrenica enclave?

• A.: At this time, Your Honour, it's good to inform you that for the UNMOs, we were to stay in one place for one month, and then we go out for leave or (20)vacation for six days, then go back to continue with the work. At this time there were three UNMOs who were supposed to be rotated, and one of them had stayed there for I think four months or so. When his time (25)came, he was not allowed to leave the enclave.

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(1)The second one, who was supposed to leave the following month, was not given clearance by the Serbs to leave the enclave, and so the same happened to that one. (5)That means just before the war started, the three were allowed to leave the enclave, but unfortunately there was no replacement allowed to go into the enclave by the Serbs. That means we were left, only three of us: that is me, from Kenya; David (10)Tetteh from Ghana; and Andryk, from Holland. But it's worth noting that by this time Andryk was admitted in the DutchBat hospital, so we were only two in Srebrenica.

• Q.: Now, as part of your duties, you had to get (15)to know contacts from the various warring factions; isn't that correct?

• A.: That's correct, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, I'd like to focus your attention on the Bosnian Serb army. Could you tell the Judges who were (20)your points of contact from the Bosnian Serb side?

• A.: Your Honour, from the Bosnian Serbs -- that is, we used to call them the BSA -- we were contacting directly with Major Nikolic and at times with a colonel called Vukovic, through our interpreter, who was called (25)Petar. And something to remember is that when we were

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(1)to meet with any other person, Major Nikolic was always there.

• Q.: Now, how did Major Nikolic dress?

• A.: Your Honour, Major Nikolic was always dressed (5)in combat dress; that is, camouflage, green; green camouflage.

• Q.: And how was Colonel Vukovic dressed?

• A.: Your Honour, Colonel Vukovic was dressed the same way.

(10) • Q.: Can you tell the Judges what position you believed Major Nikolic to have?

• A.: Your Honour, Major Nikolic was, as we were told, in charge of one of the units, one of the fighting units on the BSA side.

(15) • Q.: And do you know what his higher military formation was?

• A.: Your Honour, the way the BSA was organised was that there were superior officers above him, and all that chain went, as far as I know, up to General (20)Mladic level.

• Q.: And can you tell me about Colonel Vukovic. How did he represent himself to you?

• A.: Your Honour, Colonel Vukovic was also in charge of one of the brigades, which I do not remember (25)which one, and he was actually -- the way he was -- he

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(1)was actually senior to Major Nikolic, the way he presented himself.

• Q.: So in your view, both Major Nikolic and Colonel Vukovic were from brigades that were around the (5)Srebrenica enclave; is that correct?

• A.: That's correct, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, I'd like you to describe to the Judges the attitude that you observed in Colonel Vukovic in respect of the Muslims who resided in the enclave.

(10) • A.: Your Honour, Colonel Vukovic -- okay. I don't know the right word, but he was a bit rough as far as the Muslims were concerned, because even at one of the meetings that we had, it was said that the Muslims have to leave Srebrenica enclave in total. He (15)doesn't want to see them there. And if they are there, he might end up killing one of them. He once said that. So I can say he was a bit rough as far as the Muslims are concerned.

• Q.: Now, let me turn your attention to the Muslim (20)side. Can you tell the Judges the representatives the Muslim military formations that you had contact with?

• A.: Your Honour, we were contacting with the chief of staff, who was, I remember, Ramiz Becirovic. Then there was the intelligence officer, IO for short, (25)who was called Ekrem Salihovic or someone like that.

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(1)Then there was the mayor, the deputy mayor, and the president of the opstina. Those are the main people that we were contacting with.

• Q.: Based on your contacts with these Muslim (5)representatives, what was their attitude in respect of the Serbs who were outside of the enclave? How did they express themselves to you?

• A.: Your Honour, the Muslims, in whichever meeting that we had, were always afraid of what the (10)Serbs around them would do or could do to them. They were in constant fear that they might overrun the enclave and maybe even harass them. But as far as military activities, there was very little military activities, only when they used to go to look for food (15)outside. They were always afraid that something could happen to them on the way, because there was not enough food in the enclave.

• Q.: You described a rough attitude of Colonel Vukovic. Did you see a similar rough attitude (20)in the representatives of the Muslim community with whom you were dealing?

• A.: Your Honour, I did not see any.

• Q.: Now, Colonel Kingori, let me ask you in terms of how you would conduct your business. If there was (25)an allegation of a ceasefire violation, what would you

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• A.: Your Honour, the first thing I would do is to request for more information, especially concerning the actual location where the violation has occurred. Then (5)go to that particular place, see what violation has occurred. By "seeing," I mean maybe if it was some rocket or artillery shell had fallen at that place, I would go and see the actual location, maybe analyse the crater to know the source of the artillery piece. Then (10)using the maps that we had, know the source, where it actually came from that is, and get it in terms of grid references so that we can forward it to the UN headquarters through the normal channels. But if it was a violation of maybe some (15)normal shooting, which was prevalent in that area, mainly from the BSA side, I would also interview the locals. I would interview them, ask them what actually transpired, who actually infiltrated into that particular area, who they believe those guys were (20)after, and after getting all that, I would forward it to the UNMO headquarters.

• Q.: So would it be fair to say, Colonel Kingori, that from the time you arrived in the enclave until the fall of the enclave, you spent a considerable period of (25)your time in the field?

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(1) • A.: Your Honour, that is very true.

• Q.: And when you were in the field, were you observing and making assessments of the various capabilities of the warring factions?

(5) • A.: That's very true, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, if there was a violation of a ceasefire or there was an incident or there was a shelling, you mentioned you prepared reports. Those were reports that were prepared by you personally or prepared by (10)part of your team or both?

• A.: Your Honour, these reports were being prepared by either me or the other UNMOs, or at times we could draft them together. What used to happen was that when you are in the field, you come with what you (15)have found. Maybe someone else was in a different area, and maybe the other guys who are left, the other UNMOs who are left in there -- in the office. So we would combine all these and make one report and send it to the UNMO headquarters. So it was a combination of (20)all of us.

• Q.: Thank you, Colonel. We'll return to the issue of reports in a few minutes. Now, let me ask you: When the Bosnian Serb side wanted to contact you, how would they do that?

(25) • A.: Your Honour, from the BSA side, they would

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(1)contact our interpreter, that is, Petar, and since he had a radio, one of the radios with a frequency, he would contact us using that radio and tell us that one of them wanted to meet us, the location, that is, where (5)he would like to meet us, and then we would confirm our availability, and just go there.

MR. HARMON: Could I have Prosecutor's Exhibit 42 placed on the ELMO, please.

• Q.: Colonel, there's an image of an individual (10)that's been placed on the ELMO. Do you recognise that individual?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Who is that?

• A.: Your Honour, this was our interpreter, (15)Mr. Petar.

• Q.: This was your --

• A.: The Serb interpreter.

• Q.: Your initial source of contact. When the Serbs wanted a meeting at UNMOs, they would go through (20)Petar?

• A.: That's correct, Your Honour.

• Q.: Okay. Now, let me ask you: In the meetings that you had with the representatives of the Bosnian Serb army, from the time you arrived in the enclave in (25)April until the time that the enclave fell, did the

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(1)Bosnian Serbs complain to you about attacks being made by armed units, Muslim units from within the enclave going out of the enclave and attacking either military formations or civilian targets?

(5) • A.: Your Honour, I do not remember of any single time that the BSA complained about firing from that side, except maybe once, but that was not firing, it was the people now going to Zepa to look for food. There was nothing like military activities from the BiH (10)side that was complained about the BSA side.

• Q.: Now, did the Serbs ever explain to you, in the time that you were in Srebrenica, about Serbian casualties, either civilian or military, that were the result of attacks by Muslim soldiers who had been (15)within the enclave?

• A.: Your Honour, I don't remember any time.

• Q.: Now, let me go to the other side of the conflict. Can you tell the Judges: Did the Muslim representatives complain to you about attacks by Serbs (20)coming into the enclave, either personally by infantry formation or by artillery?

• A.: Your Honour, this happened several times, very many times. The reports we could receive either from the military organisation or from locals coming (25)from the other sides, other villages of Srebrenica, and

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(1)most of the time we would even go there and find people maybe have been hit by shells. We would later take them to hospital, and analyse the craters, or just leave them there if their injuries are not serious. (5)But the violations were more from the BSA side.

• Q.: Did the Muslims then complain to you about civilian casualties that had been suffered and did you, in fact, confirm the existence of civilian casualties on the Muslim side?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, that was almost the order of the day. Most of the time we would get complaints of civilian casualties.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, you were a neutral party, but can you give the Judges your assessment of which of (15)the warring factions appeared to you to be the aggressor?

• A.: Your Honour, from what I have said and what I observed when I was there, most of the violations were against the Muslims. I can't remember of any that was (20)against the Serbs from the Muslims. So that means, basically, the BSA are the ones who were most of time there actually the aggressors, as far as I know.

• Q.: Now, given the fact that you have testified that you spent a considerable period of your time in (25)the field within the enclave, could you kindly give the

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(1)Judges your assessment of the Bosnian military formations that were within the enclave? First of all, can you describe the types of equipment that you saw them in possession of?

(5) • A.: Your Honour, can you confirm whether you mean the Bosnian Serbs or --

• Q.: Sorry, I made a mistake. I meant the Bosnian Muslims who were within the enclave. Can you provide the Judges with an assessment of those military (10)formations, and when you give that assessment, can you include all aspects of military analysis?

• A.: Your Honour, from the Muslim side, that is BiH, there was no organised military as such. For one, it is good to remember that they did not have heavy (15)weapons. All the heavy weapons had been withdrawn and taken to DutchBat for safe custody, because the whole enclave was a safe area. It was a demilitarised zone. That means all the weapons, especially the heavy weapons, were withdrawn and taken to DutchBat for safe (20)custody. In fact, most of it was in the B-Company Compound near where we were living. Okay. We cannot discount the fact that they had some small arms. We're talking about AK-47s and all that, but they did not have heavy weapons. They (25)were not -- as we can say militarily, they were not

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(1)armed as such. They were not.

• Q.: Did you ever see any formations of soldiers?

• A.: Your Honour, I cannot remember seeing any formation. Okay. At times you could see one, two (5)soldiers with some small arms, but the biggest number I ever saw was a maximum of ten, and those are very few soldiers.

• Q.: How would you assess their command structure?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, what I can say is that their command structure -- okay. We can say it existed, but it sort of -- it was not fully established. They had a chief of staff who was Ramiz. They had someone -- I can't remember what his name was. He was a senior (15)person whom I never met. But you cannot call that an organised military command structure. It was not exactly that. Okay, they had an IO, an intelligence officer, that is Ekrem, but it was not an organised structure the way the military should be, as far as I (20)could see.

• Q.: What was your assessment, Colonel Kingori, of the threat that these armed Muslims within the enclave posed to the areas outside of the enclave?

• A.: Your Honour, I don't think they posed any (25)threat at all. They were not armed as such, and as

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(1)compared to what I knew the BSA had or what they showed later that they had, definitely the Muslims were no match for the Serbs.

• Q.: Why don't we address your attention then to (5)what the Bosnian Serb army had. Can you describe that army?

• A.: Your Honour, at least the Serbs -- I can say they had an organised structure, and they used to follow it. At the same time, I can also say they were (10)armed with heavy weapons. At least they had artillery, because they used it. They had mortars. They had machine-guns. They had rockets, even indicated at some times where their rocket launchers were. They had tanks and many other types of heavy weapons.

(15) • Q.: Did they have armoured personnel carriers? Did they have jeeps?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour, they had them. Later on, anyway. They robbed some from the UNPROFOR, but that was just in addition to what they had.

(20) • Q.: Now, can you assess or provide the Judges with an assessment on the command structure? Was it a command structure that, in your opinion, functioned and functioned properly?

• A.: Your Honour, as far as I know, their command (25)structure functioned. The way it was organised was a

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(1)normal, we can say conventional military, and you could see -- sometimes they could tell you, "I cannot be able to answer you this until I check with our higher commanders." That means they had an organised command (5)structure.

• Q.: Now, did it appear to you that the Bosnian Serb army was an entity that was that one where the higher levels would issue orders and the lower subordinate units would follow orders?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, that is the case. The higher commanders used to give orders and the lower ones used to obey.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, I'd like to focus your attention on a meeting that occurred in June of 1995 (15)and took place at the Hotel Fontana with representatives of the Bosnian Serb army. Do you recall that particular meeting?

• A.: Your Honour, I can.

• Q.: How was it that that meeting was called?

(20) • A.: Your Honour, that meeting was called through by Major Nikolic, through our interpreter, Petar, and we went to the Hotel Fontana for that meeting.

• Q.: And did you personally attend that meeting?

• A.: Your Honour, I did.

(25) • Q.: From the Bosnian Serb side, who was present?

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(1) • A.: Your Honour, from the BSA side there was Major Nikolic, Colonel Vukovic, and some other senior officers.

• Q.: Could I show you Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/4 (5)and ask you if this particular man in Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/4 was present at that meeting.

MR. HARMON: Mr. Usher, you can use my exhibit right here, it might be faster. If that could be placed on the ELMO.

(10) • Q.: And do you see anybody in that exhibit, Colonel Kingori, who was also present; and if so, can you point him out?

• A.: Your Honour, this particular individual was in the meeting [indicates]

(15) MR. HARMON: For the record, on Prosecutor's 28/4, Colonel Kingori has identified the individual who is in the foreground with an orange face. He is the second individual from the right-hand side of the photograph. (20)Thank you, Colonel.

MR. HARMON: And if I could have my exhibit back, Mr. Usher.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Excuse me, Mr. Harmon. Could the witness perhaps try to remember (25)that person's name?

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• Q.: Do you recall at present that person's name?

• A.: Your Honour, I cannot remember the name, but -- I cannot remember the actual name, to be (5)honest.

• Q.: Can you tell the Judges what the purpose of that meeting was?

• A.: Your Honour, the purpose of that meeting was mainly to discuss the people in the enclave and -- yes, (10)I think it was mainly to discuss that.

• Q.: And do you recall what was said at that particular meeting in respect of the people in the enclave?

• A.: Your Honour, it was said that the people in (15)the enclave should leave the enclave as -- you know, what they said was that they do not belong there; they should leave the enclave in totality.

• Q.: And do you recall who was saying that?

• A.: Your Honour, this was said by Colonel (20)Vukovic.

• Q.: Did he make any statements that you interpreted to be menacing?

• A.: Your Honour, the words he used that time were menacing, if I can say, because he said if the Muslims (25)do not leave, he is going to kill all of them.

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(1) • Q.: Now, did any of the Bosnian Serb military people who were present -- or strike that. Were other Bosnian Serb military personnel present when Colonel Vukovic said that?

(5) • A.: Your Honour, the other senior officers were also present.

• Q.: Did any of the other senior Bosnian Serb military officers who were present when Colonel Vukovic said that disagree with him or attempt to soften that (10)in any way?

• A.: Your Honour, as far as I know, no one objected to what Colonel Vukovic said, no one talked about it, and it is as if what he said is something they had discussed earlier, or he was just conveying (15)what they had discussed earlier or something like that.

• Q.: Was there also a discussion that included a discussion about safe passage of the Muslims from the enclave?

• A.: Your Honour, that is true. He said that -- (20)it was said that if the Muslims decide to leave, as they were requested to do, they would be given a safe passage to leave through up to Tuzla, to join their brothers in Tuzla.

• Q.: At the conclusion of this meeting, Colonel (25)Kingori, did you form any opinions about the intentions

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(1)of the Bosnian Serb army? Did you walk away from that meeting with any particular feelings?

• A.: Your Honour, the feelings that I got out of that meeting was that maybe something was afoot, (5)something was being planned, something to make sure that whatever Colonel Vukovic said will be done; that is, the Serbs -- the Muslims should leave the enclave and they will be given a free passage, and if they do not, maybe something will be done. We suspected (10)something could be done, and they conveyed the same to the UN headquarters.

• Q.: Now, let me fast-forward a bit to the attack on the enclave itself. When the attack on the enclave started, where were you?

(15) • A.: Your Honour, I was in the PTT building. We were asleep at that time, me and Major Tetteh.

• Q.: And did you remain in the PTT building from the time the attack started until approximately the 9th of July?

(20) • A.: Your Honour, we stayed -- okay. We did not stay inside the building, because we were going out to check what is happening. We were also going out to analyse the craters, that is, carrying out our normal onward duties. Then we would go back to the PTT (25)building, write the sitreps, that is, the situation

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(1)reports, and send them over as they occurred. And during that period, if there is anything else, we would still go out and come back with the same thing. But basically I can say we were in Srebrenica and we stayed (5)there until much later, when we left for DutchBat Compound.

• Q.: All right, Colonel Kingori.

MR. HARMON: I'm going to ask, first of all, Mr. President, that Prosecutor's Exhibit 77 be (10)distributed. And Your Honours, Prosecutor's 77 are a series of UNMO reports and UNPROFOR reports between the dates of the 6th of July and the 18th of July.

• Q.: Now, Colonel Kingori, have you seen these reports before? Have I shown you these reports, and (15)did you recognise these reports?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Now, were these reports that were prepared by you or other members of -- Major Tetteh, who was the other UNMO, at or about the time the events described (20)in the reports were occurring?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: And do these reports contain your observations as you best knew them at the time?

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, (25)excuse me for interrupting you, but would you find it

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(1)more expedient and efficient to show these reports to the public too so that people know what we are addressing here?

MR. HARMON: I would be glad if the usher (5)could take out the first report and -- I'm sorry -- the report that is -- yes, the first report, the report that is found in tab 1. If you could put that --

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] As you know, Mr. Harmon, we have open sessions and we have to (10)take care of that. Of course, the Judges need to see the reports, but perhaps the public should also see them. Thank you, Mr. Harmon.

MR. HARMON: Thank you very much, Mr. President.

(15) • Q.: Now, the report that's been found in Prosecutor's Exhibit 77 tab 1 has been placed on the ELMO. Can you identify that report as being either an UNMO report or an UNPROFOR report?

• A.: Your Honour, this is an UNMO report, as can (20)be seen from the way it is written. It's from UNMO headquarters sector Bosnia-Herzegovina north-east 2, UNMO headquarters, BiH command. So it is an UNMO report.

• Q.: And is there a date on that report, and can (25)you point with the pointer where the date of this

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(1)report is located?

• A.: Your Honour, this is the date, which is the 6th of July, 1995.

• Q.: And on a particular day did you send more (5)than one report up your chain of command?

• A.: Your Honour, that is true, because we had to send the situation reports, and if something occurred in the course of time, we would send updates of the same report.

(10) MR. HARMON: Now if the usher could take that particular item off of the ELMO and if we could place the Prosecutor's 77, tab 2, on the ELMO, we'll be able to make a distinction between the reports that are contained in Prosecutor's Exhibit 77.

(15) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, sorry once again for interrupting you. I should like to ask the technicians to do the following: When the document is placed on the ELMO, if they could first show us the document in its entirety, and only after (20)that to focus on the pertinent paragraph. Could you please show us the whole document? Thank you. This would be enough. Thank you very much. Sorry, Mr. Harmon, for this interruption.


(25) • Q.: Now, for purposes of future reference for

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(1)both for counsel and for the Trial Chamber, so they can make a distinction, is the report that is now on the ELMO an UNMO report or an UNPROFOR report?

• A.: Your Honour, this is an UNPROFOR report.

(5) • Q.: And are the observations contained in that report based on observations of UNPROFOR personnel?

• A.: Your Honour, that is true. It's based on UNPROFOR personnel and not necessarily anything to do with UNMO.

(10) MR. HARMON: Now, let me just, for purposes of future reference and convenience, let me turn to the item that is found in Prosecutor's 77, tab 6. If that could be placed on the ELMO. This will be of assistance both to the Trial Chamber and to counsel (15)when they review these reports.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, this is an UNMO report, isn't it?

• A.: Your Honour, it is an UNMO report.

MR. HARMON: Now, if we could zoom down on (20)the UNMO report, please, to the top of the page. Right there is fine.

• Q.: And do you see, Colonel, the top of the page, underneath the word "from," there is the letters DTG, and then there are a series of numbers with July 1995. (25)Could you explain to the Judges what those numbers are

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(1)and how to read those numbers in respect of this document and in other documents where similar numbers appear?

• A.: Your Honour, DTG means date, time, group. It (5)is different from the normal dates. In the military, the way we write, you start the date -- the DTG with the date. That is the date. Like, here you can see it was on the 8th [indicates] Then the time. That is using a 24-hour clock. That is, now it was at 1430. (10)And then the letter Bravo, that is, B, means the time zone. For example, like where we were, we were using a time zone Bravo, and I think it is the same even here. In Kenya, West Africa, we use Charlie. So there is a difference in the time zones. Then the JUL, that means (15)it's July. That is the month. And then the 95 indicates the year.

• Q.: Colonel, thank you very much. I hope that will assist the Chamber when they have an opportunity to review the reports, and assist counsel as well, in (20)what time these particular observations that are reflected in the reports are being made. Now, I don't intend to go through all of these reports with you, Colonel Kingori, because that would take more time than I think would be necessary, (25)but let me ask you: Do the reports that are found in

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(1)Prosecutor's 77, and which you've had an opportunity to review, do they accurately reflect the events, as you perceive them, on the ground?

• A.: Your Honour, they do.

(5) • Q.: Now, I'd like you to -- first of all, can you tell us when the attack on the Srebrenica enclave started.

• A.: Your Honour, the attack on the enclave started on the 6th of July, 1995.

(10) • Q.: And can you summarise the attack, the methods that were used and the targets of the attack?

• A.: Your Honour, that day, in the morning, what woke us up was the shelling. "Shelling," we are talking about the usage of heavy weapons, like (15)artillery pieces, mortars, and all that. So that is what woke us up that morning. The attack was concentrated on that day on the village of Srebrenica and Potocari, and as far as I knew, there were no military targets in that area. (20)Like, where they were hitting in Srebrenica, they were hitting on the roads, next to the hospital, near -- hitting houses and all that. As far as I know, there were no military targets in that area that they were targeting.

(25) • Q.: Can you describe the intensity of the

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(1)shelling over the three days that you were in Srebrenica itself?

• A.: Your Honour, what I can say is that it was very high. At times we could count over a hundred (5)shells landing in the same place, be it at Srebrenica. You know, a continuous shelling of up to a hundred shells in the same area, and that is quite high intensity, considering the size of those villages.

• Q.: Now, you mentioned the hospital. What (10)happened to the hospital in Srebrenica?

• A.: Your Honour, the hospital was missed, I think three times. Three shells missed the hospital just by a whisker sort of. We could sense that it could have been targeted in that due to the inaccuracy of the (15)weapons, we thought that was the reason why they could not get a direct hit on the hospital, because the miss was just by a few metres, just by a few metres.

• Q.: Was any damage inflicted on the hospital?

• A.: Your Honour, other than maybe broken -- okay, (20)broken windows due to fragmentation, there was no serious damage on the hospital.

• Q.: What about the PTT building where you and Major Tetteh were headquartered, was that struck by artillery?

(25) • A.: Your Honour, the PTT building was not hit at

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(1)that particular time, it was hit later, but it was missed several times. Some of the shells could land on the opposite side where there was a hill, and we could sense maybe they were also targeting that area, but we (5)were missed that time, until much later after we had withdrawn to DutchBat Compound. That is when it was hit.

• Q.: What is your assessment, Colonel Kingori, about this particular artillery attack over the days (10)that you remained in Srebrenica? Against what kind of targets were these shells directed?

• A.: Your Honour, the target, as far as we knew, as far as we could get when we were going out for our patrols during that period, was mainly the populous; (15)that is, the personnel -- the people in that area, that is, the civilians. Because after shelling for some period, you know, targeting the houses in that particular village, they would wait for some time then shell the same place again. According to our own (20)assessment, that meant that they were waiting for the people to come out to pick the injured and maybe check the damage and all that, and then they would hit them again when they're still there. So they wanted, as far as we were concerned, to get maximum casualties on the (25)people who were there.

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(1) • Q.: Why do you think they were targeting civilians, in your opinion?

• A.: Your Honour, in my opinion, the main reason was to make sure that they harassed these people in (5)such a way that they are forced to leave the enclave, because as they had said earlier, they did not want the Muslims inside that enclave. They just wanted it for themselves; that is, the Serbs. So they just wanted to cause fear, panic, and force the Muslims to flee that (10)enclave.

• Q.: Now, did you eventually leave Srebrenica town and go to Potocari?

• A.: Your Honour, we did, and this was -- we actually tried to stay in that place. We wanted to be (15)as close as possible to the concentration of the shelling so that we could report as objectively as possible, but a time came when we were also, you know, threatened. When we sighted a tank positioned in a direct line of fire, about two kilometres or so from (20)our location, we felt we were directly threatened and they could get a direct hit on us, and we feared for our own safety and decided to leave, though even -- okay. I will not go to that part, but by the time we were leaving, the Muslims did not want us to leave, (25)because they felt if we leave them, the Serbs would

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(1)just come and overrun that place. They also thought that the Serbs were maybe not hitting that place as seriously as they would have done because of our presence; that is, the presence of (5)the UNMOs in that particular place, and that if we left, now they will do whatever they wanted with that village.

MR. HARMON: Mr. President, I'm not sure when Your Honour wants to take a break in time. I'm (10)prepared to proceed. I just am unclear on the timing.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] I was just thinking of how to split the last part of the day. Maybe it's a good idea to have a break now. We still have a couple of issues pending which need discussion, (15)so I think that it would be perhaps a good idea to finish the testimony of Colonel Kingori at 2.15, and then we will have 15 minutes left for our discussion. So we are going to have a 20-minute break now, after which we will continue with the testimony of (20)Colonel Kingori. Let me just tell you that we cannot hear this witness later than 2.15, because we have to have 15 minutes for our discussion.

--- Recess taken at 12.43 p.m.

(25) --- On resuming at 1.15 p.m.

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, let us continue until quarter past two, more or less.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, on the 9th of July you went (5)to Potocari; is that correct?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: At approximately what time did you arrive in Potocari and where did you go in Potocari?

• A.: We left the PTT building around 1800 hours, (10)and I think we arrived maybe 10, 15 minutes after that.

• Q.: Where did you go in Potocari?

• A.: Your Honour, in Potocari, we went to the DutchBat Compound. That is where the Dutch Battalion (15)was located.

• Q.: Now, the following day, the 10th of July, did you attempt to contact representatives from the Bosnian Serb side?

• A.: Your Honour, we attempted. We tried that (20)time, but we were unable to contact them.

• Q.: Who did you contact and who were you trying to contact?

• A.: Your Honour, we were trying to contact Major Nikolic through your interpreter Petar.

(25) • Q.: Did you succeed?

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(1) • A.: Your Honour, we did not succeed.

• Q.: Now, let me turn your attention to the 11th of July, the next day, and can you tell me and tell the Chamber approximately what time refugees (5)started to arrive in and around Potocari on the 11th of July?

• A.: Your Honour, the refugees started streaming in in the afternoon on the 11th of July.

• Q.: And on the 11th of July, are you able to (10)estimate how many refugees were in and around the UN Compound in Potocari?

• A.: Your Honour, what I can remember is that inside the compound there were about 5.000 or so refugees, and outside there were actually more than (15)that. It could have been even up to 7.000, 8.000, or even up to 10.000.

• Q.: Can you give the Judges your assessment of the composition of those refugees, the percentage of men to women, the ages of the refugees?

(20) • A.: Your Honour, the percentages -- I might not be very correct, but the men were fewer than the women. Let's say -- we can say it's about 80 per cent women and the other percentage men, and also that the men who were there were -- okay. Most of them are (25)older people, you know, beyond fighting age, as I can

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(1)say, and the others were just boys, young boys.

• Q.: Was there sufficient food, sufficient water for those refugees?

• A.: As far as I can remember, we had problems (5)with water and food. Water -- actually, at that time we did not have any to feed those people with, and they were very thirsty. Even when I said -- okay. In the DutchBat Compound we had some water, but those who were outside did not have any at all.

(10) • Q.: What do you recall the weather conditions to be like on the 11th of July?

• A.: Your Honour, on the 11th it was hot, very hot during the day, and in the evening it was very, very cold.

(15) • Q.: Now, on the 11th of July, did you receive a telephone call from a representative from the Bosnian Serb side, either a telephone call or radio contact, some form of communication?

• A.: Your Honour, on the 11th, Petar tried to (20)communicate to us, requesting for a meeting with Major Nikolic. That is now us and UNPROFOR. But when we requested the UN headquarters for approval, we were not allowed to go there for that meeting.

• Q.: Why not?

(25) • A.: The assessment of the situation at that time

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(1)was that since the airstrikes had already been called for, maybe that could have been the reason why the BSA wanted to call us for a meeting, and maybe even hold us as human shields against the airstrikes so that they do (5)not occur. And we feared also, and our UN headquarters, that is, the sector headquarters, also feared for that fact, because something like that had happened earlier in other sectors, and it is a risky business.

(10) • Q.: Now, did you see any Muslim fighters, Muslim people who were armed in and around the UN Compound in Potocari on the 11th of July?

• A.: Your Honour, there were several, many BSA soldiers who came there that day.

(15) • Q.: If I said Serb soldiers, I made a mistake. I meant to say Muslim fighters. Did you see any Muslim fighters on the 11th of July?

• A.: Your Honour, there were no Muslims soldiers there at all.

(20) • Q.: On the 11th of July, was there any shelling in and around the compound at Potocari?

• A.: Your Honour, as far as I can remember, shelling was ongoing, even at that time.

• Q.: Do you remember what areas were being (25)shelled, if you can recall?

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(1) • A.: Your Honour, Potocari was a target and Srebrenica was also a target. And we could hear some rockets overflying us, going towards other parts of the enclave. But at least Potocari and Srebrenica were (5)still being targeted.

• Q.: Could you see where those rockets or where that artillery fire was hitting?

• A.: Your Honour, some of them we could see, because -- like, the ones which were falling around (10)Potocari we could see. But the ones going beyond, we could not know where they were hitting. But at least for Srebrenica we had one interpreter who had gone there and who from there could tell us what was going on. At least Srebrenica was being hit also.

(15) • Q.: Now, let me turn your attention to the next day, the 12th of July. Did you see the arrival of Bosnian Serb soldiers on the 12th of July?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Can you -- well, let me ask you this (20)question: Approximately what time do you recall they arrived?

• A.: Your Honour, this was in the morning section. If I can remember very well, it was in the morning section, and -- yes, they arrived in the (25)morning section.

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(1) • Q.: Can you describe the soldiers that you saw arriving into the Potocari area?

• A.: Your Honour, the soldiers I remember seeing coming over there wore black -- they had black (5)uniforms. They looked different from the normal BSA soldiers we used to see around there.

• Q.: In addition to those soldiers, did you see any other soldiers?

• A.: Your Honour, I also saw the normal, ordinary (10)soldiers in green camouflage, and -- that is, their normal BSA camouflage -- and also there were some in blue, which was normally being used by the police.

• Q.: What was the reaction of the Muslim people when the Bosnian Serb soldiers arrived?

(15) • A.: Your Honour, the actual reaction was they were all afraid when they saw the soldiers passing through there. You could see fear in them, uncertainty. They did not know what will happen to them, because they were now in one place. And they (20)were always -- they were afraid of the worst, you know, what could happen to them at that particular time. You could see it in their eyes, their reaction, the way they talked. They were all afraid.

• Q.: Now, sometime on the 12th of July, did (25)Bosnian Serb military representatives come to the UN

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• A.: Your Honour, they did.

• Q.: Can you tell the Judges the circumstances under which they came and who came?

(5) • A.: The ones who came in, they were just coming to check whether there were any Muslim soldiers inside there, Muslim soldiers, you know, whether they were armed or not. At least they were looking for Muslim soldiers inside there. (10)Secondly, they wanted to see who is actually housed there, because when we met them, we told them it is only the injured people, the women and older men of Srebrenica who are inside there. And they sort of maybe did not trust what we told them, and they decided (15)to go in and check for themselves.

• Q.: Were you there when these representatives from the Bosnian Serb army came?

• A.: Your Honour, I was personally there.

• Q.: Can you identify any of the individuals who (20)came to the UN Compound at that time?

• A.: Your Honour, I can. I can remember some of them. At least I can remember some of them.

• Q.: Who were they?

• A.: Your Honour, at least there was Major (25)Nikolic, he was there; the interpreter, Petar, was also

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(1)there; Colonel Vukovic was also there; and there was -- Krstic was also there; another guy I cannot remember, another senior officer. I cannot remember his name very well. But I can remember some of their faces.

(5) • Q.: You've previously identified Petar. You said Krstic.

• A.: Yes, Your Honour.

• Q.: Who was Krstic?

• A.: Your Honour, he was introduced to us together (10)with the other senior officers, and he was introduced as being one of the senior officers from the BSA side. And I cannot remember his actual position in that hierarchy. I can't remember that well.

• Q.: Have you seen a picture of an individual who (15)you have identified as Krstic?

• A.: Your Honour, I have.

• Q.: Is that individual in this courtroom today?

• A.: Mind if I stand up?

• Q.: Please.

(20) • A.: It's that individual there [indicates]

• Q.: Can you identify what he's wearing, for the record?

• A.: That time he was in green camouflage, but his weight was a bit -- difficult for me to identify him (25)now.

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(1) • Q.: Can you identify what he's wearing now?

• A.: Right now he's in a black suit and a blue shirt and a dotted tie.

MR. HARMON: Could the record reflect, (5)Mr. President, that the defendant has been identified by Colonel Kingori.

• Q.: You can have a seat, Colonel Kingori. Now, let me ask that -- let me ask you this question: Who introduced you to General Krstic?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, anyway, I didn't know him as a General at that time, but he was introduced to me by Major Nikolic.

• Q.: And how long did the individuals Major Nikolic, General Krstic, Petar, and others, remain with (15)you in and around the UN Compound on that occasion?

• A.: Your Honour, we were together in that area, inside the compound, for about 15 minutes or so, somewhere there.

• Q.: Now, let me ask -- you said you could not -- (20)you didn't know the names of some of the others, but you could recognise them. Did I have an opportunity to show you Prosecutor's Exhibit number 28, and did you identify an individual from within this exhibit?

• A.: Your Honour, that's true.

(25) MR. HARMON: Now, could I have Prosecutor's

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(1)Exhibit 28/3.2 put on the ELMO, please. That's not 3.2. This is 3.2. It's under tab 1. It's under tab 1. You can use mine. Use this.

• Q.: Can you identify one of the individuals who (5)you saw with General Krstic and Petar and Major Nikolic at the UN Compound?

• A.: This individual was there that time.

MR. HARMON: On this particular exhibit, Mr. President, the witness has pointed to the (10)individual in the left-hand side of the photograph. Now, Mr. Usher, if you can give that back to me, I will show you another photograph.

• Q.: This is Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/1. Do you see that same individual in this particular (15)photograph?

• A.: Your Honour, I can see him. He's the one here.

• Q.: Indicating the individual on the far left-hand side of that particular image.

(20) MR. HARMON: Thank you very much, Mr. Usher.

• Q.: Now, Colonel, after the individuals left, did you have an opportunity to see General Mladic?

• A.: Your Honour, I did.

• Q.: Can you describe to the Judges the (25)circumstances under which you met General Mladic?

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(1) • A.: At that time, I saw some -- okay, the normal movement of the BSA soldiers now on the road adjacent to the DutchBat Compound, and I went out to check what was going on, normal routine just to see what was (5)happening outside there. That is when I saw a group of BSA soldiers surrounding a certain individual, and I became a bit curious. Upon arriving there, I saw General Mladic, who I could identify, because I had seen him earlier on television, photos, and all that. (10)So at least I could identify him.

• Q.: What was he doing? I'm sorry. What was he doing?

• A.: At that particular moment, he was -- I can't remember whether that is the time he was (15)distributing -- yeah. That is the time he was distributing soft drinks and candies and all that to the refugees who were outside the main compound.

• Q.: Now, in addition to General Mladic distributing sweets and drinks to the refugees, did you (20)see anybody else doing that?

• A.: Your Honour, there were other senior officers and soldiers who were doing the same, the distribution.

• Q.: Now, let me show you, if I could, Prosecutor's Exhibit 78.

(25) MR. HARMON: This, Mr. President, is a very

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(1)short piece of film footage that has been seen previously. In order to shorten it, I have made this film footage. It is only a matter of seconds. But if we could play Prosecutor's Exhibit 78, please.

(5) • Q.: Colonel, it should come up on your monitor in front of you.
[Videotape played]


• Q.: Colonel, did you see that scene or scenes (10)similar to that?

• A.: Your Honour, I was there that time when that distribution was going on.

• Q.: Could you tell the Judges what else you saw?

• A.: At that time, when the distribution was going (15)on, there was someone with a video camera. At least he was filming whenever the distribution was going on. As far as I thought at that time, it was maybe a PR or, let's say, a propaganda issue. That is what I thought, that maybe they want to show the world that they are (20)doing something for these people, and maybe the International Community could forget whatever they have done against those people. Also what I saw that time was immediately the camera turned to a different direction, some of the (25)soldiers could pick the candies back, you know, from

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(1)the people they have just given, the children and all that. So that is something unique. I did not understand why they had to do that. And that is -- that forced me to conclude that this is just a PR or (5)personal relationship thing, maybe just to show the International Community that they are not against these Muslims per se.

• Q.: Now, Colonel Kingori --

JUDGE RIAD: I'm sorry, I do not understand (10)this last thing. You said -- what did you conclude when they picked back the sweets? What did you conclude? That it was not against the Muslims?

• A.: Your Honour, what I concluded was that if they're picking these candies back from the (15)individuals, the main purpose of giving them was to show, because the filming was going on, to show the International Community that they are doing good things to these refugees, so that the opinion of the International Community can forget or can ignore the (20)atrocities they have already committed to those people.

JUDGE RIAD: Thank you.


• Q.: Colonel Kingori, did you see General Mladic (25)on one occasion or more than one occasion on the

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(1)12th of July?

• A.: On the 12th, I saw him twice. I think twice, yes.

• Q.: What were the circumstances of the second (5)occasion?

• A.: The second occasion was when I realised that there was separation, separation going on between the men and the women and children. And men were being taken to a certain location, actually a house on the (10)left side as you go from Srebrenica, actually out of Potocari. I did not understand why the separation was there. And also the way the men were being kept in that building was not in a good manner. There were very many. It was crowded. They were stepping on each (15)other. The whole scenario did not look good to me, and that is why I went to General Mladic and asked him what is actually going on. Why are they doing something like that; that is, putting people together, (20)huddling them together in such a small place, and all the men, why they were doing that. He told me, they don't have anything -- there's nothing bad they're doing. In fact, the people there are very comfortable. They're very comfortable inside there. (25)Then he requested me to accompany him, but

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(1)then there was a delay, a small delay. We went there with him, but that time some BSA soldiers had already gone towards the house, and when we arrived there, they started distributing beer, soft drinks to the men now. (5)And he asked me, "Can't you see that they're comfortable? Can't you see?" just because they were taking the drink. "Can't you see that they're okay?" There's nothing that I had done, because I had earlier tried to go there and I was prevented. Now (10)this time I requested him to allow me to enter the house, and he personally told me no, there is no point in going inside there. So there is practically nothing I could have done.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, you said you tried to go (15)into the house earlier. Who prevented you from going into the house where these men were being kept?

• A.: BSA soldiers who were guarding that place. The place was being guarded by BSA soldiers. They were the ones who told me I cannot be allowed to go inside (20)that building.

• Q.: Okay. And as a result of that, you went to see General Mladic, I take it, and that's when he returned with you.

• A.: Right. That is what I did.

(25) • Q.: Now, did you also have another occasion to

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(1)see General Krstic and other high-ranking officers that day?

• A.: Your Honour, I did.

• Q.: Explain to the Judges the circumstances under (5)which you saw General Krstic and other high-ranking officers.

• A.: Your Honour, this was partly -- at the same time when we were with General Mladic, these guys were there. All of them, they were there and around. After (10)that -- I cannot remember the other place where I met him.

• Q.: Now, when you say "these guys," who are the individuals you said are "these guys"? Can you identify them more precisely?

(15) • A.: Your Honour, the people I'm talking about are the senior BSA soldiers -- BSA officers. We're talking about Major Nikolic, Colonel Vukovic -- the ones I can remember the names -- and also Krstic, and another person who introduced himself to me as the legal (20)officer, a legal officer. Can I remember the name? Oskuminic or someone like that. But he told me he's a legal officer and even wrote his address for me, which I still keep.

• Q.: What language did the legal officer speak?

(25) • A.: Your Honour, the legal officer was speaking

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(1)English, you know, fluent. Good English. Good English. That is why we were able to discuss with him.

• Q.: I'd like to show you a photograph of (5)Prosecutor's 28/13.1.

MR. HARMON: And this is found, Mr. Usher, in tab 11. That's it. Yes. Could you place that on the ELMO, please?

• Q.: Can you identify this individual?

(10) • A.: Your Honour, this is the guy who presented himself as the legal officer. I can remember him very well.

• Q.: And the individual who was speaking English?

• A.: And the person who was speaking English.

(15) • Q.: Now, previously in this testimony you also identify an individual who was found at Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/8.1.

MR. HARMON: Which, Mr. Usher, is found in tab 6. Place that on the ELMO, please.

(20) • Q.: The individual on the left-hand side of this Prosecutor's Exhibit, did you see him again that day?

• A.: Your Honour, he was there. We were with him there.

• Q.: On the second occasion?

(25) • A.: Yes.

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(1) • Q.: You've also identified an individual who is in Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/4.

MR. HARMON: Which is found in tab 2, Mr. Usher. Place that on the ELMO.

(5) • Q.: The individual you've previously identified in Prosecutor's Exhibit 28/4, did you see him as well?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour. He is the individual.

• Q.: Now, were you in a position to see what the accused, General Krstic, and these individuals were (10)doing?

• A.: What I can remember very well was that they were coming in and going out. They were at one time with us and with General Mladic there, and at times they would go out there, I mean, to the soldiers, talk (15)to them, which, as far as I was concerned, they were giving orders to these soldiers. Then they would later come back and join us or go to another place. So they were in and out.

MR. HARMON: Mr. Usher, I'm finished with (20)that exhibit. Thank you very much.

• Q.: Now, did you see the accused and these other individuals near the area where these Muslim men who had been separated were being detained?

• A.: Your Honour, when we went there with (25)General Mladic, these people were there. These -- we

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(1)were together, all of us.

MR. HARMON: Now, if I could have Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/17 placed on the ELMO.

• Q.: I'd like to ask you if you can identify this (5)particular location. Do you recognise that particular building?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour, I can.

• Q.: What is that building?

• A.: This is the building we were calling White (10)House. This is the place where the men were being taken to.

• Q.: Was there more than one building where the men were being taken to?

• A.: Your Honour, this was one of them. The other (15)one was somewhere in a different location, but this was the place I said after the separation of the men were being handled together.

• Q.: Let me show you Prosecutor's Exhibit 53/B [sic], which is a new exhibit.

(20) MR. HARMON: Let me ask that that be placed on the ELMO.

• Q.: And ask you, Colonel Kingori, if you can locate on Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/3B the second location where men were being detained.

(25) • A.: Your Honour, it's not very easy to detect

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(1)from here, but the other location was somewhere here

• Q.: Would you take a pen, please -- there should be a pen available to you -- and would you circle the (5)area where the second location is where the men were being detained?

• A.: [Marks]

• Q.: All right. Thank you very much, Colonel. Now, did you actually see the men being separated, and (10)did you see what happened to them when they approached one or both of these locations?

• A.: If I can start with the White Building, I was personally there, and I saw the men being taken towards that building. They were being forced to leave their (15)belongings at the road junction with the truck that leads to the building just somewhere there, all their belongings. By that I mean even the money they had, the pocketknives they had, their wallets, and any other belongings, maybe bags and all that. They were leaving (20)all of them out there before they entered the building. As for the other house, the one I have just marked, the men who were being taken there, I was told by some Dutch soldiers that there were some men who had (25)been taken behind that building, and they didn't know

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(1)what was happening. So I decided to go inside there and check. The soldier, the Dutch soldiers do not go inside there but as an UNMO I could go in there. It's (5)taking a risk obviously, but I went inside there, tried to go behind to see what was going on, but I was prevented from continuing by the Serb soldiers who were there. They told me -- they just showed me to go back, and I just retreated, and that was it at that (10)particular time.

• Q.: Could you take --

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, I'm sorry for the interruption, but I saw in the transcript on page 92, 22nd line, it mentions the (15)exhibit, your exhibit 53/B, and it should be corrected 5/3B. I believe one needs to pay attention because this marking, this kind of numbering could cause problems later on. It is not 53, it is 5/3, and I should like to ask either the court reporters or the (20)interpreters or you to pay attention when exhibits are called out. I'm sorry for having to interrupt you.

MR. HARMON: Thank you, Mr. President.

• Q.: Colonel, could you turn your attention, please, to Prosecutor's Exhibit 5/B -- I'm sorry, (25)5/3B. That is on the ELMO in front of you. You said

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(1)you attempted to go into that particular area. And why was that again?

• A.: The reason why I wanted to go to that particular area was that the Dutch -- some Dutch (5)soldiers had reported that men were being taken behind there, and were not returning. Whenever they were taken behind there, none of them was coming back. So mine was purely to go and investigate what was going on. And according to him, he told me that shooting was (10)going on behind. There was some shooting. They could hear some shooting there. And so I went there to investigate.

• Q.: Could you hear some shooting?

• A.: I personally did. I heard some shooting when (15)I tried -- when I attempted to go behind there.

• Q.: Could you take your pointer, please, and indicate the area where you attempted to pass.

• A.: The place I attempted to pass was through here, behind these buildings [indicates]

(20) • Q.: Indicating the buildings that are circled?

• A.: Yes. And that is where I could not be led through.

• Q.: Were you able to determine the shooting point, where you heard the sounds of the shots coming (25)from?

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(1) • A.: Your Honour, it was not easy to detect, but it was at a close place; it was not far. Because the noise that was coming could -- you know, indicated that the shooting is not happening far from where I was. (5)And it was -- if I can clarify, it was single shots; not bursts, but single shots.

• Q.: Now, let me ask you, Colonel Kingori: I'd like to return to some of your earlier testimony where you said that you personally saw Muslim males having (10)their belongings taken out of their -- off their persons. Did that include their identifications?

• A.: I think one thing to say there is that it's not -- things were not being removed from their pocket. They were forced to remove them. And (15)secondly, that that included the identification and everything. When an individual removed his items, whatever he had, then he would go ahead to another soldier who would physically search whether there is anything inside. But still, if there was anything, (20)they were being forced -- they were being told to remove them and put them down. So this actually included even their identification cards.

• Q.: Now, let me ask you this question, Colonel. Had you had a conversation with any representative of (25)the Bosnian Serb army about what was going to happen to

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(1)these particular men who had been separated?

• A.: Your Honour, I asked that, and the individual who answered me that question -- that is, the first question I had asked was: Why the separation? Then (5)the second question was: What do they intend to do with these men after they separate them? And the answer was given by the person identified as -- having told me he was the legal officer, he told me that the reason why they are separating the men was for them to (10)use them in exchange to their own prisoners of war who had been taken by the Muslims.

• Q.: Now, in light of what you saw, that is, identification papers and other personal effects being dropped on the ground, what conclusions, if any, did (15)you come to?

• A.: It was a bit difficult now to know what was actually going on, but if you do not -- normally, if you don't want to have someone -- if you do not want someone to have an identification card, it literally (20)means that maybe you don't want him in that way to identify himself or be identified by someone else, because that is the only thing -- that is, the ID card -- the only thing one can use to identify himself.

(25) • Q.: And did you ever go back and inform the

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(1)person who was identified as the legal officer about why they were required to leave their identifications on the ground?

• A.: Your Honour, I did not ask him exactly, you (5)know, that way, whether -- I mean, as you have put it, I did not put the question as such. The question I had asked was why they were being separated, but not why they were leaving their ID cards there.

• Q.: Did you see -- how long did these separations (10)last on the day of the 12th of July?

• A.: Your Honour, it took quite some time. It took quite some time.

• Q.: And did you see any buses that left the area with just men in them?

(15) • A.: That is correct. I saw.

• Q.: And where were these men being taken from before they were put on the buses?

• A.: Your Honour, there were two sets here. The main one was the men who were being taken from that (20)white building, the ones who had been put together earlier. They were put on their own buses, different from the ones carrying the women and children, and we did not know where their destination was, though they were telling us they are going to take them, I think, (25)to Zvornik or somewhere. But we did not -- they did

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(1)not clarify in particular what they are going to do with them.

• Q.: Did you have any conversations with any of the men, the Muslim men who had been put on those (5)buses?

• A.: This was an emotional period. This was an emotional time, as far as I was concerned, because some of the men are people we had lived together with in that village, and they were being put in these buses. (10)Even, you know, when they were lined up beside the road, they could cry and shout to us, requesting for assistance, asking us what we can do to help them. They could shout and say, "You know these people are going to kill us, and then you are not doing anything (15)about it." And I mean, to us it was a bit emotional. It was very emotional. And also to them. You could see the fear. There was a lot of fear. They didn't know what would happen. They felt, you know, that they are (20)definitely -- something bad was actually going to be done to them. You know, we could see it, and they could also shout about it. In fact, some of them I even tried to tell them with the literal language of theirs that I could use, telling them not to worry; we (25)have been told where they were being taken to, that

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(1)is -- what do you call this place? -- Zvornik, and then later on to Tuzla, and they should not fear. Because at least we had been assured nothing bad would happen to them. But you could see there was a lot of (5)fear. They were crying. You know, men -- you can imagine men crying in front of you and seeking assistance from you, assistance which you cannot give. We, as individuals -- in fact, at that time I was, I think, the only UNMO there, and as an individual, there (10)is no assistance I could have given. It was beyond -- it had gone beyond my control. And you could see them, you know, crying. It was quite emotional.

• Q.: Colonel Kingori, what was the age range of the males who had been separated and who had been (15)placed in the White House and the other house?

• A.: The men in the White House, those were the younger men, if I can say, because the others who were in the main DutchBat Compound were the older people, the very old, who some of them could hardly walk well. (20)But these ones -- those ones in the White House were the younger, you know, slightly younger people.

• Q.: Who was the youngest person you saw separated on the 12th of July?

• A.: That time they were separating even some very (25)young boys, some as young as 13, 14, and they were

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(1)telling them to go and join the other men. And several instances I intervened and starting asking the boys, "What is your age?" They would tell me, "I'm 14." And then I would tell the soldiers, "These guys -- this (5)boy is 14 years old. Why are you separating them?" And maybe that way they could allow them to continue. I saw another one, I could do the same. But immediately I turned from that direction and started -- they were still having the same boys, (10)you know, to go and join the men. So I could not be able to cope with the situation. I could not prevent all the younger boys from me being separated, so some of them were actually taken together with the men.

• Q.: Now, let me ask you to turn your attention to (15)the 13th of July. Did the separations that you've described witnessing on the 12th of July continue on the 13th?

• A.: Yes, Your Honour, they did.

• Q.: Can you describe to the Judges the separation (20)process that you saw on the 13th?

• A.: The separation on the 13th was just almost a continuation of what was happening earlier; it was only that now -- it was almost a continuation of the same, as I can see.

(25) • Q.: Now, again, when you say "almost a

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(1)continuation," were males separated and taken to one of the two locations that you've previously described, and were they forced to abandon their belongings at those locations?

(5) • A.: At this time no men were being taken to that -- to the White House, but at least they were still abandoning their belongings, they were being forced to leave their belongings. Because some of these at that time were those who were in the DutchBat (10)Compound.

MR. HARMON: Your Honours, I'm going to ask that Prosecutor's Exhibit 75 be played. It's a film clip that lasts approximately three minutes.

• Q.: Colonel, you have seen this film clip (15)before. You are in this film clip. And I'd like you to take a look at this film clip and then you can discuss with the Court your observations about it.

MR. HARMON: So if we could please play Prosecutor's Exhibit 75.
(20) [Videotape played]


• Q.: Is that you, Colonel?

• A.: That's me.

• Q.: Are these the abandoned belongings, Colonel?

(25) • A.: Your Honour, these are the belongings which

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(1)were abandoned by the men.

• Q.: The man in the blue vest, is that a Serb or a Dutchman?

• A.: That is a Serb soldier.

(5) • Q.: Are these abandoned belongings as well?

• A.: Yes, these are some of the belongings which were abandoned there.

• Q.: One last question about the man who you just identified as a Serb soldier. He was wearing a blue (10)vest. Was that -- what kind of vest was that?

• A.: This was a vest that we used to wear when we were there. It was bullet-proof. I don't you know what we can -- you know, some of them were not actually bullet-proof, but they were to protect our bodies, that (15)is, the chest, from many small arms. And I'm sure it had been stolen from some of the Dutch soldiers.

• Q.: Can you explain to the Judges that particular part of the film clip that they have just seen?

• A.: That particular part was when I noticed the (20)separation, that is, when the men who were being removed from the group and being taken to the White House, and I decided to ask for permission -- I mean, decided to be taken there. I decided to request to be taken to that White House to see what is going on. So (25)in fact I was talking to the Serb soldiers who were

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(1)there, to take me up there to see what exactly was going on, to prove to them that something was really wrong inside there. Anyway, I was not allowed to go there.

(5) MR. HARMON: Mr. President, I know you had indicated 2.15 would be an appropriate time to break, and I therefore would suggest we conclude at this point so we can hear the motions and deal with the motions that have been raised by counsel. (10)Colonel, thank you very much.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, you have not finished the examination-in-chief of this witness, I assume.

MR. HARMON: I have about 10 more minutes, (15)Mr. President.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Very well, then. Colonel Kingori, we have to finish with your testimony for today. You will have to come back on (20)Monday at 9.30. I hope you will have a possibility to enjoy a nice weekend in The Hague. Have a nice weekend, and we'll see you again on Monday.

THE WITNESS: Thank you very much, Your Honour.
(25) [The witness stands down]

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(1) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Harmon, I think it was your turn, actually. We have heard the Defence, we have heard their applications, and we were about to hear your response to the said applications. (5)So I will give you the floor so that we can hear your position on the two applications that have been made by the Defence. Maybe you have also some other information that you can provide to us. Maybe some discussion has taken place in the meantime. Let us (10)hear you.

MR. HARMON: There has been some discussion that has taken place. In respect of the first application made by the Defence, I understand that application to be that, (15)one, as a matter of principle, the Defence is interested in obtaining additional time in order to permit them to investigate in the event that there is new material testified to by a witness that is not contained in a statement that has been provided to the (20)Defence pursuant to the normal discovery rules. And the second part of their request is to permit the Defence to call back certain witnesses under those circumstances so that the Defence can question those witnesses about the new information after a proper (25)investigation has been completed by the Defence.

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(1)In respect of that motion, we have no objection to it in principle. We believe, however, Mr. President, that there should be an application made by the Defence on a case-by-case basis when the Defence (5)deems that those certain circumstances have arisen. It's also our position that the showing that would be required by the Defence in order to either gain additional time for an investigation, or calling the witness back, would be, one, a demonstration that the (10)material that needs to be investigated and was not provided previously is material to the Defence, and that after a showing of materiality, then the parties would have an opportunity to make their comments to the Court and the Court could then decide. But one (15)additional condition, in our view, would be if the Defence already has this material and has been provided the material, and is not about information that's new and not contained in the statement, then there would be no opportunity to call back the witness. (20)Cross-examination is the proper time to inquire about information that's contained in the statements. So to reiterate, if it's new information and it's material, we would urge the Court to consider it on a case-by-case basis and permit both sides to address the (25)Court before rendering a decision.

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(1)So in principle, on those conditions, we have no objection.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Mr. Visnjic, do you wish to add something?

(5) MR. VISNJIC: [Int.] Mr. President, I should like to make one thing clear. I think there is one slight difference between our two positions. We requested the same treatment, both in respect of the events that were not stated in witness statements, as (10)well as for the witness statements that we received prior to the trial, and after the trial began. We requested the same treatment for both statements. This goes to the quality of the evidence that has been disclosed. (15)As regards this other condition, the condition of a showing, of the necessity to make a good showing, showing of materiality, I think that this is contained in our material. I believe that we are quite clear in respect of that. (20)Let me just try to broaden the point a little bit. We are requesting the same treatment in respect of events that were not contained in witness statements, as well as the events that are contained in witness statements, but the statements that have been (25)received shortly prior to the beginning of the trial,

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(1)or after the trial began. And we have to bear in mind, of course, both versions in English and in Serbo-Croatian language as provided by Rule 66. Thank you.

(5) JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Mr. Visnjic. We will examine your application together with the response made here during the discussion, and I believe that the Chamber will soon be able to make its ruling, perhaps on Monday, but (10)probably not at the beginning of the session. I'm telling you this because I myself cannot be present on Tuesday. So Judge Riad and Judge Wald will be sitting on Tuesday, and the session will be presided by Judge Riad. (15)In view of that, I think that we have to try and make a ruling on Monday. And I don't forget that we have another ruling pending, which hasn't been made yet, because it has to be made by the full Chamber, which was not the case this week because the absence of (20)Judge Patricia Wald. We have to wait for her and we will make both rulings next week. I hope that for the time being this is all, but I should perhaps tell you, I do not have my schedule here, but as regards the programme of the (25)Chamber, we're trying really hard to establish, to the

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(1)extent it is possible, a calendar until the end of the year, including, of course, the months of July, August, September, and up until the end of the year. We will probably have a recess. I think it will be -- anyway, (5)I will provide you with specific information when I have it. However, as regards the following months, we will continue hearing this case until the week which begins on the 1st of May. We have already talked about (10)it. After that, after that week, we will give you enough time to revise your work, to prepare your work, because we will be sitting in another case for at least three weeks in a row. I'm telling you this so that both parties can (15)organise themselves, but I hope that on Monday I will be in a position to give you more precise information, even in respect of the latter half of the year. However, one must bear in mind that this is a provisional schedule. The organisation in itself is (20)not an objective of work, it is simply a means of our work. It can be changed, it may be changed if it is necessary to do so. There are a number of things that cannot be foreseen, and we have to leave enough space, enough time to organise matters accordingly. (25)I see that Mr. Harmon would like to say

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MR. HARMON: Yes. Thank you. I didn't address yet, Mr. President, the second part of the motion that was made by the Defence, which was an (5)application for more time because of what was, in fact, an omission in the B/C/S version of the amended indictment, and I think the record should contain or refer to the certificate and the nature of the error that was presented and which limited the Defence, my (10)colleagues from the Defence, in understanding the full extent of the indictment, because as I understand it, and I have a copy of the certificate from the registrar, on the French and the English version, in paragraph 24, the word at the end of the sentence of (15)paragraph 24, the word "included" was present, but in the B/C/S version of the amended indictment that was made available to my colleagues, the word "included" was omitted, and it is based on that omission that the Defence is requesting, as I understand their request, (20)additional time to investigate three locations that have been testified about by Mr. Ruez, the first being Nova Kasaba; the second, Konjevic Polje; and the third, the Jadar River, the Defence believing that the list on the indictment that they received was an exclusive (25)list, and in the French and English languages, the

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(1)authoritative languages of that Tribunal, it was broader than that. Now, I'd like to make clear for the record, as we already argued this motion or a related motion to (5)this, and I won't belabour the point, but the facts that underlined each of these three locations had been provided to the Defence. There were aerial images that were made under Rule 70(B) to the Defence. What the Defence did not see in our (10)presentation, in Mr. Ruez's presentation, are a total of 12 photographs that are found in Prosecutor's Exhibit 13/1, 13/2, 14/5 through 8, 14/11, 17/2, 17/3, and 18/1. Those photographs obviously the Defence could have seen had they made an application for (15)reciprocal discovery under Rule 66(B), but all the information they were entitled to see prior to the commencement of this trial on these particular areas they did see, and they did see that in a timely fashion. (20)Having said that, Mr. President, if the Court deems it appropriate that because of the translation error additional time is required for my colleagues to investigate those areas, we certainly would not oppose any decision by this Chamber to allot them additional (25)time, but I think the record has to be clear about the

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(1)facts that we have made available to them prior to this unfortunate omission.

JUDGE RODRIGUES: [Int.] Thank you very much, Mr. Harmon. You may be seated. (5)Let me just remind you that the Chamber has already made a ruling in this matter. It was one of our rulings. I do not want to insist, but I just want to remind you that we do not work on an authoritative basis, and as soon as parties have their reasons for a (10)particular motion, we can always try and revise our schedules. We're not slaves of an organisation or a calendar. I understand that the Defence needs some additional time to prepare itself. As soon as reasons (15)can be explained and justified, the Chamber can exercise its authority in an appropriate matter. Thank you very much, Mr. Harmon, for reminding us of this problem, but as regards the specific issues of the inclusion of the three (20)locations, Nova Kasaba, Zeleni Jadar, and Konjevic Polje, the Chamber has already made a ruling. We will, of course, take into account what has been said here. We, in general, are mindful of the needs of the parties in respect of their respective (25)preparations, and we will make another ruling in

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(1)respect of that next week. All I can do at the end of this day is to wish you a nice weekend. Have a nice weekend, therefore, and we'll see you again on Monday, 9.30.

(5) --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 2.32 p.m., to be reconvened on Monday, the 3rd day of April, 2000, at 9.30 a.m.