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Book of Darkness

Chapter Five: A Glimpse At Evil


How could this have happened?!

My plan was going perfectly. So perfectly. Every little detail – the where, the when, the why, the how, the who…all thought out in perfect precision. How could that brat have possibly managed to escape me?

I thought I had him. I thought that once he was in the Portal, he was mine.


Damn you, Nantor!



You three caused me so much pain…so much suffering! I want to make sure that your pain and suffering are just as great as mine were!

Since I became aware of the Triad’s defeat by Sarman, I thought I was at peace. But then, four years ago…

Four hundred years…


My mother!

My father!

My family!


Those self-absorbed, mock-righteous bastards. They came from nowhere, flaunting their talents at those of us who were less fortunate. They took my sisters from me, killed my mother, absorbed my father, tricked my people!

And then. They. Laughed.


They thought it was funny.


My family was dead, my life was dead, and they thought it was FUNNY!

Sarman beat me to my revenge.

…Ah, but you had the last laugh, didn’t you, Nantor? I know it was your idea, creating those new bodies for the three of you. You hate one another, yet can’t be without each other, is that it? Is that why you told Traxis and Eremin about your plan?


That’s why.

You were afraid…afraid to be without your power.

I must say, though, that I am surprised by the way you’ve been acting these last four years. Giving up the power of Jewel, protecting the worlds of the Diadem, actually getting along with one another.

What are you planning, Nantor? Traxis? Eremin?

What are you planning?

…Not that it matters. In the end, you will die. I’ll make certain of that.

Chapter 1. Once Again, Peace Descends on the Diadem
Chapter 2. Peace is a Void Issue
Chapter 3. Vanished!
Chapter 4. Oracle's Origins
Chapter 5. A Glimpse At Evil
Chapter 6. Step Into the Void
Chapter 7. A Case of Mistaken Identity?
Chapter 8. Fear
Chapter 9. Chronos, Master of Deceit
Chapter 10. The Bond of Trust
Chapter 11. Changing Relationships
Chapter 12. Theories of Life and Death
Chapter 13. Dire Consequences

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