From the website:
The GridSim toolkit allows modeling and simulation of entities in parallel and distributed
computing (PDC) systems-users, applications, resources, and resource brokers (schedulers)
for design and evaluation of scheduling algorithms. It provides a comprehensive facility for
creating different classes of heterogeneous resources that can be aggregated using resource
brokers. for solving compute and data intensive applications. A resource can be a single
processor or multi-processor with shared or distributed memory and managed by time or space
shared schedulers. The processing nodes within a resource can be heterogeneous in terms of
processing capability, configuration, and availability. The resource brokers use scheduling
algorithms or policies for mapping jobs to resources to optimize system or user objectives
depending on their goals.
From the website:
"Dcom is a skeleton set of C programs and files which allows you to convert
your favorite long running mathematical problem programs into distributed
computing applications."
"NOTE: There is no readme or any instructions , your on your own . Your will
also need gcc , gmp , Cygwin and a x86 linux/windows PC , and a fixed IP address PC for the server."
From the website:
"Fida is a simple framework of developing and deploying independently distributed
applications that can harness otherwise idle computing processors across the Internet.
It follows the standard client-server model based on TCP/IP protocols. Its component-based
architecture making it efficient and flexible to extend Fida to a wide range of distributed
scientific and engineering applications."
From the website: "Publicly launched in March 1999, Cosm Phase 1 is a set of open protocols
and applications designed to allow computers all over the world to work
together on projects. The project may be a mathematical challenge, or rendering
an animation, or writing. These have recently been termed distributed computing,
or peer-to-peer applications. Cosm also involves building the libraries, APIs,
and standards that are required to make those types of applications easy to develop
for every kind of system."
View a list of current DC projects that use Cosm as their platform.
"The Dispense Package is designed to be an out of the box way to do distributed programming."
The website for this platform provides a lot of information about how to set a DC project up, using it's platform.
It is a simple, and quick way to set up a DC project. It was designed on FreeBSD and should work on Linux. However,
it has not been formatted to run on any other OS as of yet.
From the website:
"Playground provides software tools for both programmers and
end-users for creating high performance, Internet-based, distributed
applications. The Playground software library supports the creation of
modular software building blocks using an intuitive "plug and play" metaphor.
Additional software tools provide end-users with the ability to combine these
components into a distributed application, create graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
for the applications, and make the applications available to other users on the World
Wide Web."
From the website:
The Globus Project provides software tools that make it easier to build computational grids and grid-based applications.
These tools are collectively called the Globus ToolkitTM. The Globus Toolkit is used by many organizations to build computational grids that can support their applications.
The Globus Toolkit is an open architecture, open source software toolkit.
The ECMNet client/server software was originally designed for the ECMNET project. The software
has been used successfully for other projects such as "Minimal Equal Sums of Like Powers".
Version 2.0k of the software (including source code) is available as of June 21, 1999.
Sungrid Engine
Sun Grid Engine finds idle resources on a LAN of Sun Solaris systems and uses them for your
distributed application. Sun Grid Engine is available for Solaris and Linux.
Parabon Computation
From the website:
Massive computational power, once available only to large corporations and well-funded academic
institutions, is now available to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. Experience
the power and be among the first to develop applications for the Frontier Internet computing
From the website:
"DOGMA is a metacomputing environment which allows use of clusters of heterogeneous computers as
well as anonymous nodes which may participate via browsers or via the DOGMA Screen Saver.
A key feature of DOGMA is its ability to function as an application server for parallel
Unlike traditional parallel computing environments, DOGMA allows parallel application code to
be published anywhere on the Internet along with information which informs DOGMA of the
requirements necessary to run the application. This allows non-technical users the ability
to access either local or remote computational resources and run applications from anywhere
in the world."
The Gridbus Project
From the website:
"The GRIDS Lab is actively engaged in the design and development of next-generation computing
systems and applications that aggregate or lease services of distributed resources depending on
their availability, capability, performance, cost , and users' quality-of-service requirements.
The lab is working towards realising this vision through its flagship project called Gridbus.
The name GridBus is derived from project theme: enabling next-generation GRID computing and
BUSiness. The Gridbus project builds on our early work in grid economy and distributed resource
management to realise its full potential for service-orinted computing."
From the website:
"Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
(BOINC) is software that combines many volunteer PCs into a parallel supercomputer."
It is currently availiable for Unix users.
From the website:
"cyBrain is a cross-platform, C++ framework to run complex calculations on a cluster of computers
. The development is done on GNU/Linux systems and it was also tested on Solaris. The code is
written platform independent and should compile on other platforms as well without big changes.
Algorithms are implemented as plugins, there is for example an image plugin which contains
functions to open, display and save images or other image related operations like
brightness/contrast, color balance, edge detection, etc. These functions can be placed in a GUI
(Graphical User Interface), linked with the mouse and the operations are immediately executed.
If other computers are connected to the cyBrain network, the plugin can be distributed on those
machines to gain more computing power. The networking stack of cyBrain supports IPv4 and IPv6
both as client and server, to reduce network load it can use IP multicasting to distribute high
bandwith data like video streams. As a first concrete implementation cyBrain provides plugins
for image processing based on genetic algorithms: A video stream is captured on a firewire bus
and sent to the clients. On the client a genetic algorithm is locating objects in the video
frame, the object itself can be described as a simplyfied vector-image. The calculation is
distributed on a cluster of computers to increase frame rate."