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Here is List of our formats

Tourney Banners

What's New

Trivia Banners


Hosts Posts


6 Hand Reg No Double nils Dn = DQ

Message Board

Points Calc

Wifeys  Double NiL Madness

1st hand DN Suicide (one must DN and other has to bid)

2nd hand DN Whiz ( you Bid DN or you bid your spades)

3rd hand All Bid DN  Misbids = DQ§  2/3 games 

Wifeys Crazy 5 Hand Suicide  Madness

1st hand DN Suicide (One p must bid DN other bids reg)

2nd hand Mirrorcide ( one p bids Nil/dn other bids Spades)

3rd hand Suicide (one p nils/dn other bids reg)

4th hand DN Mirrorcide (one p DNs other p bids spades)

5th hand DN  (All must bid DN)      Misbid is DQ

Awards give in to the winners and runners up!

1st hand Bid Spades + 1 hand = 17 bid
2nd hand Mirrorcide one bids spades other NILS/DNS
3rd hand  first bidder bids clubs others bid hearts
repeat till 6 hands played misbid is DQ

Format is a work in progress please stay turned