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Welcome to CNI's Site. We have been together since a little before the summer began, and just recently got sponserd by DJ productions, and will be played on the blitz sunday nights at 10:00. We also play at midgard comics, and soon bernies and newport hopefully. Check out this site, and come see us play sometime. Contact on of the band member for more info:

Brandon- Cnisingeroioi

Ryan- Blackmagicmanson

Corey- Punktiltheend

Joey- Truskater99

Thoughts of Suicide

Thoughts of suicide

stare into a blank sky- nothing to be seen, nothing left to feel.

Held out with nothing held over your head- Grasping for your feelings again.

Pitch black is what you feel- destruction and hate is what I see.

You hold me back with your pain and agony.

(chorus) turn your wrists for me, dont stare at me with hate and hurt. nothing could be as bad as your wrist thick cuts. dead feelings in your head. you will soon be dead

Death screaming your name- held in your room with entrapment.

destroy yourself infront of me- Nothing will be as bad as me.

Suicide is just another word for me- locked up with you, is where it all should end.

(chorus again)

We all make turns in our lives-All this feelings held inside.

You have just lead a new suicide-Across the abyss, and around this hell.

My words, i will hold too close-To ever know what its like to be locked up in your cage.


We Remeber

your words meant more to me than you will ever know. Melody was in your heads, now history is in ours. your music had tempting powers. walking the streets of england. If i could see you now, i wouldnt know where to begin.

leather and studs, this is our song for you. Joe strummer, we remember you. the year was 1976. Life wasn’t easy back in those days. Everything seemed like such a daze. Woah oh oh, we remember you joe strummer.

Born all alone, but never alone. You stood out and held your music oh so high. Now I look back in the past, and none of it is gone. You are now gone with the breeze. Nothing was ever done with ease. We will all sit down now, and we remember you.




Broken Society

step onto the playing ground. there are lies that will not be found. death,
destruction thats what i know this world to be. these things, i will never be free.

(chorus) broken society(x7)

faceless people stare out of the crowd. I am free and i am proud. war and greed,
is what your government to need. a hated nation is what they will always be


democracy fuck that. anarchy we want that. broken society, broke society.




Counting Down

started fucking nowhere, with hopes in our mind, started making songs, didnt care about the fucking time, frustration would fill our eyes, never stopping about to fucking die, basement floor filled with empty cans, blood on our knuckles with callused marks on our hands

working as hard as we fucking can

if people cant understand

we do this shit because we want to

if you dont like us fuck you

the cold breeze on our necks, the thought on our minds. Believing we that we are getting somewhere. Now or forever we are the same, but being together as friends, this is our life, this music is as sharp as a knife.

working as hard as we fucking can

if people cant understand

we do this shit because we want to

if you dont like us fuck you

in this shitty town, its so hard to fucking find. wishing to just play one show, makes you feel so far behind.

were always fucking dull, will never find a shining moment, this place is fucking dead, something that has already been fucking read

(long breakdown) "Our minds are open. Our heads held high. This is our life and nothing can pass us by. They cant take away our freedom. They cant away our minds. This isnt the end. we have just fucking begun!"
