Point Of Impact
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Real Madrid
Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

"Lebeau...Remy Lebeau. Remember dat name well"

One of the coolest characters in the game. He has some funky kicks in the air, but the range of his staff makes up for everything else. His ZigZag magic series in almost every combo magic makes him a versatile combo machine both on the ground or in the air. Truly one of the most dangerous combo character of the game. He can chain all of his normal moves into all of his specials. He's a flailers dream come true. Hit random buttons really fast while moving the joystick around and you'll find that he's done an eight hit combo or more. Ideal for people who loves long, painful, impressive and possibly cheap combos. I must say, you just gotto love that staff.

Special Moves
Kinetic Card âæà+P
Gambit pulls out a card, charges it and then throws it at his opponent. If it hits, it'll stun and knock down his opponent. The punch button used determines the amount of time that your opponent stands there stunned. However, the Fierce version has such a huge delay that any opponent with half a brain will see it coming and block accordingly. It goes across the screen instantaneously after he gets around to throwing it, making it a very fast attack. After getting knocked down by one of these, it is impossible to roll from. Dash in and OTG for some nasty damage. The air version goes diagonally downward and slows Gambit's fall, letting him throw several of them in a row before he has to land. It is possible to combo two kinetic cards by first pulling off a Fierce version and then immediately cancel into a Jab version. Never misses!

Trick Card âåß+P
Gambit pulls out a card, charges it and then throws it upward. It's basically the same as the Kinetic Card except for it's direction. Use it on jumping opponents, but not too often cause it leaves him vulnerable. The upside is that if it actually hits, your opponent will start falling towards you, stunned! Launch em and air combo for some sweet damage.

Cajun Slash àâæ+P
Gambit attacks his opponent by dashing in and striking with his staff. All versions have little or no recovery time and leave Gambit extremely safe. Watch out if your opponent gets above or behind him though. Below is a description of each attacks attributes.
Jab - This version has Gambit taking a big swipe with his staff. It's useful for comboing and as a quick surprise hit. It will also counter most attacks and has almost no recovery delay, making it a very safe attack to pull off on a grounded opponent.
Strong - This version has him doing a three hit combo with his staff. He starts with a jumping downward slash, followed by two additional dashing hits. It's very fast and combos very well.
Fierce - This version is also a three hit combo. However, it starts with him doing a sideway swipe, followed by a downward attack. The great thing about this one is that it will OTG a downed opponent. It has the most range out of all the Cajun Slashes as well, making it a great cross-screen counter.

Cajun Strike âá+P or K
Gambit jumps at the wall, bounces off and attacks his opponent with either a kick or a swing of his staff. This move is basically useless because of air blocks, super jumping and reverse dashing. However, it is almost uncounterable by any normal move. Gambit can either attack immediately after hitting the wall, or he can jump to the opposite wall as a confusion tactic. Just hold the joystick in the desired direction and hit an attack button when you want to strike.

Super Combos
Royal Flush âæà+PP
Gambit throws his staff into the air and unloads his entire deck of cards at his opponent. This is a semi quick super that does a lot of hits. I say semi quick because it's easy to block if not comboed or used as a counter. Set it up by using it as an OTG, after a helper or as an anti air move. He can also set it up with a launcher. Get in very close to your opponent and launch them, then immediately cancel into the super. Gambit's staff should hit them on it's way up, knocking em into the cards. The recovery lag has been greatly shortened making him less vulnerable if it's blocked.

Cajun Explosion âæà or âåß+KK
Gambit jumps onto one of the walls and throws a card that explodes into shockwaves. Which corner he jumps to depends on which direction is chosen. Being a wave super, it does incredible damage if done while your back is to the corner. You'll be lucky if you get it to connect though cause it's a lot like the Maximum Spider. In the process of jumping to the corner, Gambit basically tells his opponent what he's planning to do and they'll block. This ain't such a bad thing though, cause this super does insane block damage. It's always a better choice than the Royal Flush if you wanna cheese an opponent to death.

Team Counter
Cajun Slash ßåâ HP+HK
He does the Jab version which is extremely fast and has good range. It can be used to counter almost any move that is done in close to semi close range. Countering beam supers should be avoided though cause Gambit won't reach them in time to avoid the attack.

Team Super
Royal Flush âæà HP+HK (2 Levels)
A good team super cause of it's speed and range. Gambit will back up any other super because of the fact that it covers a large chunk of the screen and the staff acts as an anti air attack. It also comboes if used to OTG, so starting a team super with Gambit is usually a better idea. Be careful if he's the second character and it blocks though cause he'll be vulnerable to counter attack.

Moves, Combos, Strategies