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Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

Okay, let me bring this up right away: I am a Street Fighter fanatic. It started when I first played the game on the Micro Genius and I later progressed to SF II on the Sega Genesis, Super SF on the SNES, Super SF II on the Neo Geo, SF Alpha 2 on the PC, SF EX and SF Alpha 3 on the PS. Basically, I'd covered the entire series over multiple platfroms. I love the control, the insane moves, and the highly entertaining animation. Marvel vs. Capcom takes everything from the original Street Fighter series and pumps it with more steroids than an Olympic power lifting team.

For those of you who don't know, Marvel vs. Capcom is a sequel to Marvel vs. Street Fighter, which was a sequel to X-Men vs. Street Fighter. These games appeal to those of us who have always thought, "Wouldn't it be cool to see Ryu take on Wolverine and the Incredible Hulk at the same time?" If you have never spent sleepless nights pondering these sort of questions, you're psychologically healthier than I am.

You can choose two fully playable characters to be on your team as well as a third that serves as an assistant. During the fight you can swap your two characters in and out and even have them team up for dual, simultaneous attacks on your opponent. The new generation, cross-platfrom beat-'em-ups don't really progress much further down the version line, but hey, life's as good as it gets.

There are too many characters past, present and future, but I'm only going to delve on some of my favourites from MSH vs SF and M vs C. And another thing, just because you beat the computer at max difficulty level doesn't mean anything. Try playing at a competitive level with other human players for a real challenge.

Not much is known of Ryu's past. He's a warrior that lives for the fight. He started learning to fight in a dojo with his master, Gouken and his best friend, Ken. Both became celebrated fighters and together, they dominated the Street Fighter tournament held by Sagat. Since then, he's been hunted by the evil Akuma, a fighter who was seduced by the dark side of Shotokan. One of the most lethal characters in the line-up. Expect him to dominate without being cheap.

My all-time favourite character from the Marvel universe. Born in the swamps of Louisiana, this Cajun spent most of his youth involved in guilds and operating as a thief. He soon found that he had the mutant ability to charge everyday objects with explosive kinetic energy. Soon after learning of his power, he became one of the X-Men and fought for the good of mutantkind. He now joins them in their fight against Onslaught, the X-Traitor. Ironically enough, he was repeatedly accused of being the X-traitor by Bishop.