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The Rediscovered Ancient
Celtic History of Co. Meath.


JAH has been researching and working to promote the true history of the various ancient sites in Co. Meath, Ireland, and has rediscovered a totally amazing lost history and heritage.

JAH has recovered
the autobiography of Teia Tephi, the queen of Ireland who lived and ruled in the sixth century B.C. The book contains detailed information about the fall of Jerusalem in c. 588 B.C. and Teia Tephi's subsequent journey to Ireland with Jeremiah the Bible Prophet in 583 B.C.

The Book of Tephi describes in detail the journey Jeremiah took with Teia Tephi from Jerusalem to Ireland, via Tanis in Egypt then on to Gibraltar, Breogan in Spain; Cornwall and eventually landing at
Howth on the 18th June 583 B.C. Tephi was escorted to Ireland from Cornwall by Bressail mac Elatha, the son of the ruler of Cornwall, who had been living in Ireland and was the champion of Nuadh of the Silver Hand, king of Ulster.

Teia Tephi was then taken to the
Hill of Tara where she married Eochaidh, the Ard ri (high king) of Ireland and was crowned queen of Ireland upon the Lia Fail (Jacob's Pillar / Stone of Destiny) that she brought with her from Jerusalem. She then began re-introducing The Laws that were given by The Ruler of The Universe (God) through His Prophet Moses to the People Israel, of whom the Irish are decended from Dan (Tuatha de Danaan - tribe of Dan [Gen. 30:6]) and the Zarah (of the Red Hand) branch of the tribe of Judah [Gen. 38:27-30].

At that point a number of kings and warlords in the already divided and war-torn country of Ireland rebelled against Tephi, because under The
Real Law of The Torah, that she brought, they would have to give back all the wealth that they had un-fairly stolen from the people under their own laws and taxes that they had made up. A huge battle then transpired, known as the Battle of Unna (Destruction), where all of the rebel kings and lords and their armies led by Bressail the son of Elatha of Cornwall, fought against Teia Tephi and her army. As Teia Tephi was fighting for God and His Laws, her army defeated all of the rebels in the battle which was held near Slane.

There was a total of six thousand six hundred and sixty-eight people killed in the Battle of Unna. Five thousand and sixty three of which were on Bressail's side including forty two kings from various regions of Ireland, and the rest of the British Isles. From Teia Tephi's army, only sixteen hundred and five were killed, those of rank from both sides that fell at the battle were buried at
Knowth and those of lower rank were buried in the many satellite graves around Knowth and through-out the Boyne Valley.

Bressail, the leader of the rebels, wasn't killed in the battle and was sent out to help clear the sea of Fomorians (pirates). The people never forgot his meanness and arrogance and when he died he was buried in a tomb that was made to face the setting sun rather than the sunrise and his grave was named
Dowth which is derived from the old Gaelic word, Dubad which means darkness.

Peace was then brought to Ireland (all of it) for the first time as Teia Tephi re-instituted God's
Perfect Laws of The Torah, that are contained in The first five Books of The Bible and in The Ark of The Covenant. She ruled over all of Ireland from the Hill of Tara but lived in a palace that she had built in Teltown, Kells.

Teia Tephi had four children. Her oldest son, Aedh died in his teens and was buried in
The Mound of The Hostages at Tara. Her second born was a girl named Ainge and her third was Aengus who became king of Ireland after his parents' death. Aengus was very arrogant and had the grandest tomb in Europe constructed for himself and was buried there at Newgrange.

Jeremiah the Prophet, who brought Teia Tephi to Ireland died on the 21st. of September in 581 B.C. and was buried in
Cairn T at Loughcrew. Hieroglyphics on a stone in the Cairn depict the journey they made from Jerusalem to Ireland and gives astronomical calculations to give the dates when the Battle of Unna was held and when Jeremiah died. The tomb is built in alignment with the Autumn Equinox, which is the same time of year that Jeremiah died. This was done so people would go to the tomb at the time of the Autumn Equinox to remember Jeremiah and watch the Equinox sun-rise penetrate the tomb.

When Teia Tephi died, she was buried in a hidden subterranian tomb under
The Mound of The Hostages at The Hill of Tara along with a number of special artifacts including David's Harp, which features as the Irish People's National emblem and The Ark of The Covenant. She left many prophecies in The Book of Tephi of which most have been fulfilled in exact and minute detail. Some of which say that Ireland would forget her and once again be divided and impoverished because the people would go away from God's Laws and let their leaders make up their own. She also said that she would one day be recovered from her tomb and once again unite the Irish people as one nation in peace and prosperity under The Perfect System of Law given in The Torah.

This is the only prophecy given in The Book of Tephi that remains unfulfilled.
With the help of the the Irish people, JAH wishes to fulfill this prophecy for the benefit of everyone on the island of Ireland.

Please ask your friends and families to support and get their/your councillors and T.D.s to support this project. Matt.


Please CLICK on map to view in full size.

Map of sites related to Jeremiah The Prophet,
Teia Tephi, The Lia Fail Stone and The
Ark of The Covenant.





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