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The Word of God told Isaiah the Prophet (in chapter 42:10-11),

Let the Inhabitants of The Rock sing the 'New Song'.

The Song of Moses and The Lamb.

by JAH


A Brief Introduction...

[Please click here to go directly to the complete 'New Song' Booklet]


What is the "New Song" and why does "The Word" want YOU to learn to sing it and to Live and sing it on The Rock?

For the answer we have to turn from the Old Covenant Book of the Prophet Isaiah to the New Covenant Book of the Revelation/Apocalypse given to John the Apostle by his Master, "The Word", who had previously, temporarily, been made flesh (incarnated), as it is written in the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 14:-

"And the Word was made flesh (incarnated), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only incarnated of the Father) full of Grace and Truth."

Why on The Rock? (Read my "Close Encounters of the Gibraltar Kind" and "DUNE - Gibraltar" and "Message for Gibraltar from God" Booklets, to find the answer).

In Revelation/Apocalypse it is written in chapter 14:3 & 5:9 that only the people who are able to learn to sing the "New Song" were to be redeemed (released) from Planet Earth (and ALL the rest will be cast into The Lake of Fire - Revelation 21:7-8).

It is therefore CRITICALLY important for YOUR survival that YOU learn to sing the "New Song" - NOW.

So what IS the "NEW SONG"?

For the answer, again we must turn to Revelation/Apocalypse, where in chapter 15:3 it is written that the "New Song" is (a harmonious synthesis of) the "Song of Moses" and the "Song of The Lamb".

What IS the "SONG of MOSES"?

For the answer we must turn to the Old Covenant/Testament, to the Fifth Book of Moses, in The Torah (Torah is the collective terminology for the five Books of Moses), called DEUTERONOMY, chapter 31 verse 19:-

"Now therefore write ye this "Song" for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this "Song" (The Covenant) may be a witness for Me against the children of Israel." (If they do not "learn it off by heart" so that they can, and do, "sing" it; and no-one can sing any song unless they "know it off by heart"). That is why God called it a "Song" to let you know that you must learn it off by heart.

The Sabbath (Saturday) was to be used to teach your children to sing this "Song", not hymns or rock and roll etc. but THIS "Song", without which you can NOT survive or live in peace and HARMONY with your fellow man.

At this point it is extremely important, and I have to point it out to all followers of Mohammedanism (peace be upon him), that, all the way through the Holy Koran, God (not Mohammed) makes reference to and commands the reader to read the Bible and to study carefully, learn and fulfill The Covenant of God, or they will be "Companions of The Fire", shortly after Christ's second coming.

Unfortunately they, like everyone else, do not do as God has told them to do and have been misled by their priests (imams) into not reading the Bible and so have absolutely no idea what The Covenant is and what its terms are. Their priests have all lied to them and have told them that the True Bible no longer exists.

God has told the reader of the Koran, and it is written in the Koran, in Sura 32:23, that the Book of Moses (which includes The Covenant), will definitely reach them.* So, unless they stop listening to their priests (imams), who are all calling God a liar, and DO exactly as God has told them to do, as it is written in His Holy Koran, they will definitely not survive The Fire, and that would be a great shame. God has even told them and it is written, more than once, in the Koran, that they must invite the christians and jews to unite with them to keep The Covenant, together, as one united brotherhood. The Koran is known as The Gospel of Unity.

Nobody ever does as God has told them even though their/your very lives depend upon doing so. Perhaps you all WANT to be misled and to burn. I HOPE YOU DON'T.

* Koran Sura 32:22. And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited the Signs of his Lord, and who then turns away therefrom? Verily from those who transgress We shall exact (due) Retribution.

32:23. We did indeed aforetime give the Book (Torah) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel. . .

CLICK HERE to continue reading the complete 'New Song' Booklet.
(Complete Document occupies approx. 100 pages of A5 printed text.)

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