Comments about Newton from Michael Drosnin's book "The Bible Code":-
Isaac Newton was the first modern scientist; he worked out the mechanics of the solar system and discovered the force of gravity. He was certain, too, that there was a hidden code in The Bible that would reveal the future. He learned Hebrew, and spent half his life trying to find it.
In fact, according to his biographer John Maynard Keynes, it became an obsession. When Keynes became provost at Cambridge University, he discovered there the papers that Newton had packed up in 1696 when he had retired as provost.
Keynes was shocked. Most of the million words in Newton's own handwriting were not about mathematics or astronomy, but esoteric theology. They revealed that the great physicist believed there was hidden in The Bible a prophecy of human history.
Newton, said Keynes, was certain The Bible, indeed the whole Universe, was a 'cryptogram set by The Almighty', and wanted to 'read the riddle of The Godhead, the riddle of past and future events Divinely Foreordained'.
Newton was still searching for The Bible code when he died. But his lifetime quest failed no matter what mathematical model he applied.
"God's Truths are hidden from the wise (intellectuals) and are revealed unto babes." JAH
One discovery that had eluded Newton was made recently by Eliyahu Rips because he had the one essential tool that Newton lacked - a computer. The hidden text of The Bible was encoded with a kind of time-lock*. Some of the text, which was encoded using a numerical code, could not be opened until the computer had been invented.
* Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and "seal" the Book (Rev. 5:1-5), [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and [evil] knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20) shall be increased.
Comments about Newton from James Redfield's book - the Celestine Vision.
Isaac Newton was a great physicist, but, as many current thinkers have declared, he shortchanged the universe by reducing it to a secular machine, describing it as operating only according to unwavering mechanistic laws. The seventeenth-century philosopher René Descartes preceded Newton by popularizing the idea that all we need to know about the Universe is its basic laws, and that while these operations might have been first pushed into motion by a creator, they now function totally on their own. After Newton and Descartes, any contention that there is an active spiritual force in the universe or that higher spiritual experience is anything other than hallucination was too often dismissed out of hand (but not by Isaac Newton - JAH).
This old mechanistic worldview has been discredited since the early decades of the twentieth century, chiefly through the influence of Albert Einstein, the pioneers of quantum physics, and the newer research on prayer and intentionality. But the prejudices of mechanistic worldview linger in our consciousness, guarded by an extreme skepticism that serves to screen-out the more subtle spiritual perceptions that would challenge its assumptions.Understanding how this works is important. In most cases, to experience higher spiritual experience, we must be at least open to the possibility that such perception exists. We know now that one actually has to suspend or "bracket" skepticism (and intellectualising) and try in every way possible to open up to spiritual phenomena (as a little child) in order to experience them. We must "knock on the door", as it has been expressed in Scripture, before any of these spiritual experiences can even be detected at all.
If we approach spiritual experience with a mind that is too closed and doubting, we perceive nothing and thereby prove to ourselves, quite erroneously and repeatedly, that higher spiritual experience is a myth. For centuries, we cast out these perceptions not because they weren't real, but because at the time, we didn't want them to be real. They didn't fit into our secular view of the world.A MATERIALISTIC UNIVERSE The first scientific picture about how this outer world operated was created by Isaac Newton, who pulled together the views of the early astronomers into a model of the universe as stable and predictable. The mathematics of Newton suggested that the larger world operated according to unchanging natural laws, laws that could be counted on and used in practical ways.
Descartes had already made the case that the universe in its entirety - the orbiting of the Earth and other planets around the Sun, the circulation of the animal and plant species - all worked together like one great cosmic machine or clockworks, always reliable and totally devoid of mystical influence.Newton's mathematics seemed to prove it so. And once this holistic picture was established in physics, everyone believed that the other disciplines of science had merely to fill in the details, discover the mini-processes, the smaller levers and springs that made the great clock run. As this began to occur, science became more and more specialized in its approach to mapping out the physical universe, dividing into ever smaller subdivisions and going into greater detail in naming and explaining the world around us.
Cartesian dualism and Newtonian physics established a philosophical position that was quickly embraced as the reigning worldview for the modern age. This view further advocated an empirical skepticism in which nothing about the universe should be believed unless it was shown by quantitative experiment to exist without question.
"...for as God uses the help of our reason to illuminate us, so should we likewise turn it every way, that we may be more capable of understanding His mysteries; provided only that the mind be enlarged, according to its capacity, to the grandeur of the mysteries, and not the mysteries contracted to the narrowness of the mind." Francis Bacon.
Following Francis Bacon, science became ever more secular and pragmatic in its orientation and moved further away from the deeper issues of mankind's spiritual life and purpose. If pressed, scientists would refer to a deistic notion of God, a deity that first pushed the Universe into operation, leaving it ever afterward to operate totally by mechanical means. This is exactly what occurred in the blind allegiance to the Newtonian paradigm. Kuhn's thesis also illuminated the problem of personal investment in science, revealing the way scientists often make their careers from particular discoveries, usually at universities or private institutes, and then tend to defend these theoretical positions - seeing them as the source of their personal status - against newcomers with different ideas, even if these ideas are objectively better; more complete and even factual rather than theoretical.
Newton imagined the world as operating by purely physical processes of machinelike nature, without mental or mystical influence of any kind. By following this paradigm, all the other sciences and subdisciplines had set out to label and explain all the parts and basic processes of the world.
Further comments from "The Bible Code":-
A Newtonian explanation is: 'Science accepts that if we know the position of every molecule and atom, we can foresee everything.'
In the mechanical world, if we know the position and velocity of an object - a bullet or a rocket to Mars - then we could also know precisely when and where it will arrive. So there's no problem in that sense about knowing the future.
But the world was created. The Creator is not confined by time or space. For us the future is non-existent. For The Creator, the whole universe from beginning to end (Revelation / Apocalypse 1:8) was seen in one stroke.
There is no way within the known laws of mathematics to explain seeing the future. Newtonian physics is too simple to explain a set of predictions as complex and detailed as God's Prophecies. Quantum physics is also not enough. What we're talking about here is some super intelligence that stands outside these things.
In the end, all conventional science, indeed all conventional concepts of reality, may be irrelevant (1 Timothy 6:20*). If some Being that stands outside the system, outside our three dimensions, outside of time, encoded The Bible, the code may not obey any of our laws (Deuteronomy 4:2**), scientific or otherwise.
* 1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, and OPPOSITIONS OF SCIENCE (knowledge) FALSELY SO CALLED:
** Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall NOT add unto the word which I COMMAND you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep The COMMANDMENTS of The "I AM" your God which I COMMAND you.
Once we admit that we are not alone - that there is some super-intelligence infinitely beyond our own - everything else must be re-examined and even the greatest scientist of our time, Albert Einstein, never accepted that the universe was governed by chance. 'Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing,' said Einstein. 'But an inner voice (God) tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the "Old One" (The only True Reality - Koran Sura 22:6; etc.*).
* Sura 22:6. This is so, because "I AM" is the Reality: it is He Who gives life to the dead, and it is He Who has power over all things.
22:62. That is because "I AM" - He is the Reality; and those besides Him whom they invoke,- they are but vain Falsehood: verily "I AM" is He, Most High, Most Great.
23:116. Therefore exalted be "I AM", The King, The Reality: there is no God but He, the Lord of the Throne of Honour!
31:30. That is because "I AM" is the (ONLY) Reality, and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is Falsehood (and therefore Fantasy); and because "I AM",- He is the Most High, Most Great.
40:69. Seest thou not those that dispute concerning the Signs of "I AM"? How are they turned away (from Reality)?-
40:70. Those who reject the Book (Bible) and the (Revelations) with which We sent our Apostles: but soon shall they know,-
'God,' said Einstein (the Believer), 'does not play dice.' (and neither should you, with your lives - JAH).
We have always thought of The Bible as a book. We now know that was only its first incarnation. It is also a computer-program. Not merely a book that Eliyahu Rips typed into a computer, but something that its Original Author actually designed to be interactive and ever-expanding.
The Bible code may be a timed series of revelations, each designed for the technology of its age (Daniel 12:4*).
* Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and "seal" the Book (Revelation/Apocalypse 5:1-5), [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and [evil] knowledge (1 Timothy 6:20) shall be increased.
No one can explain how the code was created. Every modern scientist, every mathematician and physicist who understands the code, agrees that not even the fastest super-computers we have today - not even all of the computers now in the world working together - could have encoded The Bible in the way it was done 3,000 years ago (or prophesied the future in exact and minute detail within its pages, utilising either word or numerical codes. - JAH)
Epilogue from JAH:-
Newton and all of the scientists have attempted to find answers by using mathematics or intellectualising instead of by getting to know God personally and then requesting and receiving answers directly from Him by Divine revelation through child-like faith and loving personal contact, as He has instructed everyone to do, and so these great scientists have always failed to understand the secrets of God.
"God's Truths are hidden from the wise (intellectuals) and are revealed unto babes." JAH