Before reading this, make sure there's no one around.. If it's clear then come a little closer. Good.. Now I'll let you in on a little secret.............. God actually loves it when we take time to enjoy life. It was God who created laughter. But.. shhhh.. Don't let that secret out. We don't want people to find out.
Hey!! Who said Christians can't have fun and laugh..
Here's some links we put together that will take you to some web sites that have some good clean humor, games and e-cards.. Have fun!!
This is a great site for good clean jokes, 1 liners, silly quotes, funny stories, and much more! |
This site has humor from A-Z. It's a great site with a lot of laughs. There are different pages you can check out, such as "Bag O Laughs", "Inside Out", "Heavenly Top Ten", "Watcha", Plus an email subscription to receive "Clean Laugh" each day and much much more.. |
" For over a decade, EcuNet members have contributed Good, Clean, Religious, Humor to ECULAUGH one of the most popular meetings on EcuNet. The moderator keeps chat, spam, porn, off-topic humor and even comments out of the meeting delivering Good, Clean, Religious Humor to over a thousand members." | |
This is a Christian comic strip series about. "Theophilus and his friends on the road to freedom -- freedom in Jesus! As the story continues from one cartoon to the next, you will find some of the characters at different places in their spiritual growth. Each cartoon has a link at the bottom to the next cartoon" |
This site provides a great list of FREE fun games you can play on your computer. Bible Trivia, Bible Word Searches, Strategy Games, several Solitaire Card Games, and even Arcade Games like "Centipedo" which is similar to the classic Centipede game. |
On this site there are no downloads or installation necessary, just play and have fun. This site provides Bible slide puzzles and bible crossword searches. The crossword Bible puzzles can be used as a bible study tool to help you improve your knowledge of the Bible. |
This is a great site where you can just sit back and relax while you play some great classic arcade games such as: Asteroids, Bridges, Pacman, Pong, Torpedo Alley, ect.. There's also a link to Cybergrace where you can play Christian Millionaire. | |
This site is designed for younger kids. They provide a huge list of fun games such as: checkers, tic tac toe, mazes, quizzes, arcade type games, image warping, word searches, puzzels and several more. They also provide videos, coloring pages, stories, amazing facts, and much much more!! |