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Random Stuff

Hope: SW Fan Videos
Excellent fan-made SW music vids!!

Matt's Movie Sounds
Hundreds of sounds from the Star Wars trilogy in wav, mp3 and midi format.

Star Wars Fanworks
The home of SW fan audio

The Star Wars Title Generator
Some fans help George come up with titles for Ep. 3 courtesy of a random generator

Star Wars Memories
A fan fondly reminisces about a childhood ruled by Star Wars

The Parts of Star Wars
From a long time ago... To a galaxy far far away... Discover the parts used to construct the props from Star Wars.

Star Wars:The Magic of Myth
Former Smithsonian exhibit with over 200 props, costumes, ship models, and production and conceptual artwork.

Leia's Metal Bikini
Site dedicated to...well,it's pretty much self-explanatory...

Animated Lightsabers
Choose a light saber and, with it. Good for a couple of minutes of mindless entertainment.

SW Coloring Pages
Some pretty cool artwork

Star Wars Origami
Strange...but cool.

Find Your Star Wars Twin
Using a standard personality psychology test, this website can tell you which traits
you have in common with characters from the Star Wars movies.

Star Wars Horoscope
Who is your Star Wars cosmic twin? Are your stars aligned with Yoda?
Or are you destined for the dark side, like Darth Vader?

Star Wars Personality Test
Which character are you most like?

Star Wars Name Generator
What would your name be in a galaxy far, far away?

What's your Star Wars Pick-Up Line?
Can you be as smooth as Solo?

Star Wars Asciimation
Episode 4 using ASCII animation

Die Jar Jar
More ASCII animation

Parade of Unfortunate SW Costumes
Costumes that just didn't quite work...

The Star Wars Collector's Archive
Comprehensive archive of SW collections

Star Wars Blooper Guide
Bloopers and trivia from the movies

Copyright 2006 Star Wars Library