Medical |
Related and Unique Job Sites: Non-Profit
HEALTH CARE JOB SEARCH SITES:Sites Reviewed: Format: This website is a complete job search engine for those interested in the health care industry. The basic format that the website provides is a welcome introduction to the website, a listing of healthcare categories, and articles, tips, and news for the user. Although it may appear to provide too much information, the layout of the webpage is very thorough in that you can find out any amount of information from general to specific details. It makes good use of colors. Also, the colors used, gives me a sense of a medical atmosphere. This website is targeted mainly towards the jobseeker, but does provide a few opportunities for employers to list available jobs. There are a few advertisements that are listed on the website, but most of it is towards the bottom where it doesn’t attract too much attention. This website is mainly for those interested in the
general products and services that Aurora Health Care offers. For those
interested in a job, it might be hard to see the employment link located
at the bottom of the page if they did not know where to look. When
accessing this link though, the page introduces its values of Aurora
Health Care. It provides a job search option, as well as featured
positions within the hospital. This website is different in that current
employees may also access information through this page. This was not
available on, probably due to the website being aimed on
more general terms. There is good use of color again with this website.
It displays the traditional Aurora Health Care colors and also displays
a picture of a health care provider. What this website provided that did not, was a “Contact Us” link where specific
questions or comments could be sent to the employer. Usability: This website uses a very easy navigational system.
Most of the information that a jobseeker would like to pull up can be
done in a simple click of the mouse on a link, or by using the
accessible pull-down menus provided. Keyword boxes, specifications to
match any or all words, and specifications to match any state in the Marketing: Most of the items listed on the website are
directed towards the job-seekers. There is not much marketing the
website provides except a few spots for advertisements. Even so, the
advertisements are placed where they are not distracting to the
job-seeker. There is a link for employers to click to receive a
membership rate if they are to post available jobs on their website. This website only provides information with
products, services, and hospitals that are associated with Aurora Health
Care. It is limited in its advertising as there seems no outsiders are
allowed. The website promotes itself. Employer
Access: This website provides a limited amount of space to the employers that would like to submit available jobs on their website. A nice concept that is provided for new recruiters is a company word box where the employer can type in the company name and the website will be able to tell if anyone else from that company has submitted any other available job postings. This is advantageous to the employer, because they can cut down on their cost of advertising on the website. The website provides discounts to companies that list more than one job on their site and. The employers are able to update information as needed throughout the length of their membership (usually 90 days at a time). Although, there aren’t too many links for the employers, they do provide a special featured employer column in which they highlight a few employers. Most of the special features are linked directly to the specific employer being featured. There was not a feature for employer access. I
think the reason is because this is a private company in which job
postings are done internally. There was a link that read services to
employers, but this was to provide free updates and information to
employers. This was more of a subscription to medical information. Job-seeker
Access: This website provides an easy and effective way to
those interested in the health care profession. It provides useful
information to those that are “just looking” at what the website has
to offer. If and when the user is interested in making a commitment with
the services the website provides, the user can sign up with the
services by simply providing some personal information. When logged-in,
the job-seeker is able to search available jobs, see how many times
their profile has been viewed by a prospective employer, and edit or
update their current information. The user is also able to submit their
resume, but only when signed-up with the website. Aurora Health Care provides several different links to those looking for a job. There is a job search engine located within this website, helpful resources to those hoping to relocate due to their job, a help and instruction function in applying for a job, a separate function to create a profile, and even available volunteer opportunities for the users. There is no registration fee associated with submitting an application or resume, but the user must sign-up or log in to use this function.