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 Two popular websites for Milwaukee job seekers and employers are and  A brief analysis of these two sites follows.

 FORMAT ANALYSIS: is a website that contains many different formats.  The main page is arranged as a job search tool and advertisement for premium services.  All of the pages are centrally located with a navigation tab on the top of each page.  Once a user submits a search and the results are returned, Date of posting, Job Title, Company and Specific Location is the information that is displayed.  The job searcher is then allowed to refine their search through provided fields or advanced refine search.  When the job searcher then drills down into a specific job, more specific job data is displayed; they are also allowed to apply directly to the selected position.  Overall, the format of is very clean and easy to read and follow.  Their only downfall, if there is one, is the advertisements that line the sides and tops of the web pages. is similar to in that contains a wide variety of very easily usable formats.  They only difference is that also contains specific information about the City of Milwaukee , Local Events, Training, etc.  It also contains a lot of advertisements throughout the different web pages.  A job searcher is required to register prior to posting a resume.  The registration form is arranged similar to all other websites and their registration forms.  The job-searching format is very easy.  Select a profession and it will return Job Type, Job Title, Company, Job Location and Salary.  The job searcher is then allowed to drill down and display specific job information, specific company information, company website, and link to apply for the job (this links supplies instructions on how to apply for the position).  Overall, the format of is well organized and easy to operate.  The additional data (training info, city news, etc.) is also useful data that is well organized.

 USABILITY ANALYSIS: features great navigational buttons for quick, easy, and dependable results for any area of job-seeking. The website makes use of links that are directed at specific information, provides key word boxes for profession or company name, and simple pull-down menus are used to access general information.  

There is a lot of information and services that provides, so at first glance, it may seem confusing and too much to the first time user, but with enough time, the user will be able to maneuver through the website freely. There is also a helpful “Contact Us” function where users can submit questions or comments.

Not only does provide a job-seeker search engine, it provides an area to network with others and also a place where career advice and useful tips are given out. provides services to both job-seekers and prospective employers in hopes of listing their available job opportunities. This is a major advantage because often times, there are not that many functions for employers to participate actively.  

Among that, also provides up-to-date information! also features great navigational buttons for fast and simple results for those interested in job-seeking. Use of links to information is provided for easy access to desirable information. Although the user should login or register to take full advantage of the services that provides, it is confidential and free. There is more specific information that gives you about what you can do with your account. This is helpful to those that are just starting out.

This website is great if you are particularly looking for a job within the local Wisconsin area. It is aimed directly at those wishing to stay within this region.

Not only does this provide all the services that also provides, it is an excellent place to start if you’re inexperienced with the online job-seeking idea.


 A major sponsor of’s home page is E-Bay and Callwave which have direct links.  Callwave advertises sales jobs and once that is selected their sites advertises a free trial of Internet Answering and also advertises Time Warner.  Seasonal jobs are highlighted on the home page which is currently linking to retail holiday positions.  Also offered are other Monster services in addition to search jobs including Network Now and Get Career Advise.   Employers are charged $365 for one 60 days job posting, and an additional $400 to search resumes; a discount special offers both services for an introductory rate of $495.  This is rather pricy. home page lists advertisements by MMAC and Payroll Services (although can’t read which one).  In addition, they have what they call 20 “Featured Employers” whose logos are run along the right side of the home page.  These employers include large area corporations such as Brady, Baird, Rockwell , US Cellular, etc.  You can click on their logo to get their company information and job openings.  In the middle of the page articles related to job search are available.  Some of the sites link directly to services provided by the author’s of those articles, such as one which offers courses, and some book or guides are available for purchase.  The registration page offers Clean Power’s logo.  Employers can not access pricing information without registration, and must call to get quotes.  


The Home Page is geared primarily for job seekers.  The employer area is a box in the upper right corner.  Employers must register and begin the job posting process to find out any relevant information about fees, length of posting, etc.  I found it took seven attempts to finally get the system to accept a user name, and it is hard to believe that “someone is already using that name” was true when an unusual name was entered.  Once finally registered, there was no confirmation to print what username and password were accepted.   

Single postings of unlimited space cost $365 for 60 days, although there are discounts for posting more than one job at a time.  You may update listings during that time.  Job seekers may reply online, e-mail (directly to employer) and snail-mail.  Employers may hotlink to their website, however not all use this option.  Over six screens of information are required to post a job up to the billing process (where the reviewer ended the session).  

For an additional fee, employers can search resumes of job seekers.  

The box to select Employer or Job Seeker information is immediately available at the upper left side of the Home Page.  The remainder of the page is again geared primarily to job seekers, and many of the linked articles seem as if they would go unread.  

Employers are offered a lot of information before having to register or login for service.  An “Info” link takes you to a page that describes the sites features such as: Advertise Open Positions Cost Effectively, Reach Local Candidates, Prescreen and Evaluate Candidates, Profile Your Company, etc.  Sales pitch, perhaps, but effective and provided a lot of information.  There is also a FAQ’s page, where it says it addresses fees; however, the answer to the question is “call us for pricing information”.  Postings are also good for 60 days and employers are offered an introductory subscription rate, advertised as inexpensive, so that they can try the service for 90 days.   

Employers are offered greater visibility at this site which will assist in creating a custom company profile, “feature” employers and offers banner ads.  Job seekers can be linked directly to the employer’s website and can apply online, e-mail and snail-mail.  


The home page is clearly geared to the job seeker, although employer information is easy to see.  The site is easy to navigate and you can access job openings without registering.  There is minimal advertising on the page and it concentrates on three categories to assist job seekers: Search Jobs, Network Now a new service of Monster and Get Career Advise.  You can search by keywords, company name and location allows you to specifically select Milwaukee , Wisconsin .  When banking jobs was searched 76 job postings in the last two months were displayed.  Registration is easy and you can apply for positions on line.  Two questions asked are ethnicity and gender.  New job postings related to your criteria can be forwarded.

The home page of is rather busy, with only a small yellow box on the left to direct the job seeker and employers, while most of the page is advertising and links to featured employers, which takes job seekers to sites where they can view all job openings of that particular company.  Job seeking tips articles are available on the home page linking to the authors guide books or sites offering courses.  You can search for jobs without having to register; however, registration is easy and allows you to have the job agent service which will send new job postings related to your search criteria.  The registration page asks for your ethnicity, presumably for their use survey but a bothersome question to be listed.  Job seekers can post their resume which is accessible to hiring companies and staffing companies, however, their access is optional and can be blocked, so that you can use your resume only to automatically apply for positions without the others access.  A Job Seeker Help button provides useful information about using the site.  A page listing career categories immediately shows the number of available positions in that area.  Banking displayed 629.  Milwaukee , Wisconsin can be selected from a drop down in the search, as can most other areas of Wisconsin .