This simple and easy breathing exercise has proven to be very beneficial in strengthening the
World Energy Matrix, otherwise known as the Grid. It is especially useful when performed in
nature in a sacred spot such as a Labyrinth, Medicine Wheel, or other sacred temple. The
technique consists of a series of intentional breaths which activate Universal Lifeforce.
Breath #1: Begin the first breath activating Celestial Energies.
Inhale visualizing healing energy coming in through your Crown chakra
(at the top of your head) down into your Heart chakra.
Pause, holding the inhaled breath, and concentrate and magnify the energy in the Heart chakra.
Exhale the breath through your Root chakra (at the base of your spine) into the Earth, sending
Celestial Energies to the Mother.
Breath #2: Begin the second breath activating Earth Energies.
Inhale visualizing healing energy coming up through your Root chakra (at the base of your spine)
up to the Heart chakra.
Pause, holding the inhaled breath, and concentrate and magnify the energy in the Heart Chakra.
Exhale the breath through your Crown chakra into the Sky activating the Celestial energies.
Breath #3: Begin the third breath activating BOTH energies.
Inhale visualizing healing energy coming from both your Root and Crown chakras at the same
time bringing healing energy into the Heart chakra.
Pause, holding the inhaled breath, and concentrate and magnify the energy in the Heart chakra.
Exhale the breath outwardly in all directions sending the healing energies into all realms in need of
this Gift.
Continue this exercise in sets of three until you feel you've reached the desired manifestation.
You can do this anytime you like, sending unconditional Love and Service to the Whole.