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Where The Hell Is Andrew?

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Sean Was Here
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Fuzz guitars, bass guitar
Peter: Drums

Lyrics: Peter Williams
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Fuzz guitar, bass guitar
Peter: Vocals, drums

Gay Plague
Lyrics: Peter Williams
Music: Peter Williams
Andy: Fuzz guitar
Peter: Vocals, bass guitar, drums

Lyrics: Andy Martin
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Fuzz guitar, bass guitar, electronic noises
Peter: Vocals, drums

Lyrics: Andy Martin
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Vocals, fuzz guitars, bass guitar
Peter: Drums

The Death Of Muz's Cassette Machine
Music: Andy Martin & Andrew Ross
Andrew: Hammer
Andy: Fuzz guitar, bass guitar
Peter: Drums

Lyrics: Andy Martin
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Vocals, fuzz guitar, flange guitar, bass guitar, electronic noises
Peter: Drums

New Order
Lyrics: Andy Martin
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Vocals, fuzz guitar, bass guitar
Peter: Drums

A Bunch Of Cults
Lyrics: Andy Martin & Peter Williams
Music: Andy Martin
Andy: Vocals, fuzz guitar, bass guitar
Peter: Vocals, drums

Produced by those who were there.
Recorded on a Fostex portable 4-track studio on
16th November & 16th December 1990 in the
practice room at Andy's home in Hackney, London.
Mixed by Andy Martin in his kitchen.

Go here for the lyrics

Introductory Text:

All the songs on this record are taken from the first Time To Think cassette, 'Be Yourself', but have been remixed then mastered on D.A.T. prior to cutting the disc. The cassette, recorded on 16th-18th November 1990 and 12th-16th December 1990, was an idea inspired from listening to the first side of the fifth Apostles album on the first meeting between Andy and myself. Andy had said that he wanted to do more punky/thrashy songs and I felt the same as the band I was in at that time, State Of Confusion, was basically no more and I wanted to continue creating and playing this sort of music.

Even though there were many different musical styles on the cassette we decided to choose the tracks which were inspired by raw power and sheer energy thees being the hardcore/punk tracks. For future releases we will, for the time being, be concentrating on hardcore music but also be adding a few musical variations as well.

Whereas the cassette featured myself, Andy and Andrew as the group but also sporting many collaborators who, due to the choice of hardcore tracks, do not appear on this single. Andrew is indeed the person mentioned in the title which was brought up as I wasn't sure at that time where he had gone after his brief visit from Holland earlier this year, but at the time of writing this, he is now back in Taunton and I must say it's nice to see him again. He's soon hoping to go off to Israel for a short visit, I wish I could join him - lucky bastard!

We recorded all the tracks on a Fostex 4-track recorder as we couldn't afford/did not wish to use a large, expensive studio, although the songs were actually mastered onto D.A.T. by Fred Baggs of Redchurch Studios, London (081-986-1663) to who we are most grateful. We will continue to use 4-track recorders instead of larger studios (although certain people are now becoming ignorant towards anything produced on a D.I.Y. scale) and will do our utmost to create the best quality releases we can with the limited resources and finances we have.

In addition to my own hhelo/thank you list I'd like to say 'Hi' and 'Ta' to everybody in Shock Treatment, who have many tapes out, which can be purchased from Darren, 18 Hollisters Drive, Hartcliffe, Bristol, BS13 0EY; to Nick Sims who has a 20 page A4 magazine out entitled 'Another Fucking Fanzine'; to Dave Fanning who does an A4 magazine/comic, 'Harlequin' and to Academy 23 for all their help and who have also produced an A4 magazine entitles 'Smile'. All these magazines can be purchased by writing to Box 4, 136 Kingsland High Street, Hackney, London.

I would like to stress that this and all Time To Think projects have nothing to do with The Apostles as has been thought/rumoured by some people and it has also been stated that we are totally incompetent musicians and basically implying that we are crap and therefore shouldn't bother releasing tapes and records. Okay, maybe we are not top class musicians, but one thing is for certain, we put everything into what we do, all our playing is to the best of our capability and why anyway would we release something which is utter rubbish and so waste out money and time in producing it and possibly your money in purchasing it. Why also would we release something below standard and have people thinking of us as a bunch of rip-off idiots who can't play to save our lives. That wouldn't be any good for our egos now would it. Yes, we do have egos and we're not afraid to admit it!

As you may have noticed, there a few spelling mistakes within the New Order essay which was basically a result of the idiot typist (namely myself) not reading through the finished piece properly. I'm just thankful that Andy hasn't decided to string me up for spoiling his classic prose. I am, however, willing to correct the spelling mistakes on your cover free of charge, although something to cover the postage would be really appreciated.

Pete. 14/11/91

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