The Faery Tradition | Greetings and welcome to my page.
I call myself Bean si (pronounced banshee), after the Irish/Celtic faery who warned people of a coming death. She appealed to me for many reasons. The cry of the beansidhe (long form of bean si) is one and the wildness associated with the westernized meaning is the other one. I am an out-going, fun-loving person and am known by many for my big voice. My main path is a cross between Celtic and Faery. They are related by an Irish connection, but I mix them up in my workings so I am neither one nor the other alone. My love of faeries stems from when I was very young. Later on, I felt drawn to the craft but did not know what to do about it until much later. I found my first teacher and circle through a co-worker at my first job in Tennessee. I am now back in Tennessee as a Third Degree Wiccan Priestess and Reiki Master. I have been on my path for six years now and have learned a lot. I continue to learn with each new day. Thank you for visiting my page. May the Lord and Lady bless you and keep you. Brightest Blessings, Bean si
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