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The Truth:

Much like yourself, I was fooled somewhat by "The Blair Witch Project", plus as a folklore buff, an Appalachian Trail Hiker (That goes near Burkittsville, MD I ve camped in those damn woods for five days and I never lost my friggin map! Put down the camera, JC!) and a real resident of the actual Robertson County, TN (Home of the real Witch, the Bell Witch "our lovely Kate"), I was a little ticked when I found out it was a "mis-presented".

Adams, TN hosts the real Witch, probably the Entity that the filmmakers based "Ellie" off of. Well, here's your chance to taste the real deal. Our Ghost is still active, just as she was three hundred years ago. Her name is Kate and we call her, the Bell Witch.

I wrote this website in about two hours, faked the pictures with a few friends and scanned in some stuff in Photoshop. I'm also a fan of the infamous spoofers, The Onion Newspaper, so I have a love for this stuff. So, It's a big joke... but Kate's real and the real Bell Witch lives on in Adams, TN.

The Links

To learn more about the real folks of Burkittsville, MD, Visit them here:

The Witches of Burkittsville.

Find out what happened at the real Bell Witch Cave, in Adams, TN

The Bell Witch Legend

The Bell Witch Hauntings and the Death of John Bell.

A picture of the Bell Witch Cave.

Haunting Picture from the Cave.

See the Movie Websites and one for Heather (no shit.):

The Blair Witch Project

Heather O' Heather (ok, she is cute, ok! I admit.)

My Personal Favorite Blair Site - Rock On!

The Blair Witch Project Ate My Balls Website

Oh, No TOTO! The Blair Witch Stole my Ruby Slippers! Go here!

the Wicked Witch Project


About the Site Idiot - It was his idea!