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Megan's June Entries


Wow, It's the first day of June, isn't that like amazing? We had the last day of school yesterday, which was just different. I don't know how to describe it as different, it just was. I have to say happy birthday to a few people today, Jonathan and Danny. Well, Danny is like a celebrity, so he'll never read this, but I thought I should put it up here anyway. Oh, and if you want filled in on what happened with those two guys that I mentioned in my May entries, then read on... You see, between Kavitha and Haley the one dude that liked me found out that I like him too. Well, I guess if he didn't know before, he does now. And everybody and their mommas have told me that the other guy that I wasn't sure about was a really bad person and all this crap. Oh, well. That's usually how it goes, I fall for the guy with the bad rep and all that jazz. But, I am OK, not been traumatized yet, anyway. Welp, I better go, just wanted to say hey on the first day of June.



Geez oh man! I am sunburnt! I like laid out in the sun yesterday for about 3 1/2 hours. Well, I was in the pool 1/2 the time so that made it even worse. I guess I could tell you about going to my friend Jobe's house. We (me, , and Kavitha) went over there on Thursday to watch a movie. I had fun, I think they did too. I might be getting a car sometime. It is a '95 Ford Escort. The bummer about it is that I won't be able to drive myself to and from school until maybe my senior year. The reason for that is that my mom works like right down the street from where I go to school, so she said that there was no need in running up the milage on both of the cars. I really think that sux! The whole point to getting my license is so that I wouldn't have to walk over to her work, and I would just be able to go home, or ride around town or something. Oh well, I'll never be able to convince her to let me have the car. Oh, did I tell you people about my driving test? Well, I went to take my permit test, and failed, but that isn't the good part. The good part is that my mom told me that she was REALLY disappointed in me and told me that I couldn't go back for another month. 99% of the people that take that test fail the first time. I think she just wants me to be perfect, but I am far from it. OK, well. That's all I have to complain about. Talk to ya'll later!!



Hey everybody. I don't really know why I say that, nobody ever really reads my diary anyway. I am at Kavitha's house doing absolutely nothing. That is like my new favorite saying...(absolutely nothing). I don't really have anything to say, so I'll just say hi! and go on my merry way. C-ya'll!



I'm BACK!! *enter evil grin* have all you people been? I'm great. I went to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. Well, we got there on Friday (the day we left) and came back here on Tuesday (yesterday). I am glad to be back, but I also had a good time there. There were guys every-freakin'-where. Between all the arms and abs I was in heaven. I saw a Benji-look-alike and a Luke-look-alike. I think one of the main reasons that there were so many nice-bodies there was because it was senior week down there. OK, I'm sure nobody wants to hear about all this, but I just told deal with it. Oh, and if anyone is planning on making vacation plans or something, I stayed at the Caravelle Resort, but there were also some very nice other resorts and hotels down there. Well, I have to go for now, but I'll talk to you later!!



I'm pooped! Kabi had her pool party today (if you weren't invited it was for a reason)...j/k. I had fun, but I took a chunk out of my finger, that hurt. Kabi changed bathing suits nearly a million times, but that's ok. I don't really have anything to say, pretty much because it's like 10:41pm, not past my bedtime on a normal basis, but I am about to crush the keyboard right now. OK, well, I gotta go for now, I am working on putting up a picture page....I hope I get that up soon. Write at ya'll later!!



I just want to say happy father's day to all the dads out there. I hope they all have a good day, oh, and Dad, if you are reading this now, EMAIL ME!! OK, well nothing interesting has happened between 10:41 last night to 5:51pm today. I went to the Dairy Barn earlier and got a pinapple/orange smoothie. It was good, but it gave me a headache, so I'm kinda out of it right now. I talked to Jobe earlier on Yahoo! Messenger. Email me if you want my screen name. I don't have much more to say. I got my picture page up and running, so go check that out. Well, I will talk to you people later!!



Hello World! Today hasn't really been the best of all days. Well, the morning really wasn't that bad, I cleaned my room (btw it needed it extremely bad, ask Kabi). Then I watched my soap. I guess when I tried to download something (MSN Messenger) and my computer wouldn't let me is when it started getting bad. (If you know why my computer is telling me that I can't download something because of 'secruity settings', PLEASE, if you have anything good in your soul, Email me and tell me!!) Anyway, then my mom came home from work, I cooked supper, then she started asking me what I had against my ex-step-grandparents. I don't really have anything against them, it is just that they are all of the sudden *BOOM* back in our life and it is just weird. I don't know. Ahhhhh!! (just needed to get that out) And that all leads to right now. OK, whoa, that is a lot of fuming, well more than I normally write or have to write about. Well, TTFN!!

Megan known as Bobbyjean to Jenny and Haley


Hey are you?? I am OK, I guess. I am not really feeling too hot right now (cramps). Well, other than the fact that I feel like crap, am bored out of my mind, and have to go to Crossville tomorrow, I am fine and dandy. I just downloaded ICQ, so if I am every online (it tells you on the Home Page) then send me a message. Oh, yea, and I have to say thanks to Kabi, she helped me figure out why I couldn't download anything...THANK YOU!! OK, well I don't have much more to talk about, actually I don't have anything to talk about, so bubye!!



Life is great! I'm sure you remember that in I think it was May that I mentioned this, but it might have just been earlier in this month. Anyway, you remember when I had the delemma with two guys that I liked...I liked both, and knew that one of them liked me, but I liked the other one more? Well, the one that I liked more, we'll call him Xander. He looks like a Xander, but back to my gushing...hehe!! I totally dig this guy! I really got to know him at the end of the school year, and I thought that maybe if I just didn't think about him or anything then my feelings would go away, but they didn't... I haven't been able to take it. I haven't seen or talked to him since school has been out, I know Kabi and Haley have (lucky dogs), but that's ok. I have a picture of him, well kinda anyway, it was supposed to be a pic of Kavitha and Jobe, but he kinda flew through the pic. Oh, Xander is so great. You people don't even know. I don't really know why I didn't do this earlier and let all of you in on this, but now I have, so you know everything, well almost...some stuff is too stupid to put up here. (joke) OK, well I have to go for now, I will write more about this awesome hunk of human flesh some other time...

Mega Xander Luvva (j/k)

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