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Our Favorite Links

Aaron's Net
Aaron's a pretty good friend of Kavitha's with an elaborate website. Go check it out! We would also like to thank him for making our little banner thingy on the home page! Thanks Aaron!

Megan's Bumper Stickers
Megan has a collection of useless sayings that should be, could be, or are used as bumper stickers.

My LiTtLe *NsYnC hUmOr SiTe
This is Megan's new boyband, mainly *NSync humor site. Go visit it if you want to have a good time.

Steph's Backstreet Fan-Fiction
This is Steph's fan-fiction site. She's a good friend/pen-pal of Kavitha's. The Website of Tony Nudo
Hey this is Meg's good 'friend' Tony's Site. He is a real sweetheart, and has a great site. Plus he loves Alf, who doesn't love alf??
