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I've got Bragging Rights

Somethings happened to me and I thought that all of you should be among the first to know. Let me start by telling you that I talked to Chris Kirkpatrick, and Justin Timberlake on the phone last night. I got your attention didn't I. You wanna hear the story? Here it is.

My sister works at this spa/resort in the reservations office. Her boss is the manager of the front dask and he worked in Boston last year. Last night he called and wanted she and I to go to dinner with him and one of his friends. On the way to his house Erin brought up that he knows 'N Sync. It seems that when they were in Boston (The same trip as the filming of 'N The Mix) he checked them in, and became good friends with the guys in the week or so they were there. So we got to this guys house (Did I mention that he's 28, I just thought you should know some age range here) and we go to dinner, then bowling. During the second game he goes "So I hear you like 'N Sync." and I was like "Yeah, their pretty cool."
So we start this whole huge conversation about who is my favorite, and what's my favorite song. He then gives me some quarters and tells me to go play some music. When I get back he's talking on the phone to someone, he looks at me and says, "Here, someone wants to talk to you." I take the phone and this voice goes, "Hi, Megan. What are you up to?"
"Nothing, what about yo
"Not much here. Do you know who this is?"


"This is Chris Kirkpatrick, you know, from 'N Sync."
And at this point I actually said "Shut up, who are you really." So then he says, "How can I prove to you who I am?"
"I don't know, I don't really have your bio sitting in front of me. What's your dogs name?"

"Oh, it's Busta Bust, he's a pug, he's sitting on my lap."
So at this point I was pretty sure it was him. he asked me how old I was, and where I go to school, you know the usual conversation. Then he says, "Oh shit, I'll be right back, here man, talk to this girl." Then there was alot of background noise and people talking. Another guy got on the phone and I knew immidatly that it was Justin. He asked me about Vince (My sisters boss) and how old I was and what not. Then he said bye and Chris got back on the phone. "It's been real nice talking to you, maybe I'll see you when we come to Indiana." An I was like, "Yeah, like I could get tickets now, theve been sold out forever." And he says "I would not worry about it, Can I talk to Vince again? I wanna ask him something." So I said bye and gave the phone to Vince. When Vince hung up he goes "Do you wanna go to Indianapolis on the 5th for a concert?" Well, it seems that the guys had sent Vince five front row center seats, and VIP backstage passes for the Boys Of Summer Tour. I just about passed out, but not before saying yes. When we got back to his apartment he gave my sister and I tickets and passes and said he would drive. He then pulled out this box and inside were all these pictures of him and the guys at clubs in Boston, and skiing at Lake Taho. Oh yeah, and he also had a t-shirt signed by 98*. As i sit here and look at these tickets, thought I should reflect on my luck, and brag a little that I get to meet all the guys. I will of coures come back with a full review, and tell ya all about it.

oh yeah, and on the 6th of August I'm going to see Sugar Ray, Fast Ball, and The Goo Goo Dolls. I bet I'll review that too.

The concert, it was a doosey.
