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Well it's finally happened, BSB has reached a new low. I saw them on TRL yeasterday and I was agast at their apperance.

Did Nick start shopping st the Salvation Army during their 16 month heietus???? And I'm sad to say but Howie's hair looks just like mine, only mines a little lighter. AJ got a lebrea, couldn't we all see that one coming. Actually my best friend has one and it looks funky on her too.

Now I had to go to my Interpersonal Communications class ( a waist of time in my oppinion, What is it about freshman and not knowing when to shut the hell up?) so I didn't get to hang around and watch the Making the Video, but I did make fun of the song title a little. I mean, I think we all know the shape of a heart don't we???? It looks like a fist, a big bloody fist.

I did notice that Carson refrained to mention that 'N Sync had far more fans out in Time Square the last time they came to visit, but you know, who's counting.

How come no one asked if Nick if he was single??? I mean i would like to know that. But noooooooo, they had to ask Howie, who cares???????????? not me. Ok, I'm done.

You just know Molly has to comment too!
