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Disclaimer and explanation: Okay. I grant you this is not your run-of-the-mill fic. Actually, this is one huge in-joke. The multitude of characters in this fic are friends of mine. Any actual person in this fic knows what it's about. And if you've read "Tea Time", you have heard of the dreaded "Butch Tea High." Well, the problem we take care of here is similar, only worse. It won't be mentioned outright, because it's too disturbing, but if you're smart, you'll figure it out. And I decided to put this up because I've gotten requests for it. So, yeah, I'm not acting alone. This story was mainly created to alleviate the stress caused by "disturbing fanfics." That, and we simply realized exactly where Reni came from (if you like her, get out of this fic now, before I hurt your feelings!). And her twin brother, Butch(I'll explain that, I promise!). Umm... anything else? Hmm.... Oh, yeah! If someone DOES figure this out and get pissed at me, I just want to say that I didn't act alone - there are plenty of people supporting this. This is therapy for us. And I'd also like to say that there is an alternate ending that no one but me has seen before - it'll be on a link at the bottom of the page, tho. So just enjoy it! That all being said, none of these characters are mine *insert typical disclaimer -here-* . And now, Enjoy the Show!!!

Days of Future Past


The C.U.R.E. for C.U.T.E.

*special thanks to the members of Project C.U.R.E. We salute your fine cause. A very special thanx to my partner in crime on this endeavor, Kassandra Rocket. And to all my cohorts who appear in here, thanx as well*

This is dedicated to pokecenter and all the rest who have suffered quietly. We feel your pain.

"C'mere, ya little spore," Crystal Dawn said, grabbing Reni (A.K.A. "the devil child") by the scruff of her neck. She lifted the squirming pink-haired rabbit child off the ground and plopped her firmly down in front of the Gates of Time. There were five people surrounding them. One, Sailor Pluto, was the Guardian of Time. She had deemed their cause worthy enough to grant admittance to the Gates of Time. Beside her stood a man with red eyes and a long black cape. His name was Haunter, and he had his namesake pokemon, a Haunter, floating beside him. Beside Haunter stood a girl in a Team Rocket uniform named Kassandra. She had two pokemon at her feet, a Mariru named Cooly, and a Jolteon named TB13. Next to Kassandra stood a man named Kilrai, dressed in a Team Rocket uniform as well. He was accompanied by a large Raichu with an earring dangling from its left ear. Watching the scene from beside Kilrai, stood Auryn. She was dressed in a Rocket outfit as well and even though she had no pokemon accompanying her, she had quite a few pokeballs at her waist. And next to her was Crystal Dawn, holding the squirming Reni by the back of her shirt. Crystal Dawn, wearing her Team Rocket "Phoenix" outfit, was escorted by her ever-present Jigglypuff, Psychopuff. Sailor Pluto held a shiny gold key out to Reni.

"This key will give you the power to travel back in time," Pluto explained in a calm voice, "When you reach your destination, you will prevent one of the most disturbing acts ever committed."

The Pink Sugar Heart Attack took the key in her chubby hand. "Okay, Pu!", she said in a sickeningly sweet tone. However, no one in the room was affected by her sugary-sweetness. They had all grown immune to the diabetic sugar overdoses that are known to follow contact with the pink one, a long time ago.

"Yeah," Kassandra said, making "shoo-ing" motions with her right hand, "That's sweet. Just go do your job, fungus." Reni scowled at the young Rockets and went through the Gates of Time. As she vanished, the Rockets watched after her.

"You know she's not Serena and Darien's child," Auryn said calmly.

"The evil shines in those red eyes," Kilrai said. His Raichu nodded, causing its earring to bob up and down.

"And what's so wrong with red eyes!?!", Haunter snapped quickly, turning to Kilrai. Haunter's own red eyes shone fiercely.

"It's just that they look evil on Reni cuz of her pink hair," Crystal Dawn amended quickly, rejoining her group.

"Oh, well, that's okay then," Haunter said, calming down.

"Well, this time jump should take care of all that," Sailor Pluto said knowingly.

"Yeah, Reni and her twin brother," Kassandra said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. Everyone turned to see a 5 year old boy with turquoise blue hair and a black Team Rocket outfit standing in the shadows, brandishing a knife.

"Butch!", Crystal Dawn screeched, startling Butch, "Lose the knife!!!" The boy quickly hid the knife behind his back.

"Yes, mom," he rasped. Crystal Dawn fumed.

"I told you, I'm not your mother!", she yelled, "I just adopted you because I felt sorry for your real mother!!!" He hung his head. "Now leave us alone and go do something that's not disturbing!", Crystal Dawn said, sending the boy scurrying out of sight. Sailor Pluto turned to the group and motioned toward the Mists of Time surrounding the Gate.

"Quiet everyone," Pluto said in a hushed voice, "Let's watch what happens."

Everyone turned to watch the mists.


A trio of travelers headed down a dusty path toward Viridian City. The travelers were a blue haired man, a red haired woman, and a walking, talking cat pokemon. That is to say, Team Rocket - more specifically, Jesse, James, and Meowth. "I wonder why the Boss wants to see you in his office alone, Jesse," James said absentmindedly. Meowth scratched the scruff of his neck.

"I dunno," Jesse shrugged, "I guess we'll find out when we get to Viridian." Suddenly, the sky opened up above the Rockets and a pink-haired demon child fell through a sugar-pink cloud. Reni landed squarely in Jesse's arms. Not accustomed to the extremely high sugar intake associated with coming into contact with Reni, Jesse immediately lapsed into a diabetic coma. Having unwittingly completed her mission, Reni simply vanished - her mere existance would now be considered a time paradox. Jesse fell to the ground, twitching. James ran to her side and began to feel for a pulse.

"Wot was dat?", Meowth asked, puzzled.

"I haven't the foggiest," James said quietly, finally locating a pulse, "Whatever it was, I guess Jesse won't be having that meeting."


Meanwhile, back in the Mists of Time, 5 Rockets were laughing wildly. "Did you just see...?", Kilrai asked.

"And then she...", Auryn gasped, laughing.

"And Jesse...", Kassandra giggled, hiccoughing.

"Free!", Crystal Dawn shouted, "I'm free of that little blue-haired freak!!!" Sure enough, Butch had vanished at the same moment as Reni.

"But we're still here," Haunter said, no longer laughing, "We're unchanged. Does that mean that we didn't succeed after all?" Sailor Pluto turned to the now-quiet Rockets.

"No," she replied, "We succeeded. Reni and Butch are gone. The future is different now. We're not affected because we're in the Nexus of Time. We're the only ones who know what happened."

"Sweet," Kassandra said.


Well, that's the story. If you didn't get it, good; you're better off living your normal life, doing normal things and remaining undisturbed. Now, those of you who understood the story, since you were good, you get to read the alternate ending if you want. It has a little in-joke of my very own in it. See if you can figure it out. The alternate ending starts at the beginning of the second section of this story - after the first separator. Good luck figuring out the in-joke - though if you think real hard, I doubt you'll need it.

Click here for the Alternate Ending!