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The Almighty Team Rocket Room

Ooohhhh.....Black and red... Rocket colors! Hi! This is Camara! I'm taking care of this end of The Almighty Rocket Room. This room is dedicated to the admiration of Team Rocket (yeah, cuz we all know they're the reason Pokemon exists in the first place! Rock on!). And there's a Rocket Badge on the screen(Crystal Dawn: So, there, Ash Ketchum! Hah! I gotta badge, too!). And we finnaly figured out how to get it to work! That badge means that Crystal Dawn Phoenix, the owner of the lighthouse, is a member of said illustrious group (Crystal Dawn: Actually, Camara, Goldie, and Kika are, too, as long as I say they are. I mean, I did make them, after all!). So, umm, anyway, without further, ummm... adieu... or something, here is The Almighty Team Rocket! Oooohhh!!! Isn't James cute?

To Area 2
To Area 3
To Area 4
The Team Rocket Theme Song