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Team Rocket Theme Song-by Kilrai

(Sung to the tune of the "Pokemon" theme song)

I wanna be one of the best,
Like there never was,
To steal them is my real quest,
To train them ain't my cause!

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide,
Each Pokemon to steal for my team,
It's my only pride!

Pokemon! (Gotta steal 'em all!)
It's my team and me,
I know it's my destiny!

Oh, you ain't my friend,
'Cause this is the world you wanna defend!

Pokemon! (Gotta steal 'em all!)

My heart's not true,
I've got courage, so I'll pull through!
You hate me 'cause I stole you!


Gotta steal 'em all,
Gotta steal 'em all,

Special thanks to Kilrai for volunteering this fine piece of work! The Lighthouse crew appreciates it a lot! -- Crystal Dawn Phoenix

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