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S525 Class Association By-Laws


2010 June 4,5,6th

held in conjunction with the Vernon Yacht Club


2007 CYA Women's National Keelboat Championship 2007 Championnat National feminine en quillad de l'ACY

Was: September 21-23, 2007 Hosted by: the Kelowna Yacht Club, Kelowna, B.C. with Central Okanagan Sailing Association Class: The event will be sailed in the Santana 525 fleet of the Okanagan Valley. The Santana 525 fleet will be available for charter from the yacht club members of the Okanagan Valley but participants may bring their own Santana 525 if so desired.

RACE PROMOTION FLYER FOR ALL SAILING CLUBS: Revision Jan 19, 2007 click here for details

For the results of the 2007 CYA Women's National Keelboat Championship are up on the Kelowna Yacht Club web site click here for photos of the regatta.
click here for the full scoop of the regetta

#1 Adrian Wheaden "SunSeeker"
#2 John Sharples "Flatchat"

#1 John Sharples "Flatchat"
#2 Adrian Wheaden "SunSeeker"
#3 Brian Dillabough " Texas Tea" br>

#1 Bill Checkley on "Shazam"
#2 Adrian Weaden on "Sunseeker"
#3 Brian Dillabough on "Texas Tea"
#4 John Sharples on "Flatchat"
#5 Paul Smedley on "Storm Castle Rock"
#6 James Anderson on "ION!"
#7 Rod Simmons on "Enigma"
IF you have photos, jpgs, wild stories send them in for all to enjoy!


Results after 8 races, with no throw-outs
#1: John Sharples on "Flatchat" hull # 56
#2: Bill Checkley on "Shazam". hull # 198
#3: Brian Dillabough on "Storm Castle Rock", hull #01
#4: James Anderson & Dick Duggan on "Ion", hull # 208
#5: Geoff Caban on "Wy-Wurrie", hull # 59
#6: Kent Hardisty on "Schock Wave", hull # 43
#7: Iain Allan on "Spanker" , hull # 145
for the full detailed results.. see our web site


1st, Bill Checkley in Shazam
2nd, John Sharples in Flatchat
3rd, Alan Lazauskas in Vytis
4th, Gill Hayward in Texas Tea
5th, Dick Duggan and James Anderson in ION!
6th, Kent Hardisty in Schock Wave
7th, Elizabeth Balderston in Always Somethin'


Results after 7 races, with no throw-outs
#1: John Sharples on "Flatchat" hull # 56
#2: Bill Checkley on "Shazam". hull # 198
#3: Brian Dillabough on "Shock Wave" hull #01
#4: James Anderson & Dick Duggan on "Ion", hull # 208
#5: Ruth Branscombe on "Lattice", hull # ??
#6: Bob McDonell on "RIghteous Indignation", hull # ??
for the full detailed results.. see our web site


#1: Alan Lazauskas on "Vytis" hull # 114
#2: John Sharples on " Flatchat" hull 56
#3: Gillian Hayward on "Shazam". hull # 198
#4: Brian Dillabough on "Texas Tea" hull #189
#5: Anderson/Guggan on "Ion", hull # 208
#6: Elizabeth Balderston on "Shock Wave" hull #43
#7: Tracy Delorme on "Enigma", hull # 24
for the full detailed results.. see our Award photo
Kelowana Web Site

(info on Kelowana link in main text) The temperature may vary from 12C to 28C and the winds from near drifters to knockdown 30+ knots, but FUN is promised. Ohyes, don't forget to check for current at the marks - it happens!
If you can not make it this year, PLAN AHEAD FOR NEXT YEAR!
If all you want to do is bring your sails, give the Kelowna Yacht Club a call at 250-762-3310 or e-mail , we may have a boat available.

Santana 525 Photographs
Great Sailing Links

The Original Sportboat.  Certified for Family Fun

The History of the Santana 525...

The 525 was designed in the 70's by Shad Turner to the IOR racing rules. The result is a boat that was competitive and is still competitive in today’s PHRF racing.Other boats made during that time period were: Santa Cruz27, Express27, Olsen 25, Merit25  and the J24. Shad focused on light building techniques utilizing strategic reinforcement of critical areas. He decided on a hydrofoil that allows the 525 to point better than most boats with out sacrificing down wind speed. The results of this design is minimum wetted surface area and exceptional responsiveness to helm.

I stumbled across PRESTO #169 in Nashville quite by accident while on a business trip. She was typical, almost as manufactured, but had the cracked, peeling, flaking inside paint that most of Schock boats had from that time period. After 3 months of sanding and a couple days of painting, a new boat appeared. The local club also changed, lowered, my handicap by 2 points for weight reduction!:-( 
 Presto has performed so well that the handicap committee has continuously  dropped the handicap to 176 because we whooped a little too much transom. The 525's main advantage is her ability to point higher than the other boats in the fleet.  Our local sailing club, CLSC, here in East Tennessee is an assortment of boats and the intent is to have fun while getting out the aggressions of the week. CLSC Long distance Wyss Race  The club has an open headsail rule which allows for using used sails that fit but may not have been designed for, like the J24. If you are fast, the Handicap Committee will get you! 
Cherokee lake is large enough to do a little cruising on. Lots of coves to overnight. I've included a report of an over-nighter to German Creek about a16 mile one way trip. It has it's challenges when it comes to avoiding shallow spots, especially during our annual low tide season ( 60 ft tide). 

I would like to complete the data base on all 525's built. Tom Schock did not keep records so we will have to find them ourselves. The "owners list" were found thanks to word of mouth, knowing someone with a boat and the Internet. The intent is to form a support team for those needing repairs, or new owners needing to know what to look for, or just share go fast ideas and go out and kick some transom!!!

What could be better than sailing with a fleet of 525's.The largest fleet of 525's is in BC Canada , at the Kelowna Yacht Club . Even though Schock coordinates races, the best 525 races are in BC.
Stay in contact with them for news of the up-comming 525 Nationals. Contact Adrian Weaden through the Yacht club link above.The last photos that I received were for the 98 Nationals sent in by Ed Katz and Rudy. Please remember to send in photos of your boats for the web site.

This site includes photos from the original Sales Brochure that the dealers used to lure us in. The list price was $13,950 without sails, Racing Package an additional $2,185. Remember that you still need sails. If the hair cuts seem a little like the Brady Bunch, remember that it was the 70's. Front cover, back cover.

I received an Email from Scott Truesdell with a little trivia from the past. Scott illustrated the owners manual. The mom and dad in the picture are Tom Schocks's younger brother, Steve, and his girlfriend. The children are Tom's kids, David and Anne. Scott also mentioned that he built many a mast and in very heavy air, over 30 knots there could be mast failure due to compression at the lower edges of the spreader bases. Newer boats than PRESTO #169 had modified spreader bases that were larger to spread the compression loads over a larger area. The retrofit solution is to find a section of the mast or a piece of aluminum and rivet it under the spreader base to distribute the compression forces over a larger area. A special thanks to Scott for his contributions.
Had a nice E-mail from Jim Jackson #47 Sea Squirt, he needed a little spreader repair and had new spreaders made by Ballenger Spars in Santa Cruz, Ca. 
My last conversation with the folks at Schock indicated that the economy has changed their position on manufacturing more 525's. Their analysis of production costs and the fact that they would have to make new molds limits their focus to their current offerings. Anticipated selling price would have been well over $30,000. For those of us that are fortunate to own the 525's they are a limited commodity. At times I wish that she was a little bigger but after the fantastic sail today, she's just right.


If you have one or know of one Email me at

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