Poem Commentary
& Related Scripture

Phillipians 1:29&30..Hebrews 11:25..
1 Peter 4:12-19..1 Peter 4:1&2..1 Peter 3:17..
1 Peter 1:6&7..James 1:2-4..2 Timothy 4:5..
2 Timothy 3:10-12..2 Timothy 1:11&12..
2 Timothy 2:11-13..Acts 5:40&41..1 Timothy 4:10..
1 Corinthians 4:12..1 Corinthians 10:13..
Romans 5:3-5...
This poem, I believe was given for one
reason and one reason only and that is to teach
and encourage Christians to start fighting back
in this spiritual war we now find ourselves in. We
are now in the last days and the Devil is trying to
take down as many Christians as he can before that
day arrives. The problem is we haven't been
properly trained to fight such a battle. If you
send a batallion of Green Berets into battle
equipped with lolly pops, they're gonna get licked.
But if you train them and send them in with M-16's
and the right body armor then the casualties are
far fewer and though they may lose a few battles
here & there, but the War belongs to them. What we
Christians must realize is that the War has been
won already by Jesus and all we have to do is stand
up tall by his side and take a few blows for the
Cross if need be, stand back up and throw a few
left jabs and a right cross so the Devil comes away
knowing he's been in a scrape with a Holy Ghost
believer. Let's all stand in one accord and show
Jesus we're not a bunch of Christian Conscientious
Objectors looking for a hole to crawl in.


The Devil has launched a massive attack,
on the armies of the Lord.
No time to waste, no time to loose,
no time can he afford.

The time is now, for Christ's return,
so he's turning up the heat.
He's got our backs up against the wall,
his victory is so sweet.

His Demons poised with darts in hand,
as our defense weakly stalls.
And rejoice they do, when the battle's through,
and another Christian falls.

The battles that the Devil wins,
he doesn't even draw his gun.
Because at the sight, of a dirty fight,
most Christians turn and run.

They lay down at the Devil's feet,
and he steps upon their head.
Then the Devil laughs, to his evil staff,
just leave this one for dead.

But we Christians need to understand,
that the battles that we wage.
Were fought with pride, the day Christ died,
on Calvary's Holy stage.

But we Christians hide when sufferings come,
when affliction comes our way.
Limp wristed in our stand for Christ,
with meekness we do pray.

We give in, each time a battle roars,
at the sight of blood we fade.
We don't look like soldiers brave and bold,
but like Girl Scouts on parade.

So it's back to basic training friends,
off to boot camp we must go.
To learn those lessons once again,
we should already know.

So listen up, to sergeant Tim,
with no talking in the ranks.
The first lesson that we'll learn today,
is how to guard our flanks.

Keep both your eyes on General Christ,
regardless of what you see.
Then strap the helmet of Salvation on,
the hat that set you free.

Then the breastplate of righteousness, fasten tight,
and cover those feet with peace.
And brace those loins about with truth,
till all the bombing's cease.

Then take the shield of faith in hand,
and pray for all your worth.
And that fiery dart, aimed for your heart,
will fall back down to earth.

Take the sword of the spirit and hold it tight,
and swing it like a fool.
And cut those Demons down to size,
in a Holy Ghost'n duel.

Cause we don't fight with flesh and blood,
but with powers from the dark.
And with spiritual wickedness resting high,
not from some kiddie park.

So the armor of God, you now possess,
is all you'll ever need.
So don't run away, stand and fight today,
with Jesus at the lead.

But there might be days approaching you,
when a dart may make it through.
You might leave your shield at home one day,
when Satan comes for you.

So if he knocks you down my friend,
don't just lay there on the floor.
But boldly stand, with sword in hand,
and declare a Holy War!

Then call on General Jesus Christ,
to help you kick some tail.
And watch the Devils demons run,
and scamper back to Hell.

Cause General Christ is always there,
regardless of how dim.
But if he's late, don't you hesitate,
to call on sergeant Tim.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Written under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Date Written..August,20,1999

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