Sharing My Gift Christian Poetry-Poems For The Last Days-Sermons Put To Rhyme


"Operation Salvation" was born as my cousin Pam Foy and I were discussing how hard it is at times to witness to certain people like family and close friends. Because of my love for prophecy and the end times, I had earlier had an idea to construct a one page tribulation witness to those "Left Behind". Well, the idea blossomed from that to include a witnessing tool of my printed poems to reach people for Christ in ways that are not offensive and pushy. Not that these poems should be a replacement for face to face witnessing, but rather be used as a tool to reach many more people than you or I ever could standing on a street corner for twelve hours a day. All of the poems available, introduces the reader to Jesus Christ and God's plan of salvation. "Operation Salvation", in a nut shell, is for people everywhere to print out these poems and distribute them to the world in many ways that we will discuss below. "Our Concept"is to print out the poems, roll them into a scroll, tie a ribbon or rubber band around it and drop them wherever the Lord leads you to, ie, the bathroom where you shop, the restaurant table where you ate out, the teachers desk, a friends locker at school, ballgames, anonymous mailouts, co workers work area, hospitals, nursing homes and so on. The ideas are endless! I know that my poems are not the Bible per se and not God's Holy word, but they were written through my hand from inspiration of the Holy Spirit, thus making them a powerful tool to reach the lost. Below we will unfold the vision that has captured our hearts and pray that it catches on like wildfire or "Holy Spirit Fire". Please join us today in our attempt to reach the lost in these "Last Days" for the Kingdom of God. One reason we feel these poems are such a great witnessing tool is this. If you walk up to someone and hand them scripture or a tract of some kind, a lot of people would be offended and might feel threatened. Almost everyone loves a good poem and would take the time to read it, especially if it has a pretty red ribbon on it. 1 Corinthians 3 : 5 - 11, Paul tells us that some plant seeds, some water those seeds, but it is God who gives the increase. "Operation Salvation" is a movement bent on planting seeds of faith into fertile ground and trusting God for the increase. Every operation must have a strategy or "Operations within the Operation" to make it successful and "Operation Salvation" is no different. Please read below for some of our suggestions, ideas and operational strategies.

A Note From Pam Foy

Hi Everyone,
Operation Salvation is a God Blessed message if I've ever seen one. The Lord Almighty again has blessed us through mere conversation. He answered not only Tims prayers of how to further use his gift in reaching people though his inspiring poems but allowed me to see how easy it is to testify to family, friends and strangers.
I'm not sure how others feel, but in my case, being a "New-bee" in my walk with Christ, I have been timid with testifying. My zeal sometimes is attached to fear. Be it a lack of confidence or the fear of being too pushy, I hesitate or stumble over words. How exciting that the Lord allowed us to hear and see a simple and effective way to reach out to others. This is not only great for teenagers and "new-bees", but also for the devoted Christian, whose witness for Christ needs a direction. Look at the possibilities in "Operation Drop a Seed".
* Busy fast paced lives....leave a scroll on co-workers desks,
* Decorating an ordinary gift
* School kids leaving scrolls on teachers desks, hallways and lockers
* Leaving a scroll on a chair while you attend the doctors
* Leaving a scroll on the sink in a public restroom
The ideas are endless!
This can also motivate others who have never testified (for various reasons), to do so. People may not even know that they are, but they are, because it is so simple. Picture this, A kid picks it up from school somewhere (reads it), wads it up, sticks it in their pocket and goes home with it. A parent then finds it in their pocket or on the floor (reads it), this parent lays it on the counter to throw it away. Another parent or sibling sees it on the counter or in the trash (reads it)..Look, this 1 scroll has impacted 3 individual lives. But as we all know, if that 1 scroll/seed affects just 1 life, how wonderful is that, it was worth it! In our slow economy, many groups have budget concerns, but keep in mind that for a mere $7.00, I have found that 500+ scrolls, (depending on tie used) can be made. I've already talked to my church and youth group. They are excited to get started. When they go to hospitals, schools, appointments, grocery stores, malls, just think how many people they could reach, with just going about their normal everyday business.
As Psalm 150:6 States...."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord". Let us praise and honor the Lord through "Operation Salvation". How easy is that? Let's plant some seeds today!
God Bless
Pam Foy

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img OPERATION DROP A SEED - This operation is the easiest and cheapest way to sow seeds of hope and Gods love into the hearts of literally thousands of people without ever speaking a word. This concept consists of printing out the many printable poems that we have available. Roll them up in scroll form and tie either a ribbon or rubber band around it. Then in your every day activities, whether it be shopping, eating out, ballgames or going to school, drop seeds every where you can. Leave them in school lockers, teachers desk, co-workers space, bosses desk, bathroom at the restaurant where you eat or shop, etc. The ideas are endless as are the lost souls who need a touch from God. Ask business owners to let you put a box in their place of business with a "free, take a poem" sign. Again the ideas are endless. This is an ideal mission for youth groups backed up by their church. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is... Drop as many seeds in as many places as your imagination will allow.

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img OPERATION IRAQI AND AFGHANISTAN SPIRITUAL FREEDOM - Since the war on terror began back in 2002, many people have felt led to send things to our brave men and women fighting for our freedom. These care packages have been greatly appreciated by our troops knowing their country cares for, supports and appreciates their efforts. War is a dirty business where a person's faith is tried and tested. I don't know if there's any more of a fertile ground to sow seeds of faith and hope, than in the hearts of our troops. This Operation is again, similar to "Operation Drop A Seed", but on a grander scale. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is... Print off hundreds, if not thousands of our poems and ship them to our brave soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They put their lives on the line every day for us, the least we can do is put our witness on the line for their souls.

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img OPERATION TRIBULATION WITNESS - "Operation Tribulation Witness" was the idea from which this whole ministry sprang. I have over the past twenty years or so developed a love for prophecy and the end times. Once the Church is raptured and the tribulation begins, those "Left Behind" will be searching for answers. My idea was to leave a written road map to Jesus Christ and salvation to those lost souls who are left. In the printable poems section you will find such a document called, "Left Behind". Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is... Print as many copies of this document as you can and leave them in various places where they can be found. This is not only a great witnessing tool for those left behind in the tribulation, but a great witnessing tool for the lost today.

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img OPERATION LIFE LINE - Just like "Operation Drop A Seed", this operation distributes our printable poems, but concentrates on Hospitals, Nursing & Retirement Homes and those who are homebound. Most Churches already have similar ministries that minister to the sick and elderly. Many Christian have a direct calling on their life to minister in just this way. This operation might also be attractive to youth groups. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is... Throw a life line of hope to the sick and elderly with a beautiful poem from God. If you already have a care ministry in your Church, "Operation Life Line" would be a great addition to the work of God you're already doing.

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img OPERATION REDEDICATION - In our library of printable poems there is a section called "Operation Rededication". In all of our walks of life, we all probably know Christians who have strayed away from the faith and are currently in a backslidden state. Or maybe a Church or Christian organization has strayed, lost their vision and has become more worldly and less Godly over the years. These poems are directed to the Church and to Christians. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is... Distribute these poems just like "Operation Drop A Seed", in whatever way you deem proper, to those who have lost their way or Christian vision.

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img OPERATION DARE TO SHARE - Some of you who feel that "Operation Salvation" is a worthy minstry to be involved with, may feel your talents lie elsewhere. Maybe your talents are with your computer and computer knowledge. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is...Dedicate your time and computer knowledge to promote "Operation Salvation" with e-mails to your friends, Churches and Youth Ministries throughout the world and inspire others to get involved. Maybe you could start a "on-line" devotional, where you send out a poem each day. We also have a section with my Poems on video and other Christian videos. Please share these with others as well. There is a link below for these videos. Note: If you accept this mission, your compter will not self destruct in ten seconds. Ha

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img OPERATION INTERCESSOR PROFESSOR - All throughout the Bible we are told to pray always. We are told to intercede for others in prayer. Some people have a special gift for intercession. Some of you may not have time or feel led in any of these operations, but are a prayer warrior. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is...Pray for Operation Salvation and bring our mission continually before the throne of God.

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img OPERATION DROP-ZONE BACKBONE - Some people have been blessed by God with a financial abundance. He has also blessed some with a giving spirit, to sow financial seeds into various ministries he has laid on their heart. We are not a Ministry per se, in that we do not accept money nor do we want your money. God has not called us to accept gifts but to sow seeds of faith into the world. Your mission, if you wish to accept it, is...Share the "Operation Salvation" idea with your Church and Youth groups or with any individual and help them finance their mission. Again, the great thing about "Operation Salvation" is that many thousands could be reached with very little money. You will be the Backbone of our Mission. Please pray if God would have you to support this mission with your finances.

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img Who can do this ?

img Anyone and everyone, as an individual. We're hoping that Church groups and Youth groups adopt this project as an inexpensive and fun way to reach the world for Christ.

img What will this cost me ?

img Your time, printer paper, printer ink, ribbon or rubber bands. It is a very inexpensive witness.

img These poems are all copywritten. Do I have permission to use them ?

img Yes, My name is Timothy Jon Barrett, I am the author of all of these poems and hold the copywrite to each of them. Anyone who wants to use these poems as a witnessing tool, hereby has my permission to use them. The only exception is they are not to be published and sold for profit.

img What are some ideas that anyone as an individual, can use these poems for, and How ?

img Well, just look at yourself as the Johnny Applessed of Gods Kingdom. Planting seeds of hope and salvation wherever you go. These poems are your seeds, those who read them represent the soil. God will send someone to water that seed and God himself will provide the increased soul harvest. So print as many poems out as you can and just leave them anywhere and everwhere to be found. Share Operation Salvation with all you can and inspire others to be seed planters. E-mail poems to people who send you spam or junk mail-Ha. Be creative!

img What ways can my Church or Youth group use these poems, and how ?

img Any Church group or Youth group can use these poems as a fun, creative and exciting witnessing tool. When your Youth group heads to the mall for a group outing, use the opportunity to sow seeds and hand out scrolls to everyone you pass. As a way to promote your Church or attract new members, put a Church address label on the back of each poem. Then, when God touches a persons heart through these poems, they will know where to come for spiritual help & guidance. If Church members join us in this mission, whether it be dropping seeds, spreading the word to other Churches, or financially supporting this mission within your Church. Just think of the thousands of possible souls that could be led to Christ just in your area. Use that wonderful imagination that God has given you and help us to win this world for the Kingdom of God today.

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