"Poem Commentary & Related Scripture"

Romans 6: 3-10...Romans 5: 8...
John 18: 19-24... John 19: 1-42...
John 18: 28-37...John 20: 1-10...

Jesus came to this earth to fight, not with
conventional weapons, but with spiritual weapons.
Through out the Lord's Ministry he continually
fought a spiritual warfare against Evil for our
sakes. When God told him it was time to die, he
dropped his weapons and surrendered. While the
enemy thought they had won the war, they were
defeated- by the cross on which they hung him.On
that day, Death and Sin were conquered and when he
rose from the grave, he provided a way for all men
to have new life- if they would only serve him.
This mighty soilder who fought and died for our
freedom and at one time, a prisoner of war, today
has been forgotten. And in the lives of most
Christian soldiers, He is still
Missing in Action!

"M. I. A."

This story is of a soldier, of a hero brave in war,
with feats that he accomplished, that no one had before.

His commander called a meeting, and requested a volunteer,
One with strength and courage, a man who knew no fear.

"A suicide mission," He said,"that may help to end this fight,
you must sacrifice for wrong, so this world can turn out right."

In the silence of the crowd, came a stern but gentle voice,
"Send me" He told the general,"cause you have no other choice."

The commander paused a moment, as he knew what must be done,
as grief filled up the general's heart, This soldier his only son.

As the soldier prepared for battle, these instructions he was told,
"You must die to save this world, be strong my son, be bold."

Then this brave and mighty soldier, called his foe,as though inviting,
drew his sword equipped with truth, began a war of all out fighting.

He soon received a message, with instructions from his boss,
"It's time for you to die my son, but it's not a total loss."

"Our enemy must kill you," the general's message said.
"They will think they've won the war, with our mighty soldier dead."

"Then after three short days, I'll renew your given power."
"You'll rise up from the grave, and be King that very hour."

The soldier obeyed his orders, laid his weapons on the ground,
was tagged a P.O.W., but he never made a sound.

Then the enemy's great leader, cursing truth with every breath,
said "Take this hero soldier, and put him straight to death."

Then away they took the soldier, as the winds began to toss,
they beat him and they mocked him, then they nailed him to a cross.

After three days in the grave, as his message clearly said,
the general of the army, brought his son back from the dead.

The hero of the war, was this man who volunteered,
He was decorated proudly, while the other soldiers cheered!

His death remains a symbol, and a path was clearly paved,
That if other soldiers serve Him, their lives too would be saved.

But soon the world forgot Him,even to this very day,
They list the soldier Jesus, PRESENTLY M.I.A.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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