"Poem Related Scripture"

Acts 1:7..1 Timothy 4:1-3..James 5:1-8
2 Timothy 3:1-9..2 Timothy 4:1-4..Jude 17&18
1 John 2:17&18..2 Thessalonians 2:1-9
Matthew 24:1-13..


We are living in the very last days,
before Jesus will rapture his Church.
The Lord has given us signs to read,
no need to aimlessly search.

For the doctrine of truth will not be heard,
but from lust, shall heap to their ears.
Teachers and preachers, perverting the truth,
teaching fables they all want to hear.

They will love themselves and blaspheme God,
and unnatural affection will reign.
they will curse their parents, despisers of good,
and love the pleasures of gain.

Proudful boasters, unholy and fierce,
they’ll be covetous truce breaking men.
Unthankful traitors, that falsely accuse,
and reckless in self serving sin.

Uncontrollable passions will consume them all,
high-minded the bible does say.
Having Godly forms, but denying the power,
from such, we must turn away.

Always learning but led away with lusts,
but their folly shall come to light.
never coming to the knowledge of truth,
but will love the cover of night.

And from the faith, some will depart,
giving room to doctrines of devils.
Their minds will be void with consciences seared,
reaching new hypocrisy levels.

So if we look at prophecies spoken,
and compare them to today.
we will see those prophesies coming to pass,
in the very same prophesied way.

The Ten Commandments have been removed,
and forbidden within our courts.
While children are murdered in the womb,
that the law of our land supports.

Children are sexually abused each day,
while pornography is free for all.
And pedophiles freely walk the streets,
consuming the weak and small.

The homosexual, now proudly struts,
and has won the right to exist.
While the Christian is loosing the right to speak,
as the liberal shakes his fist.

Drugs and alcohol, now fills the void,
where God was meant to be.
Numbing the brain and dulling the pain,
of souls that once were free.

The Church has fallen quickly to sleep,
except for a chosen few.
And Jesus is dead within their hearts,
Dying daily in their pew.

Around every corner, false prophets appear,
proclaiming they are the one.
Leading Christians astray, with lies every day,
A professional Devilish con.

So I hope you see just where we are,
that you're not just reading some rhymes.
God’s Bible declares, beware of the tares,
but discern the signs of the times!

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Written under the direction of the Holy Spirit
Date Written July, 25, 1999

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