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Sweet Rose of Sharon

Make yourself at home.....Sit back on the loveseat, prop your feet up and drink in the quietness and relaxing peace. The mountain air has a little nip in may want to make a cozy fire in the fireplace....and a cup of hot coffee sounds good.

You'll find sandwich makings in the fridge....or some goodies in the freezer if you get hungry.....or you can always come down to the main house and join us....

You may want to go sit out on the porch, there's a rocker or two, and a porch swing.....and just saturate yourself with the goodness of His beauty all around you.

After a long trip, you may just want to go take a long soak in a tub of bubbly hot water and unwind......or a quick shower and off to sleep in that great big ol' bed.......

I'm sure you'll just want to spend some quiet time alone with Jesus. Just to be with Him and rest and restore that energy and relationship. He loves you......He wants you to spend this time alone with Him. He misses you. He sees you hurry about, not finding the time to sit and talk to Him for a few minutes......Won't you just put the world on hold.....and come spend some time with Him......

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