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Music is 'Distant Shore' by Bruce DeBoer

copyright 1999

I dedicate this website to my Lord, Jesus Christ. I can never begin to repay Him for the debt I owe, but I can live my life for Him, in obedience to God's word, the Holy Bible

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want
Psalms 23:1

Psalm 6:4-5 Return, O Lord, deliver me! Oh, save me for Your mercies' sake! For in death there is no remembrance of You; in the grave who will give You thanks?

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Morning Glory page

Come sit a spell on the porch.......

What if Mary had aborted Jesus...

SONrise prayer page

Vision of Shepherd's Rest

God Bless the USA

The Story of the Straying Lamb

Psalm 23 Story

The day I met Daniel

A letter from Jesus

~Solomon's Songs~


In memory of my little Sarah.....

Rose of Sharon Cabin.....

Lily of the Valley Cabin......

Domestic Violence Kills...

WARNING: This page has some photos of me as a physically abused woman. Please note that though they are hurtful to look at, they are not inappropriate in any way. This is a message to any one that is concerned about physical, emotional or mental abuse, whether it's yourself, or someone that you suspect is going through it, or even if you are the abuser. This is not to win your sympathy for my ordeals, but for you to seek help, and to let you know that survival is possible, even probable, with the adequate changes made. I'd be honored to pray for you, if you would like for me to do so. email me. May God go with you and protect the abused. In His wonderous love....the Shepherdess

Email me

new counter added 4-28-01