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Music is "Watermark" by Bruce DeBoer

Vision of Shepherd's Rest

        Years ago, God gave me a vision for a Christian retreat. It would be a place to get away from the busyness of everyday life. A place to spend time alone with Christ. A place to seek refuge from the world in a peaceful setting.

The name
would be
"Shepherd's Rest"
and it
would be
based upon
Psalm 23.

It would be in the Smoky Mountains of east Tennessee. There would be a main house, where the guests could gather and fellowship on the front porch, or gather around the piano and sing praises unto the Lord.

Or just sit in the kitchen with a big piece of homemade coconut cream pie and cold glass of milk.

There would be cabins, each decorated according to the name given it......."Rose of Sharon", "Lily of the Valley", or the "Carpenter's House". Each cabin would have a bedroom, bath, kitchen, dining/living room with a fire place. A front porch with rockers and/or swing.

Each cabin would have it's own solitude. It would be a refuge in a world of storms.......No phones, no television, just you and the good Lord.

        As of yet, we have not had the opportunity to establish this place for all Christians......and then one day, God spoke to my heart and told me I could have it now, in cyber space. So, I present to you a wonderful place to take time out from the world. A place to find some peace, in a world of cyber busyness. I've only begun to create this website, so please return often, as it will be updated often..... And remember...... God loves you, and so do we....

In His Love......The Shepherdess
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