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Solomon's Songs
Song of Solomon
This particular passage is about the beauty that the groom beholds when he looks upon his bride........although in today's terms, we may not see these particular adjectives as appealing as Solomon did, nonetheless, he spoke from his heart and the beauty that he beheld, and the love that he felt is apparent.....
How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince's daughter! The curves of your thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a skillful workman. Your navel is a rounded goblet which lacks no blended beverage. Your waist is a heap of wheat set about with lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. Your neck is like an ivory tower, your eyes like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus. Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple; the king is held captive by it's tresses.

An Introduction to the Song of Songs

Our society is filled with images today. Many of the images that fill our senses seek to appeal only to the erotic....they take the beautiful and turn it into ugliness....they deceive and make the truth of God into a lie. Yet, there are other images and experiences which celebrate the beauty and glory of a relationship between a man and woman united by God in that most basic of all human relationships -- marriage. Is there any more beautiful image than the look on the face of the groom as he sees his bride coming down the aisle toward him on the arm of her father to become one with him. Is there anything more filled with the love of God than the tender kiss exchanged between a man and a woman in celebration of fifty years together and his gentle whisper in her ear.....darling, you are so beautiful, I love you more today than I did the first time I ever saw you! In the Song of Songs, from the hand of King Solomon and through the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God has provided for us images of that pure....that beautiful....that sensual.....that God given gift that is the relationship between two people brought together in love the hand of their loving Father in the one-flesh relationship of marriage. The Song has long been ignored by many because of the manner in which it deals explicity with this relationship, though in the symbolism of poety and the use of metaphor. Many have sought to see it as an allegory because they could not bring themselves to believe that God would allow a book in the Canon of Scripture dealing with the subject of sex and married love. But....while the Song is filled with symbols and metaphors, it was never intended to be an allegory. It was intended to be simply what it is....a beautiful image of idealized married love as God intended it to be. Is it hard to believe that the God who created and has ordained this beautiful relationship between man and woman would choose to include in His great letter of Love to His people a Song devoted to this sacred subject? May we not turn the beauty of God into ugliness! Come....celebrate the joy of first love! Come....rejoice in the beauty that God has created! Come....celebrate the joy of your love for one another! Come.....give Praise to the Lord for all good things come from Him!
Rich Herbert

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