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Luke 23:44-46
King James Version
44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.
46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Good morning! Come, sit with me on the porch and have a cup of coffee... Looks like it may be a beautiful day today!! Speaking of beautiful, I must tell you that I had the most beautiful and sweetest dream I've ever had the other night... it was the night of July 4th, Independence Day in America, therefore I call it my "freedom dream". I get a bit choked up every time I tell it to someone... I was standing at a distance from what I was seeing; it was all surreal... yet, it was as though I was right there... to my left stood Mary Magdalene. She was more or less narrating what I was seeing. I don't remember a lot about the dream... I know that I had seen Christ as He went through the last week of His life... it was almost as though I were sitting in a theater watching a drama being played out by people on a stage. It was so much more realistic than television, but these weren't actors, they were the real people that took place in this event. I don't remember the horrors that I had seen before me in the dream... I truly only remember two parts. Mary Magdalene. And Jesus... as He died... That's the part that really stood out to me... and you'll see why I say it was the sweetest dream, the most beautiful one. As Jesus hung there on the cross, I saw Him in a different way from what all the movies and such show... what I saw was past and future with Him as He hung there. With me facing Him, I saw this Man hanging there and just at the split second that He died... at the very instant in time that life left His earthly body, there was before me a darkness to the left of Him and light to the right of Him... I saw, according to time, what He had done... before He died, we lived in darkness... we lived under the Mosaic Law, but after He left that body, as He surrendered unto death of that temple, we started living under Grace!! He paid the ultimate price for our sins. No more slaughtering little lambs that were perfect, for the Perfect Lamb had paid our price!!! I cannot begin to put in words the freedom that He bought for us that day; to share with you the Light that we live in now because of His selflessness there on that cross... there's no words to explain it. I've watched the movies. I've cried as I've read the scriptures. It's hurt my heart to know that He had to suffer because of my sins... but the focus this time was on Grace. Freedom from the Law. I have no words to show you what I saw... but it was beautiful... it was like the veil that was torn away... the Bridegroom has torn away the veil so that He can see His bride when the church is called home... and we can see His Grace as it covered our sins... oh, my, my, my, my, my... what a wonderful Savior we have...

Good morning, Jesus.... Lord, we come to You this morning, in awe of what You have done... in awe that Your death overcame the Law and gave us Grace... We honor and glorify Your name, Lord... we praise You for all that You have done... come into our lives, into our hearts and use us as Your instruments to carry the gospel to others... thank You Lord... I love You so very much... in Your wonderful name I pray...

Your loving daughter...

the Shepherdess

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