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Ohio Blvd under a canopy of snow laden trees..............................................................................................

The bush at the Bush on Locust
..................................... Wabash Avenue looking towards Seventh from Eigth

Sign says it all!

Retired, put out to pasture and forgotten
(Republic F-84F "Thunderjet"
The F-84, the USAF's first post-war fighter, made its initial flight on February 26, 1946. It began rolling off the production lines in June 1947, and by the time production ceased in 1953, approximately 4,450 "straight-wing" F-84s (in contrast to the swept-wing F-84F) had been built. In addition to being used by the USAF, many were supplied to allied nations participating in the Mutual Security Program. During its service life, the F-84 became the first USAF jet fighter able to carry a tactical atomic weapon. The airplane gained its greatest renown during the Korean War where it was used primarily for low-level interdiction missions. Almost daily the F-84 attacked enemy railroads, bridges, supply depots and troop concentrations with bombs, rockets and napalm.)

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Chinook Fish and Wildlife Area
Churches around town
Collett Park
Deming Park
Dobbs Park
Fairbanks Park
Flags around town
Fowler Park
Hawthorn Park
J.I. Case Wildlife Area
Markle Mill
Markle Mill; Newspaper articles on
Prairie Creek Park
Shakamak State Park
Taylorville and West Terre Haute area
Vigo County
Voorhees Park
Main Page

Unless otherwise noted, all photos and logos are the property of and
© Rob Robbins 2000-present. Use only with permission.
