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Many THANKS to Ron Cavolt for sending these articles to me. They were taken from the Tribune-Star numerous years ago.
Credit for photographs and captions was given where provided.

Remember when:- The Markle Mill Dam in northeastern Vigo County was captured photographically (on the left) many years ago by the later Bert F. Wood. His widow, Mary Jane Wood, 1455 S. Brown Ave., supplied the historical photograph. The photo on the right, taken bt Tribune-Star photographer Jim Avelis Saturday marks the climax of a restoration project at the dam in which civic minded citizens assisted in pouring a concrete cap on the dam. Saturday's event also included a flag raising ceremony and a ham and bean dinner. Volunteers have been working on the project throughout the past few months.

Photo by Martin
Remember when:- .....Markle Mill on Otter Creek.....about 1920

Photo on left... MILL DAM - No matter the season, the mill dam over Otter Creek on the north-east edge of Terre Haute is always a pretty site. This autumn scene shows the creek spilling over the dam with puffy clouds filling the background. (Star Photo - Bob Poynter) - Photo on right from the September 21, 1938 issue of the Tribune-Star (remember the brown pages?) TERRE HAUTE HISTORIC LANDMARK BURNS - Scene during the fire which destroyed the Hansel mill at Otter Creek. The mill was built in 1816, and was in use at the time of the fire.

One of the most serene area snow scenes was at Markle Dam, near North Terre Haute. (Photo by Kadel)


Chinook Fish and Wildlife Area
Churches around town
City of Terre Haute
Collett Park
Deming Park
Dobbs Park
Fairbanks Park
Flags around town
Fowler Park
Hawthorn Park
J.I. Case Wildlife Area
Markle Mill
Prairie Creek Park
Shakamak State Park
Taylorville and West Terre Haute area
Vigo County
Voorhees Park
Main Page

Unless otherwise noted, all photos and logos are the property of and
© Rob Robbins 2000-present. Use only with permission.
