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So, you wanna know some codes and tricks for the Tekkens huh. Well, here they are.


Continue Galaga (Playstation)- To continue Galaga during the loading screen as many times as you wish, press SELECT whenever the screen shows "Number of Hits". If you score 40 ships the first round, the game will automatically go to the next level.

Two Player Galaga (Playstation)- For two-player Galaga, hold Up + L1 + Triangle + X on Controller Two while the game is loading.

Play as Heihachi (Playstation and Arcade)- To play as Heihachi, beat the game without using any continues.

Play as sub-bosses (Playstation and Arcade)- To play as the sub-bosses, beat Arcade Mode with any regular character and you will earn one of them. Below is a list to tell you which character gets which sub-boss.

Lee: Beat arcade mode with Law
Kuma: Beat arcade mode with Paul
Wang: Beat arcade mode with Kazuya
Anna: Beat arcade mode with Nina
P.Jack: Beat arcade mode with Jack
Armor King: Beat arcade mode with King
Ganryu: Beat arcade mode with Yoshimitsu

Play as Devil Kazuya (Playstation)- To play as Devil Kazuya, beat all the Galaxian ships without getting a double ship.

Tekken 2

Big Head Mode (For Playstation)- Big Head Mode is obtainable when you hold down select, then pick you character. Once the screen changes to the Vs. screen, you can safely release the select button. You can use this code in between regular arcade matches and Vs. matches.

Super Juggle Mode (Playstation)- Super Juggle Code is always perfome in a reverse manner. If you want to be able to juggle player 2 side character, you must use the code on controller 2. In Arcade mode, have player 2 holde select and pick a character. Wait until the Vs. screen appears, then press up on their controller. This will make player 2 bounce extra high when juggled.

Wireframe Mode (Playstation)- For the wireframe mode, hold down L1 and L2 before you select your character in Arcade mode. Then select your character and release L1 and L2 during the Vs. screen. For reverse wireframe mode, enter Practice mode with controller 2, hold down L1 and L2 on controller 2, then select your character with controller 2. Release L1 and L2 during the Vs. screen

Tekken 3

Record and Replay (Playstation)- Go to practice mode and choose Freestyle. At the freestyle options screen, press L1, L2, R1, R2 and CIRCLE then press DOWN and SELECT to record a combo or to replay one.

Tekken Tag Tournament

Knockout Bowling (Playstation 2)- In Tekken Bowl, if you aim at Dr. B. or any other innocent bystander in the background you can hit him(them) and get a K.O. You won't get any pins knocked down though.

Gold Tetsujin (Playstation 2 and Arcade)- Win 10 matches in a row (doesn't matter what mode)with Tetsujin. The 11th time you choose him, he will be gold.

Mokujin/Tetsujin block noise (Playstation 2 and Arcade)- Choose Mokujin or Tetsujin as one of ur fighters. Hold down on the joystick/controller during the match loading screen. During the match, when Mokujin/Tetsujin is blocking, it will make a wooden/metal (respectively) noise. The noise will be somewhat different when attacks actually connect.

Green Xiaoyu outfit(Playstation 2 and Arcade)- By going to Random and choosing Ling Xiaoyu, you can get her green outfit. This outfit is only availiable through the Random slot.

Extra Taunt With Ling Xiaoyu (Playstation 2 and Arcade)- For a nice little taunt to make your enemy just a bit irritated, get Ling Xiaoyu as one of your characters. The other character is completely up to you. Do Ling's taunt where she makes a kind of laughing noise (2+3+4) and tag out before she actually makes the noise. When your partner tags in, they will make some sort of noise. Most of the characters will make a noise that you don't hear during gameplay(Like Jun, Julia, Michelle). However, if they have a laugh of their own (Like Nina, Anna) then they will probably laugh(there are some exceptions) Here are a list of what the noises will sound like. This also works if Ling's Storming Flower (d/b+1) hits on a counter hit and she automatically goes into her taunt as long as you tag out before she make the noise.

Kunimitsu - A Huh! kind of noise
Kazuya - A very short "Hup" type sound
Bruce - An "Ugh" type noise
Kuma/Panda - A short growl
Jack-2 - His "Huh Huh Huh" kind of laugh he does as an winning pose
Lee - Sounds like a cross between "Huh" and "Ha"
Baek - A "Yerrraahhh" type yell
Michelle - A seductive sounding sigh
Armor King - A long growl.
Gun Jack - His "Huh Huh Huh" kind of laugh he does as a winning pose
Anna - Her laugh she does as a winning pose
Bryan - A "Hough" type sound
Heihachi - A "Heeooohh" tyep sound
Ganryu - "Lucy" type noise
Julia - An "Aaaahhhhhh" type noise that starts off soft and gets more powerful by the end
Jun - A very high pitched laugh
Yoshimitsu - A short "huh" sound
Nina - A laugh that sounds slightly different than the one in her winning pose
Law - A "RooOOOooohhh" type noise similiar to what he does after his back throw
Hwoarang - A "yeoouu" type sound
Eddy - He says what sounds like "All right"
Paul - A "fulup" type sound
King - A long growl different than Armor Kings
Lei - A "Yeeiiii" type sound
Jin - What sounds lika a cough
Wang - A laugh similiar to the one in his winning pose
Prototype Jack - Same as Jack-2's and Gun Jack's
Devil - A "phulup" type sound
Angel - A "Hhuiiee" type sound
True Ogre - A short growl type sound
Ogre - The noise he makes during his Ancient Power (b+1+2) reversal
Roger - A kangaroo noise
Alex - A dinosaur type growl

Tekken 4
None as of yet


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